Source code for optunaz.three_step_opt_build_merge

import logging
from typing import Optional, Union
import math

import json
from apischema import serialize

from joblib import Memory

from optunaz.builder import build
from optunaz.config import OptimizationDirection
from optunaz.config.build_from_opt import buildconfig_from_trial
from optunaz.config.buildconfig import BuildConfig
from optunaz.config.optconfig import (
from optunaz.model_writer import save_model
from optunaz.objective import Objective
from optunaz.utils.enums import StudyUserAttrs, TrialParams
from optunaz.utils.tracking import InternalTrackingCallback, track_build

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def split_optimize(optconfig: OptimizationConfig): """Split Hyperparameter runs into non-chemprop and chemprop runs for Optuna.""" import copy from optunaz.config.optconfig import ( AnyChemPropAlgorithm, CalibratedClassifierCVWithVA, ) from optunaz.descriptors import SmilesBasedDescriptor configs = [] # populate the optconfig for non-chemprop and chemprop algo's for cond in [False, True]: cfg = copy.deepcopy(optconfig) algos = [] for algo in cfg.algorithms: estimator = type(algo) if estimator == CalibratedClassifierCVWithVA: estimator = type(getattr(algo.parameters, "estimator")) if (estimator in AnyChemPropAlgorithm) == cond: algos.append(algo) cfg.algorithms = algos cfg.descriptors = [ desc for desc in cfg.descriptors if (type(desc) in SmilesBasedDescriptor.__args__) == cond ] if len(cfg.algorithms) != 0 and len(cfg.descriptors) != 0: configs.append(cfg) return configs
[docs]def base_chemprop_params(alg): """Used to enqueue an initial ChemProp run that captures sensible defaults as defined by original authors. A Check is performed to ensure any parameters outside valid Optuna subspace are popped from fixed parameters. """ from optunaz.algorithms.chem_prop import BaseChemProp from optunaz.config.build_from_opt import encode_name from functools import partial _encode_name = partial(encode_name, hash=alg.hash) base_cp = BaseChemProp() fixed_params = { param: getattr(base_cp, param) for param in alg.parameters.__dict__.keys() if param not in ["epochs", "ensemble_size"] } # Remove recommended fixed parameters that would be outside the valid Optuna subspace provided by user optconfig for param in list(fixed_params.keys()): thisattr = getattr(alg.parameters, param) # Recommended values outside user config are dropped here if hasattr(thisattr, "low"): if not thisattr.low <= fixed_params[param] <= thisattr.high: fixed_params.pop(param) # Recommended items not within enum of the user config are dropped here else: if not fixed_params[param] in [attr.value for attr in thisattr]: fixed_params.pop(param) fixed_params = { _encode_name(param): value for param, value in fixed_params.items() } # add algo hash return { **fixed_params, **{ "algorithm_name":, f"{}_{TrialParams.ALGORITHM_HASH.value}": alg.hash, }, }
[docs]def run_study( optconfig: OptimizationConfig, study_name, objective, n_startup_trials, n_trials, seed, storage=True, trial_number_offset=0, ): """Run an Optuna study""" # Import here to not "spill" dependencies into pickled/dilled models. import optuna from optuna.samplers import TPESampler sampler = TPESampler(seed=seed, n_startup_trials=n_startup_trials) if storage: storage = optconfig.settings.optuna_storage load_if_exists = True else: storage = None load_if_exists = False if optconfig.settings.minimise_std_dev: study = optuna.create_study( storage=storage, directions=[ optconfig.settings.direction, OptimizationDirection.MINIMIZATION, ], study_name=study_name, sampler=sampler, load_if_exists=load_if_exists, ) else: study = optuna.create_study( storage=storage, direction=optconfig.settings.direction, study_name=study_name, sampler=sampler, load_if_exists=load_if_exists, ) study.set_user_attr(StudyUserAttrs.OPTCONFIG, serialize(optconfig)) if isinstance(objective.cache, Memory): study.set_user_attr("cache", objective.cache.location) else: study.set_user_attr("cache", objective.cache) callbacks = [] if optconfig.settings.track_to_mlflow: from optunaz.utils.mlflow import MLflowCallback callbacks.append( MLflowCallback(optconfig=optconfig, trial_number_offset=trial_number_offset) ) if optconfig.settings.tracking_rest_endpoint is not None: callbacks.append( InternalTrackingCallback( optconfig=optconfig, trial_number_offset=trial_number_offset ) ) if n_trials >= 1: for alg in optconfig.algorithms: if isinstance(alg, Union[ChemPropClassifier, ChemPropRegressor]): # Initial ChemProp trials are first directed to sensible defaults, as defined by the original authors sensible_default = base_chemprop_params(alg) study.enqueue_trial(sensible_default) f"Enqueued ChemProp manual trial with sensible defaults: {sensible_default}" ) study.optimize( objective, n_trials=n_trials, callbacks=callbacks, ) # NB: A master_study will have 0 trials, otherwise we ensure that any trials ran if n_trials != 0: if (~study.trials_dataframe()["user_attrs_trial_ran"]).all(): logging.warning( f"None of the trials were able to finish: {study.trials_dataframe()}" ) raise ValueError("Exiting since no trials returned values") return study
