Source code for optunaz.automl

import copy
import os
import re
import shutil

import numpy as np
import glob
import pandas as pd
import time
import logging
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import dataclasses
from pid.decorator import pidfile
import subprocess
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, effective_n_jobs
from optunaz.utils.retraining import *
from typing import Dict, List, Any
import pickle
import json
import pathlib

from optunaz.config import LOG_CONFIG

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class ModelAutoML: """ Prepares the data ready for the model training with ModelDispatcher. The ModelAutoML will also store activity for new tasks pending enough data. """ def __init__( self, output_path: str = None, input_data: str = None, n_cores: int = -1, email: str = None, user_name: str = None, smiles_col: str = None, activity_col: str = None, task_col: str = None, dry_run: bool = False, timestr: str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), ): self.retrain_timepoint = None self.new_data = None self.output_path = output_path self.input_data = input_data = email self.user_name = user_name self.smiles_col = smiles_col self.activity_col = activity_col self.task_col = task_col self.dry_run = dry_run self.timestr = timestr self.n_cores = effective_n_jobs(n_cores) self.headers = [self.smiles_col, self.activity_col, self.task_col] @property def first_run(self) -> bool: if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): logging.debug(f"{self.output_path} does not exist, creating it") os.mkdir(self.output_path) if os.path.exists(f"{self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json"): logging.debug(f"{self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json exists") return False else: logging.debug(f"{self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json not set") return True @property def processed_timepoints(self) -> Dict | List[None]: try: return json.load(open(f"{self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json", "r")) except FileNotFoundError: return [] @property def last_timepoint(self) -> str | List[None]: try: return self.processed_timepoints[-1] except IndexError: return []
[docs] def getAllRetrainingData(self) -> Dict[datetime, str]: """ Returns a dict of the wilcard data with converted datetime as the keys """ fs = dict() glob_fs = glob.glob(self.input_data) if "*" in self.input_data: for glob_f in glob_fs: potential_dates = pathlib.Path(glob_f).stem.split(".") for potential_date in potential_dates: try: d = datetime.strptime(potential_date, "%Y-%m-%d") fs[d] = glob_f continue except ValueError: pass if glob_f not in fs.values(): raise NoRetrainingDataConvention(potential_dates) else: fs[ datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.input_data)) ] = self.input_data return fs
[docs] def getRetrainingData(self) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, str]: """ Get data for the latest unprocessed date bucket or raise NoNewRetrainingData if none """ fs = self.getAllRetrainingData() for ybin, thisf in sorted(fs.items()): process_ybin = datetime.strftime(ybin, "%y_%m_%d") if process_ybin in self.processed_timepoints: logging.debug(f"{process_ybin} is in processed_timepoints.json") continue try: task_data = pd.read_csv( thisf, low_memory=False, encoding="latin", on_bad_lines="skip", usecols=self.headers, ).dropna() except PermissionError: logging.warning(f"{thisf} has PermissionError") continue except ValueError: avail_cols = pd.read_csv(thisf, nrows=0).columns miss_headers = [col for col in self.headers if col not in avail_cols] raise RetrainingHeadersIssue(process_ybin, miss_headers) task_data[self.activity_col] = pd.to_numeric( task_data[self.activity_col] .astype(str) .str.replace(">", "") .str.replace("<", ""), errors="coerce", ).astype(float) if len(task_data) == 0: logging.debug(f"{process_ybin} has no valid datapoints") return task_data.dropna(), process_ybin raise NoNewRetrainingData
