Source code for optunaz.utils.retraining

[docs]class NoRetrainingDataConvention(Exception): """ Raised if a file in input-directory does not follow the %Y-%m-%d convention """ def __init__(self, task, message="input-directory file [{0}] does not contain a date format %Y-%m-%d"): self.task = task self.message = message.format(self.task) super().__init__(self.message) pass
[docs]class NoNewRetrainingData(Exception): """ Raised if no new retraining data is available """ pass
[docs]class NoDifferingRetrainingData(Exception): """ Raised if no different retraining data is available between previous & current time bins """ pass
[docs]class RetrainingHeadersIssue(Exception): """ Raised when issue with retraining headers in a file (columns unknown) """ pass
[docs]class RetrainingIsAlreadyProcessed(Exception): """ Raised when retraining is processed """ def __init__(self, task, message="Retraining[{0}] already processed"): self.task = task self.message = message.format(self.task) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class RetrainingIsLocked(Exception): """ Raised when retraining is locked """ def __init__( self, task, message="Retraining[{0}] is locked", ): self.task = task self.message = message.format(self.task) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class TemporalPredsPredicted(Exception): """ Raised when a temporal prediction is already predicted. """ def __init__(self, task, message="Retraining[{0}] code is predicted"): self.task = task self.message = message.format(self.task) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class NoPreviousModel(Exception): """ Raised when no previous model exists for an retraining """ def __init__(self, prev_model_name, message="No previous model found for [{0}]"): self.prev_model_name = prev_model_name self.message = message.format(self.prev_model_name) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class SamePreviousModel(Exception): """ Raised when a temporal prediction would be for the same (identical) model training """ def __init__(self, task, message="Retraining[{0}] already processed"): self.task = task self.message = message.format(self.task) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class TimepointSkipped(Exception): """ Raised when a timepoint should be skipped """ def __init__(self, task, message="Retraining[{0}] set to be skipped"): self.task = task self.message = message.format(self.task) super().__init__(self.message)
[docs]class SlurmNoLog(Exception): """ Raised when a SLURM job file is not present for submitted itcode jobs """ pass
[docs]class SlurmTimeLimitExceeded(Exception): """ Raised when a past SLURM job time was exceeded """ pass
[docs]class SlurmMemoryExceeded(Exception): """ Raised when a past SLURM memory was exceeded """ pass
[docs]class SlurmJobSkip(Exception): """ Raised when an itcode is no longer trialed with Qptuna (i.e. due to incompatibility) """ pass
[docs]class SlurmParseError(Exception): """ Raised when a .sh SLURM job modification (for resubmission) is not possible """ pass