Source code for optunaz.explainability

import numpy as np
import copy
import pandas as pd
import json
from apischema import serialize
from optunaz.config import ModelMode

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, effective_n_jobs

[docs]def get_ecfp_fpinfo(m, descriptor): """Return the ecfp info for a compound mol""" info = {} fp = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect( m, radius=descriptor.parameters.radius, nBits=descriptor.parameters.nBits, bitInfo=info, ) return info
[docs]def get_ecfpcount_fpinfo(m, descriptor): """Return the ecfp_count info for a compound mol""" info = {} fp = AllChem.GetHashedMorganFingerprint( m, radius=descriptor.parameters.radius, nBits=descriptor.parameters.nBits, useFeatures=descriptor.parameters.useFeatures, bitInfo=info, ) return info
[docs]def explain_ECFP(len_feats, estimator, descriptor): """Explain ECFPs using train atom environments""" ret = np.empty(len_feats, dtype="<U50") # enumerate through each important feature for feat_idx in range(len_feats): this_feat_explained = False # enumerate through training set searching a compound with the feature for mol_idx, mol in enumerate(estimator.X_): if not this_feat_explained: # the feature is present in the mol if bit is > 0 if mol[feat_idx] > 0: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(estimator.train_smiles_[mol_idx]) if == "ECFP": info = get_ecfp_fpinfo(m, descriptor)[feat_idx] elif == "ECFP_counts": info = get_ecfpcount_fpinfo(m, descriptor)[feat_idx] # enumerate atom matches, breaking when valid smiles produced for atom, radius in info: env = Chem.FindAtomEnvironmentOfRadiusN(m, radius, atom) amap = {} submol = Chem.PathToSubmol(m, env, atomMap=amap) try: feat_smi = Chem.MolToSmiles( submol, rootedAtAtom=amap[atom], canonical=False ) ret[feat_idx] = feat_smi this_feat_explained = True # continue trying other matches if blank feature if feat_smi != "": break # sometime MolToSmiles fails except KeyError: pass # feature is explained, so break else: break return ret
[docs]def get_fp_info(exp_df, estimator, descript, fp_idx, strt_idx=None): """Get ECFP SMILES environments or Physchem names when available""" info = [] if "ECFP" in info = explain_ECFP(fp_idx, estimator, descript) elif "Physchem" in try: info = descript.parameters.rdkit_names except AttributeError: info = descript.parameters.descriptor.parameters.rdkit_names elif "Jazzy" in try: info = descript.parameters.jazzy_names except AttributeError: info = descript.parameters.descriptor.parameters.jazzy_names if len(info) > 0: if strt_idx is not None: exp_df.loc[strt_idx : strt_idx + fp_idx - 1, "info"] = info else: exp_df["info"] = info return
[docs]def runShap(estimator, X_pred, mode): """Explain model prediction using auto explainer or SHAP KernelExplainer""" import shap # see if shap can auto explain try: try: explainer = shap.Explainer(estimator, estimator.X_) # deal with methods that require the inference method except TypeError: if mode == ModelMode.REGRESSION: explainer = shap.Explainer(estimator.predict, estimator.X_) if mode == ModelMode.CLASSIFICATION: explainer = shap.Explainer(estimator.predict_proba, estimator.X_) shap_values = np.abs(np.array(explainer.shap_values(np.array(X_pred)))) # use kernel for other models except AttributeError: if mode == ModelMode.REGRESSION: explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(estimator.predict, estimator.X_) if mode == ModelMode.CLASSIFICATION: explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(estimator.predict_proba, estimator.X_) shap_values = np.abs( np.array(explainer.shap_values(np.array(X_pred[:1]), nsamples="auto")) ) return shap_values
[docs]def ShapExplainer(estimator, X_pred, mode, descriptor): """ Run SHAP and populate the explainability dataframe """ shap_values = runShap(estimator, X_pred, mode) descriptor_ = copy.deepcopy(descriptor) # process the shap_values shapes if len(shap_values.shape) == 3: if shap_values.shape[0] == 2: # if explainer explains both classes, take the active [1] class shap_values = shap_values[1] elif shap_values.shape[0] == 1: # sometimes values are wrapped and require [0] shap_values = shap_values[0] # if multiple inputs provided then average the importance across predictions if len(shap_values.shape) > 1: shap_values = np.mean(shap_values, axis=0) exp_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "shap_value": shap_values, "descriptor": np.nan, "bit": np.nan, "info": np.nan, } ) # process single descriptors if != "CompositeDescriptor": if == "ScaledDescriptor": += f"_{}" exp_df["descriptor"] = exp_df["bit"] = range(len(shap_values)) get_fp_info(exp_df, estimator, descriptor_, len(shap_values)) # process CompositeDescriptor else: fp_info = descriptor_.fp_info() strt_idx = 0 info = None for descript in descriptor_.parameters.descriptors: fp_idx = fp_info[json.dumps(serialize(descript))] if == "ScaledDescriptor": += f"_{}" for col, col_value in [ ("descriptor",, ("bit", range(1, fp_idx + 1, 1)), ]: exp_df.loc[strt_idx : strt_idx + fp_idx - 1, col] = col_value get_fp_info(exp_df, estimator, descript, fp_idx, strt_idx=strt_idx) strt_idx += fp_idx return exp_df.sort_values("shap_value", ascending=False)
[docs]def ExplainPreds(estimator, X_pred, mode, descriptor): """Explain predictions using either SHAP (shallow models) or ChemProp interpret""" if hasattr(estimator, "interpret"): n_cores = effective_n_jobs(-1) if n_cores == 1: return estimator.interpret(X_pred) else: return pd.concat( Parallel(n_jobs=n_cores)( delayed(estimator.interpret)([X]) for X in X_pred ) ) else: return ShapExplainer(estimator, X_pred, mode, descriptor)