[docs] def setRetrainingData(self): """ Sets the newest data bucket and timepoint for latest available data """ new_data, retrain_timepoint = self.getRetrainingData() self.new_data = new_data self.retrain_timepoint = retrain_timepoint
[docs] def initProcessedTimepoints(self): """ Initialise the JSON containing timepoints for a first run """ with open(f"{self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json", "wt") as newf: json.dump([], newf, indent=4) logging.debug( f"Init first processed timepoint to: {self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json" )
[docs] def setProcessedTimepoints(self, problem=None): """ Set the processed timepoints and the currently processing timepoint to JSON """ if problem is not None: new_processed = list(self.processed_timepoints) + [problem] logging.debug( f"Appended problem timepoint {problem} to: {self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json" ) else: new_processed = list(self.processed_timepoints) + [self.retrain_timepoint] logging.debug( f"Appended processed timepoint {self.retrain_timepoint} to {self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json" ) with open(f"{self.output_path}/processed_timepoints.json", "wt") as newf: json.dump(new_processed, newf, indent=4)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class ModelDispatcher: """ Use ModelAutoML config as a basis to prepare QSARtuna jobs, dispatching to SLURM. ModelDispatcher always needs a quorum to prepare the model """ def __init__( self, quorum: int = None, cfg: ModelAutoML = None, last_timepoint: str = None, initial_template: str = None, retrain_template: str = None, slurm_template: str = None, slurm_req_cores: int = 1, slurm_req_partition: str = None, slurm_req_mem: int = None, slurm_al_pool: str = None, slurm_al_smiles: str = None, slurm_job_prefix: str = None, slurm_partition: str = None, save_previous_models: bool = None, log_conf: dict = None, ): self.taskcode = None self.taskcode_base = None self.taskcode_file = None self.temporal_preds = None self.temporal_file = None self.skip_file = None self.lock_file = None self.al_file = None self.latest_model = None self.meta_file = None self.prev_model_name = None self.json_name = None self.dataset_file = None self.quorum = quorum self.slurm_retry = None self.slurm_log = None self.slurm_name = None self.slurm_template = slurm_template self.slurm_job_prefix = slurm_job_prefix self.slurm_partition = slurm_partition self.slurm_req_cores = slurm_req_cores self.slurm_req_partition = slurm_req_partition self.slurm_req_mem = slurm_req_mem self.slurm_al_pool = slurm_al_pool self.slurm_al_smiles = slurm_al_smiles self.last_timepoint = last_timepoint self.initial_template = initial_template self.retrain_template = retrain_template self.save_previous_models = save_previous_models self.cfg = cfg self._pretrained_model = None self.log_conf = log_conf if log_conf is not None: logging.config.dictConfig(log_conf) @property def pretrained_model(self) -> Any: """ Load a pretrained model """ if not self._pretrained_model: try: with open(self.prev_model_name, "rb") as newf: self._pretrained_model = pickle.load(newf) return self._pretrained_model except FileNotFoundError: raise NoPreviousModel(self.prev_model_name) return self._pretrained_model
[docs] def checkIfRetrainingProcessed(self, taskcode): """ Checks if this timepoint has already been predicted (and therefore processed). Timepoints to be skipped with data but no model quorum will also be in .skipped dirs. """ if os.path.isfile(self.al_file): logging.debug( f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: Retraining [{taskcode}] is processed" ) raise RetrainingIsAlreadyProcessed(taskcode) if self.checkSkipped(): logging.debug( f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: Retraining [{taskcode}] is set to skipped" ) raise TimepointSkipped(taskcode)
[docs] def checkisLocked(self, taskcode): """ Checks if this timepoint is locked for a given taskcode. Locks occur if QSARtuna is unable to run multiple retrain script instances run. """ if os.path.isfile(self.lock_file): logging.debug( f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: Lockfile [{self.lock_file}] locks the taskcode [{taskcode}]" ) raise RetrainingIsLocked(taskcode) else: logging.debug( f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: Lockfile [{self.lock_file}] not set; no lock for taskcode [{taskcode}]" )
