Source code for optunaz.visualizer

import os

import optuna
import warnings
from optuna import storages
from copy import deepcopy

from optuna.trial import TrialState, FrozenTrial

from optunaz.config.optconfig import OptimizationConfig
from optunaz.utils import mkdict
from optunaz.utils.enums.optimization_configuration_enum import (
from optunaz.utils.enums.visualization_enum import VisualizationEnum

[docs]class Visualizer: """Class to visualize various aspects of the optimization / building process.""" def __init__(self): # initialize Enums self._OE = OptimizationConfigurationEnum() self._VE = VisualizationEnum()
[docs] def plot_by_configuration(self, conf: OptimizationConfig, study: optuna.Study): vis_dict = mkdict(conf)[self._VE.VISUALIZATION] output_folder = vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_OUTPUT_FOLDER] self._make_folder(output_folder) if ( self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_HISTORY in vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS].keys() and vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS][ self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_HISTORY ] is True ): file_path = os.path.join( output_folder, ".".join(["history", vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_FILE_FORMAT]]), ) self.plot_history(file_path=file_path, study=study) if ( self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_CONTOUR in vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS].keys() and vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS][ self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_CONTOUR ] is True ): contour_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, "contour") self._make_folder(contour_folder) self.plot_contour( folder_path=contour_folder, study=study, file_format=vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_FILE_FORMAT], ) if ( self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_PARALLEL_COORDINATE in vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS].keys() and vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS][ self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_PARALLEL_COORDINATE ] is True ): para_coord_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, "parallel_coordinates") self._make_folder(para_coord_folder) self.plot_parallel_coordinate( folder_path=para_coord_folder, study=study, file_format=vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_FILE_FORMAT], ) if ( self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_SLICE in vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS].keys() and vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS][ self._VE.VISUALIZATION_PLOTS_SLICE ] is True ): slice_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, "slice") self._make_folder(slice_folder) self.plot_slice( folder_path=slice_folder, study=study, file_format=vis_dict[self._VE.VISUALIZATION_FILE_FORMAT], )
[docs] def plot_slice(self, folder_path: str, study: optuna.Study, file_format="png"): # formats "png" and "jpeg" are handled inside the "write_image()" function of "plotly" / "orca" try: studies_list = self._split_study_by_algorithm(study=study) for sub_study in studies_list: file_path = os.path.join( folder_path, "".join([sub_study.study_name, ".", file_format]) ) fig = optuna.visualization._get_slice_plot(study=sub_study) fig.update_layout(title_text=sub_study.study_name) fig.write_image(file_path, scale=3.25, width=None, height=None) except: warnings.warn("Orca could not find an X11 interface, plotting disabled.")
[docs] def plot_parallel_coordinate( self, folder_path: str, study: optuna.Study, file_format="png" ): try: studies_list = self._split_study_by_algorithm(study=study) for sub_study in studies_list: file_path = os.path.join( folder_path, "".join([sub_study.study_name, ".", file_format]) ) fig = optuna.visualization._get_parallel_coordinate_plot( study=sub_study ) fig.update_layout(title_text=sub_study.study_name) fig.write_image(file_path, scale=6.75, width=None, height=None) except: warnings.warn("Orca could not find an X11 interface, plotting disabled.")
[docs] def plot_contour(self, folder_path: str, study: optuna.Study, file_format="png"): try: studies_list = self._split_study_by_algorithm(study=study) for sub_study in studies_list: # as this is a two-dimensional plot, disable it for all algorithms that have less than 2 hyperparameters # note, that "study_type" has been removed by "_split_study_by_algorithm()", so only 'real' hyperparameters # remain at this stage if len(sub_study.trials[0].params) < 2: continue file_path = os.path.join( folder_path, "".join([sub_study.study_name, ".", file_format]) ) fig = optuna.visualization._get_contour_plot(study=sub_study) fig.update_layout(title_text=sub_study.study_name) fig.write_image(file_path, scale=6.75, width=None, height=None) except: warnings.warn("Orca could not find an X11 interface, plotting disabled.")
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_history(file_path: str, study: optuna.Study): try: fig = optuna.visualization._get_optimization_history_plot(study=study) fig.write_image(file_path, scale=3.25, width=None, height=None) except: warnings.warn("Orca could not find an X11 interface, plotting disabled.")
def _split_study_by_algorithm(self, study: optuna.Study) -> list: # the general idea is to make a copy of the "Study" object and remove all trials that do not belong to a given # algorithm, i.e. return a list of "Study" objects, one for each algorithm used # note, that internally "optuna" only uses the trials and optimization direction to do the plots studies_list = [] # 1) get whether it is a regression or classification and, since algorithms are just another hyperparameter in # "Optuna_AZ", build a list of the algorithms used study_type = self._get_study_type(study=study) names_algorithms = list( dict.fromkeys([trial.params[study_type] for trial in study.trials]) ) # 2) loop over algorithms and remove trials that are not using the current algorithm; also set "best" attributes # to "None" to avoid undesirable side-effects for algorithm in names_algorithms: # a unique study name is necessary for internal reasons storage = storages.InMemoryStorage() # remove the algorithm as "hyperparameter" and renumber the trials to make sure they are plotted properly trials = [ trial for trial in deepcopy(study.trials) if trial.params[study_type] == algorithm and trial.state == TrialState.COMPLETE ] if len(trials) == 0: continue for number, trial in enumerate(trials): del trial.params[study_type] del trial.distributions[study_type] trial_updated = FrozenTrial( number=number, state=TrialState.COMPLETE, value=trial.value, datetime_start=trial.datetime_start, datetime_complete=trial.datetime_complete, params=trial.params, distributions=trial.distributions, user_attrs=trial.user_attrs, system_attrs=trial.system_attrs, intermediate_values=trial.intermediate_values, trial_id=number, ) trials[number] = trial_updated storage.trials = trials storage.study_name = algorithm sub_study = optuna.Study(study_name=algorithm, storage=storage) studies_list.append(sub_study) return studies_list def _get_study_type(self, study: optuna.Study) -> str: if self._VE.VISUALIZATION_REGRESSOR in study.best_trial.distributions.keys(): return self._VE.VISUALIZATION_REGRESSOR elif self._VE.VISUALIZATION_CLASSIFIER in study.best_trial.distributions.keys(): return self._VE.VISUALIZATION_CLASSIFIER else: raise AttributeError("Study must be either classification or regression.") @staticmethod def _make_folder(path): # make sure, the output folder for the plots exists; not that this will only work if the # last directory is missing if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path)