Source code for optunaz.utils.tracking

import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Dict
import requests
from apischema import serialize
from optunaz.config.build_from_opt import remove_algo_hash
from optuna import Study
from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial
from optunaz.config.build_from_opt import buildconfig_from_trial
from optunaz.config.buildconfig import BuildConfig
from optunaz.config.optconfig import OptimizationConfig
from optunaz.evaluate import calibration_analysis

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_authorization_header(): return os.getenv("REINVENT_JWT")
[docs]@dataclass class TrackingData: """Dataclass defining internal tracking format""" trial_number: int trial_value: float scoring: str trial_state: str all_cv_test_scores: Dict[str, List[float]] buildconfig: BuildConfig algorith_hash: str def __post_init__(self): self.buildconfig.metadata = None # Metadata is not essential - drop. self.buildconfig.settings.n_trials = None # Drop.
[docs]def removeprefix(line: str, prefix: str) -> str: # Starting from Python 3.9, str has method removeprefix(). # We target Python 3.7+, so here is this function. if line.startswith(prefix): return line[len(prefix) :]
[docs]def round_scores(test_scores): return {k: [round(v, ndigits=3) for v in vs] for k, vs in test_scores.items()}
[docs]@dataclass class InternalTrackingCallback: """Callback to track (log) Optimization progress using internal tracking format""" optconfig: OptimizationConfig trial_number_offset: int def __call__(self, study: Study, trial: FrozenTrial) -> None: trial = remove_algo_hash(trial) try: buildconfig = buildconfig_from_trial(study, trial) if hasattr(trial, "values") and trial.values is not None: trial_value = round(trial.values[0], ndigits=3) elif hasattr(trial, "value") and trial.value is not None: trial_value = round(trial.value, ndigits=3) else: trial_value = float("nan") data = TrackingData( trial_number=trial.number + self.trial_number_offset, trial_value=trial_value, scoring=self.optconfig.settings.scoring,, all_cv_test_scores=round_scores(trial.user_attrs["test_scores"]), buildconfig=buildconfig, algorith_hash=trial.user_attrs["alg_hash"], ) json_data = serialize(data) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": get_authorization_header(), } url = self.optconfig.settings.tracking_rest_endpoint try: response =, json=json_data, headers=headers) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to report progress to {url}: {e}") except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to report progress: {e}")
[docs]@dataclass class Datapoint: smiles: str expected: float predicted: float
[docs]@dataclass class Calpoint: bin_edges: float frac_true: float frac_pred: float
[docs]@dataclass class BuildTrackingData: """Dataclass defining internal Build tracking format""" response_column_name: str test_scores: Dict[str, float] | str test_points: List[Datapoint] cal_points: List[Calpoint] | None
[docs]def track_build(qptuna_model, buildconfig: BuildConfig, test_scores): test_smiles = qptuna_model.predictor.test_smiles_ test_aux = qptuna_model.predictor.test_aux_ expected = qptuna_model.predictor.test_y_ if test_smiles is None or len(test_smiles) < 1: logger.warning("No test set.") return rounded_test_scores = ( {k: round(v, ndigits=3) for k, v in test_scores.items()} if test_scores is not None else "" ) predicted = qptuna_model.predict_from_smiles(test_smiles, aux=test_aux) if qptuna_model.transform is not None: expected = qptuna_model.transform.reverse_transform(expected) test_points = [ Datapoint( smiles=smi, expected=round(expval.item(), ndigits=3), # item() converts numpy to float. predicted=round(predval.item(), ndigits=3), ) for smi, expval, predval in zip(test_smiles, expected, predicted) ] try: cal_points = [ Calpoint( bin_edges=round(bin_edges.item(), ndigits=3), frac_true=round(frac_true.item(), ndigits=3), frac_pred=round(frac_pred.item(), ndigits=3), ) for bin_edges, frac_true, frac_pred in calibration_analysis( expected, predicted ) ] except ValueError: cal_points = "" data = BuildTrackingData(, test_scores=rounded_test_scores, test_points=test_points, cal_points=cal_points, ) json_data = serialize(data) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": get_authorization_header(), } url = buildconfig.settings.tracking_rest_endpoint try: response =, json=json_data, headers=headers) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to report build results {json_data} to {url}: {e}")