[docs] def checkRunningSlurmJobs(self) -> List[str]: if self.cfg.dry_run: logging.debug(f"Dry run of /usr/bin/squeue") return [] command = f"/usr/bin/squeue --Format=name".split() p = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) running_jobs = [ i.split()[0][len(self.slurm_job_prefix) + 1 :] for i in str(p).split("\\n")[1:-1] if i[: len(self.slurm_job_prefix)] == self.slurm_job_prefix ] if len(running_jobs) >= 1:"Active/queued SLURM jobs are: {running_jobs}") else: logging.debug(f"No Active/queued SLURM jobs") return running_jobs
[docs] @staticmethod def calcSlurmMem(len_file) -> int: """ Dynamic resource allocation for memory from query """ bins = [-np.inf, -1, 0] + list(np.arange(60000, 200000, 20000)) + [np.inf] req_mem = pd.cut([len_file], bins, right=True).codes.astype(int) * 30 return req_mem[0]
[docs] def setDispatcherVariables(self, taskcode): """ Sets environment variables on a per taskcode level """ taskcode = str(taskcode) self.taskcode = f"{taskcode}" self.taskcode_base = f"{self.cfg.output_path}/data/{taskcode}" self.taskcode_file = f"{self.taskcode_base}/{taskcode}" self.dataset_file = f"{self.taskcode_file}.csv" self.slurm_name = f"{self.taskcode_file}.sh" self.slurm_log = f"{self.taskcode_file}.out" self.slurm_retry = f"{self.taskcode_base}/.retry" self.json_name = f"{self.taskcode_file}.json" self.prev_model_name = f"{self.taskcode_file}.pkl" self.meta_file = f"{self.taskcode_file}_{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}.meta" self.latest_model = f"{self.taskcode_base}/latest.pkl" self.al_file = f"{self.taskcode_file}_{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}.al" self.lock_file = f"{self.taskcode_base}/.{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}" self.skip_file = f"{self.taskcode_base}/.skip" self.temporal_file = "TEMPORALFILE" self.temporal_preds = "TEMPORALPREDS"
[docs] def setJobLocked(self): """ Creates lock file to ensure future runs do not overwrite pending jobs """ if os.path.isfile(self.lock_file): logging.debug( f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: Lockfile [{self.lock_file}] is already locked" ) else: pathlib.Path(f"{self.lock_file}").touch() logging.debug(f"lock_file for {self.lock_file} was set")
[docs] def processTrain(self, _taskcode_df) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Opens existing training if possible, formats data and attributes set for prev data If no retrain, create directory, returns new smiles & y for train """ if os.path.exists(self.taskcode_base): try: this_df = pd.read_csv(self.dataset_file).dropna() this_df["automl_predefined_split"] = -1 _taskcode_df["automl_predefined_split"] = 1 this_df = pd.concat((this_df, _taskcode_df)).drop_duplicates( subset=[self.cfg.smiles_col, self.cfg.activity_col], keep="first" ) len_new = len(this_df.query("automl_predefined_split == 1")) if len_new == 0: raise NoDifferingRetrainingData logging.debug(f"{self.taskcode}: {len_new} new data points found") return this_df except FileNotFoundError: pass _taskcode_df["automl_predefined_split"] = -1 os.makedirs(self.taskcode_base, mode=0o777) return _taskcode_df
[docs] def processQuorum(self, _input_df) -> bool: """ Evaluates quorum & formats retraining data """ means = ( _input_df[[self.cfg.smiles_col, self.cfg.activity_col]] .groupby(self.cfg.smiles_col) .mean() ) mad = ( (means[self.cfg.activity_col] - means[self.cfg.activity_col].mean()) .abs() .mean() ) quorum = (len(means) >= self.quorum) and (mad > 0) return quorum
[docs] def isTrained(self) -> bool: if os.path.exists(self.meta_file): logging.debug(f"{self.meta_file} exists") return True else: logging.debug(f"{self.meta_file} not present") return False
[docs] def checkSaveTemporalModel(self): if self.save_previous_models: save_n = ( f"{self.taskcode_file}_{self.pretrained_model.metadata['name']}.pkl" ) shutil.copyfile(self.prev_model_name, save_n) logging.debug(f"Saved pretrained {self.taskcode_file} model to {save_n}")