[docs]def optimize(optconfig: OptimizationConfig, study_name: Optional[str] = None): """Step 1. Hyperparameter optimization using Optuna.""" train_smiles, train_y, train_aux, _, _, _ = n_startup_trials = optconfig.settings.n_startup_trials n_trials = optconfig.settings.n_trials n_chemprop_trials = optconfig.settings.n_chemprop_trials random_seed = optconfig.settings.random_seed objective = Objective( optconfig=optconfig, train_smiles=train_smiles, train_y=train_y, train_aux=train_aux, cache=optconfig._cache, ) if optconfig.settings.split_chemprop: # Separate optuna runs for Chemprop are handled here. The approach is to have two optuna runs, for shallow and # chemprop algorithms, respectively. Once complete, they are added to a master study to avoid dynamic subspace # checks. Each study is able to callback trial results with the use of an offset master_study = run_study(optconfig, study_name, objective, 0, 0, random_seed) try: trial_number_offset = 0 algo_dist = tuple(serialize( for i in optconfig.algorithms) descript_dist = tuple( json.dumps(serialize(d)) for d in optconfig.descriptors ) # enumerate through the shallow and chemprop studies, respectively for cfg_idx, cfg in enumerate(split_optimize(optconfig)): sub_objective = Objective( optconfig=cfg, train_smiles=train_smiles, train_y=train_y, train_aux=train_aux, cache=optconfig._cache, ) study = run_study( cfg, f"study_name_{cfg_idx}", sub_objective, n_startup_trials, n_trials, random_seed, storage=False, trial_number_offset=trial_number_offset, ) # manually set the distributions to avoid dynamic subspace error for st_idx, st in enumerate(study.get_trials(deepcopy=False)): try: st.distributions["descriptor"].choices = descript_dist st.distributions["algorithm_name"].choices = algo_dist study.trials[st_idx] = st except KeyError: pass # skip trials that did not get a descriptor or algorithm choice # set parameters for next chemprop study (currently share n chemprop trials with if cfg_idx == 0: n_chemprop_shared_trials = n_chemprop_trials / 2 studies = study trial_number_offset = len(study.get_trials()) n_startup_trials = math.floor(n_chemprop_shared_trials) n_trials = math.ceil(n_chemprop_shared_trials) # add the chemprop results to the existing study else: studies.add_trials(study.trials) # update the master study with all trials for st_idx, st in enumerate(studies.get_trials(deepcopy=False)): master_study.add_trial(st) return master_study except UnboundLocalError: raise UnboundLocalError("No valid subspaces were found, check your config") else: return run_study( optconfig, study_name, objective, n_startup_trials, n_trials, random_seed )
[docs]def buildconfig_best(study): try: return buildconfig_from_trial(study, study.best_trial) except RuntimeError: return buildconfig_from_trial(study, study.best_trials[0])
[docs]def log_scores(scores, main_score, label: str): main_score_val = scores.get(main_score, None) if main_score_val is not None:"{label.capitalize()} score {main_score}: {main_score_val}") f"All {label} scores: { {k: round(number=v, ndigits=3) for k, v in scores.items()} }" )
[docs]def build_best( buildconfig: BuildConfig, outfname, cache: Optional[Memory] = None, ): """Step 2. Build. Train a model with the best hyperparameters.""" model, train_scores, test_scores = build(buildconfig, cache=cache) qsartuna_model = save_model( model, buildconfig, outfname, train_scores, test_scores, ) # print model characteristics"Model: {outfname}") log_scores(train_scores, buildconfig.settings.scoring, "train") if test_scores is not None: log_scores(test_scores, buildconfig.settings.scoring, "test") if buildconfig.settings.tracking_rest_endpoint is not None: track_build(qsartuna_model, buildconfig, test_scores) return buildconfig
[docs]def build_merged( buildconfig: BuildConfig, outfname, cache: Optional[Memory] = None, ): """Step 3. Merge datasets and re-train the model.""" model, train_scores, test_scores = build( buildconfig, merge_train_and_test_data=True, cache=cache ) save_model( model, buildconfig, outfname, train_scores, test_scores, ) # Print model characteristics."Model: {outfname}") log_scores(train_scores, buildconfig.settings.scoring, "train")