[docs] def doTemporalPredictions(self, new_data): """ Start/check temporal (pseudo-prospective) predictions with an old QSARtuna model vs. newest data """ if self.cfg.retrain_timepoint == self.pretrained_model.metadata["name"]: raise SamePreviousModel(self.taskcode) self.temporal_file = ( f"{self.taskcode_file}_{self.pretrained_model.metadata['name']}__" f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}.csv" ) self.temporal_preds = f"{self.temporal_file}.preds" if os.path.exists(self.temporal_preds): raise TemporalPredsPredicted(self.taskcode) self.setJobLocked() new_data[[self.cfg.smiles_col, self.cfg.activity_col]].groupby( self.cfg.smiles_col ).median().to_csv(self.temporal_file) self.writeSlurm() if self.submitJob() != 0: logging.warning(f"Could not submit temporal SLURM job for {self.taskcode}") logging.debug( f"{self.taskcode}: {self.pretrained_model.metadata['name']} model used to " f"predict {len(new_data)} {self.cfg.retrain_timepoint} datapoints" ) self.checkSaveTemporalModel() return
[docs] def writeSlurm(self): """ Writes a slurm job for a QSARtuna run for a given taskcode """ with open(self.slurm_name, "w") as fileobj: with open(f"{self.slurm_template}", "r") as openFile: fileobj.write( .replace("NAME", f"{self.slurm_job_prefix}_{self.taskcode}") .replace("TASK_FILE", f"{self.taskcode_file}") .replace("METAFILE", f"{self.meta_file}") .replace("AL_FILE", f"{self.al_file}") .replace("EMAIL", f"{}") .replace("LOCK", f"{self.lock_file}") .replace("RETRY", f"{self.slurm_retry}") .replace("LATEST", f"{self.latest_model}") .replace("MEM", f"{self.slurm_req_mem}") .replace("CORES", f"{self.slurm_req_cores}") .replace("PARTITION", f"{self.slurm_req_partition}") .replace("AL_POOL", f"{self.slurm_al_pool}") .replace("AL_SMILES", f"{self.slurm_al_smiles}") .replace("SMILES", f"{self.cfg.smiles_col}") .replace("TEMPORALFILE", f"{self.temporal_file}") .replace("TEMPORALPREDS", f"{self.temporal_preds}") ) logging.debug(f"wrote slurm to {self.slurm_name}") return
[docs] def writeJson(self): """ Writes a QSARtuna json for a given taskcode """ if os.path.exists(f"{self.latest_model}"): template = f"{self.retrain_template}" else: template = f"{self.initial_template}" with open(f"{self.json_name}", "w") as fileobj: with open(template, "r") as openFile: fileobj.write( .replace("NAME", f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}") .replace("DATASET_FILE", self.dataset_file) .replace("LATEST", self.latest_model) .replace("SMILES", self.cfg.smiles_col) .replace("ACTIVITY", self.cfg.activity_col) ) logging.debug(f"wrote json to {self.json_name}") return
[docs] def writeDataset(self, out_df): """ Writes the training datapoints to file """ out_df.to_csv(self.dataset_file, index=False) logging.debug(f"wrote dataset to {self.dataset_file}")
[docs] def setSkippedTimepoint(self): """ Annotate the timepoint as not eligable for a taskcode """ try: skipped_timepoints = json.load(open(f"{self.skip_file}", "r")) except FileNotFoundError: skipped_timepoints = [] logging.debug(f"skip file {self.skip_file} will be created") with open(f"{self.skip_file}", "wt") as newf: json.dump(skipped_timepoints + [self.cfg.retrain_timepoint], newf, indent=4) logging.debug(f"{self.cfg.retrain_timepoint} added to {self.skip_file}")
[docs] def checkSkipped(self): try: skipped_timepoints = json.load(open(f"{self.skip_file}", "r")) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug(f"{self.skip_file} not present") return False except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logging.debug(f"{self.skip_file} error") is_skipped = self.cfg.retrain_timepoint in skipped_timepoints if is_skipped: logging.debug( f"Timepoint {self.cfg.retrain_timepoint} is in {self.skip_file}" ) return is_skipped
[docs] def submitJob(self): if not self.cfg.dry_run: sbatch = f"/usr/bin/sbatch {self.slurm_name}", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) logging.debug(f"SLURM output: {sbatch}") if sbatch.returncode == 0: logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} submitted") return sbatch.returncode else: logging.debug(f"Dry run of /usr/bin/sbatch {self.slurm_name}") return 0
[docs] def checkSlurmStatusAndNextProcedure(self): """ Check a SLURM job completed with no cancellations """ try: slurm_log = open(self.slurm_log).read() if "DUE TO TIME LIMIT" in slurm_log: logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} time limit was reached") raise SlurmTimeLimitExceeded elif any( [ err in slurm_log for err in ["DUE TO MEMORY", "Bus error", "Unable to allocate"] ] ): logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} memory was reached") raise SlurmMemoryExceeded elif "" in slurm_log: logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} had error") elif "numpy.ComplexWarning" in slurm_log: logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} had numpy.ComplexWarning") elif "ValueError: Exiting since no trials returned values" in slurm_log: logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} had no valid trials") raise SlurmJobSkip elif "Adjust any of the aforementioned parameters" in slurm_log: logging.debug(f"{self.slurm_name} had splitting error") raise SlurmJobSkip except FileNotFoundError: raise SlurmNoLog
[docs] def increaseJobTime(self, minutes): """ Increase SLURM model time """ job_sh = open(self.slurm_name).read().splitlines() mins = timedelta(minutes=minutes) for l_idx, line in enumerate(job_sh): if "--time" in line: try: line = line.split("=") old_time = line[-1] job_time = datetime.strptime(line[-1], "%d-%H:%M") line[-1] = (job_time + mins).strftime("%d-%H:%M") if line[-1][0] == "0": line[-1] = line[-1][1:] f"{self.slurm_name} increased time by [{minutes}] from [{old_time}] to [{line[-1]}]" ) job_sh[l_idx] = "=".join(line) except (ValueError, TypeError): logging.warning(f"Unable to increase [{self.slurm_name}] job time") raise SlurmParseError with open(self.slurm_name, "w") as fileobj: for line in job_sh: fileobj.write(f"{line}\n")
[docs] def increaseJobMem(self, mem, max_mem=200): """ Increase SLURM model memory """ job_sh = open(self.slurm_name).read().splitlines() for l_idx, line in enumerate(job_sh): if "--mem" in line: line = re.split("(\d+)", line) try: old_mem = line[1] new_mem = int(line[1]) + mem if new_mem >= max_mem: logging.warning( f"{self.slurm_name}] new mem [{new_mem}]G >= max: [{max_mem}]G" ) raise SlurmParseError line[1] = str(new_mem) f"{self.slurm_name} increasing mem by [{mem}G] from [{old_mem}G] to [{new_mem}G]" ) job_sh[l_idx] = "".join(line) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: logging.warning( f"Unable to increase [{self.slurm_name}] memory: {e}" ) raise SlurmParseError with open(self.slurm_name, "w") as fileobj: for line in job_sh: fileobj.write(f"{line}\n")
[docs] def increaseJobCpu(self, cpu, max_cpu=20): """ Increase SLURM model cpu """ job_sh = open(self.slurm_name).read().splitlines() for l_idx, line in enumerate(job_sh): if "#SBATCH -c " in line: line = re.split("(\d+)", line) try: old_cpu = line[1] new_cpu = int(line[1]) + cpu if new_cpu >= max_cpu: logging.warning( f"{self.slurm_name}] new cpu [{new_cpu}] >= max: [{max_cpu}]" ) return line[1] = str(new_cpu) f"{self.slurm_name} increasing cpu by [{cpu}] from [{old_cpu}] to [{new_cpu}]" ) job_sh[l_idx] = "".join(line) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: logging.warning(f"Unable to increase [{self.slurm_name}] cpu: {e}") raise SlurmParseError with open(self.slurm_name, "w") as fileobj: for line in job_sh: fileobj.write(f"{line}\n")
[docs] def addSlurmRetry(self): try: (pd.read_csv(f"{self.slurm_retry}") + 1).to_csv( f"{self.slurm_retry}", index=False ) except FileNotFoundError: pd.DataFrame(data=[{"retry": 1}]).to_csv(f"{self.slurm_retry}", index=False)
[docs] def getSlurmRetry(self): try: return pd.read_csv(f"{self.slurm_retry}").loc[0][0] except FileNotFoundError: return 0
[docs] def resubmitAnyFailedJobs( self, locked_jobs, minutes=720, mem=20, cpu=4, max_retries=5, max_mem=200, max_cpu=20, ): """ Resubmit failed jobs, according to reason for failure """ running_jobs = self.checkRunningSlurmJobs() resubmitted = [] failed_submission = [] for job in locked_jobs: if job not in running_jobs: self.setDispatcherVariables(job) retrys = self.getSlurmRetry() if retrys > max_retries: logging.warning(f"{self.slurm_name} had too many retries {retrys}") self.setSkippedTimepoint() continue try: try: self.checkSlurmStatusAndNextProcedure() # Problematic jobs that will always fail are skipped except SlurmJobSkip: self.setSkippedTimepoint() continue # Time limited jobs are extended (inc. memory since swap may slow job) except SlurmTimeLimitExceeded: self.increaseJobTime(minutes) self.increaseJobMem(mem, max_mem=max_mem) self.increaseJobCpu(cpu, max_cpu=max_cpu) # Memory limited jobs are increased except SlurmMemoryExceeded: self.increaseJobTime(minutes) self.increaseJobMem(mem, max_mem=max_mem) # Submit jobs that failed submission (maybe a sbatch glitch?) except SlurmNoLog: logging.warning( f"{self.slurm_name} never ran, so will be resubmit" ) # If no detectable reason, then a requeue is still issued else: logging.warning( f"{self.slurm_name} had log but no detected abort/failure reason" ) self.increaseJobTime(minutes) self.increaseJobMem(mem, max_mem=max_mem) self.increaseJobCpu(cpu, max_cpu=max_cpu) self.addSlurmRetry() if self.submitJob() == 0: resubmitted.append(job) else: raise SlurmParseError"{self.slurm_name} resubmit ({retrys} retrys)") except SlurmParseError: self.addSlurmRetry() failed_submission.append(job) logging.warning( f"{self.slurm_name} failed resubmission ({retrys} retrys)" ) else: logging.debug(f"{job} still running/queued") if len(resubmitted) >= 1:"Some jobs were resubmitted: {resubmitted}") if len(failed_submission) >= 1:"Some jobs failed resubmission: {failed_submission}")
[docs] def processRetraining(self, taskcode): """ Enumerates through new data, creating the latest files and models """ out_df = self.cfg.new_data.loc[ self.cfg.new_data[self.cfg.task_col] == taskcode ].dropna() # set variable names each iteration self.setDispatcherVariables(taskcode) # do basic checks try: self.checkIfRetrainingProcessed(taskcode) self.checkisLocked(taskcode) except (RetrainingIsAlreadyProcessed, TimepointSkipped): return {} except RetrainingIsLocked: return {"Locked": taskcode} # add preexisiting bioactivites if possible, and process training try: out_df = self.processTrain(out_df) # skip taskcode if latest dataset adds no new data (could be duplicated csv) except NoDifferingRetrainingData: # handle here that there appears to be no differing data for first timepoint if not self.last_timepoint: logging.debug(f"{self.taskcode}: Fist timepoint") return {} if self.last_timepoint != self.cfg.retrain_timepoint: if self.isTrained(): logging.debug(f"{self.taskcode}: Retraining trained") else: logging.debug(f"{self.taskcode}: No new data (or all duplicates)") self.setSkippedTimepoint() return {} if self.last_timepoint == self.cfg.retrain_timepoint: logging.warning( f"{self.taskcode}: Something went wrong: {self.last_timepoint} == {self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}" ) return {} if self.processQuorum(out_df): if self.slurm_req_mem is None: self.slurm_req_mem = self.calcSlurmMem(len(out_df)) # query sets mem logging.debug( f"{self.taskcode}: Dynamic resource allocation mem: {self.slurm_req_mem}G" ) else: logging.debug( f"{self.taskcode}: Manual resource allocation mem: {self.slurm_req_mem}G" ) try: # generate (and write) predictions of old model on new data self.doTemporalPredictions(out_df.query("automl_predefined_split == 1")) return {"Working": taskcode} except (NoPreviousModel, TemporalPredsPredicted, SamePreviousModel) as e: logging.debug( f"{self.taskcode}: {self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: No temporal predictions since [{e}]" ) # write files for dispatch, lock & dispatch to slurm self.writeDataset(out_df) self.writeSlurm() self.writeJson() self.setJobLocked() if self.submitJob() != 0: logging.warning( f"{self.taskcode}: Could not submit SLURM job for {taskcode}" ) return {"Working": taskcode} # not quorum so write pred lock else: logging.debug(f"{self.taskcode}: {self.cfg.retrain_timepoint}: Not quorum") self.writeDataset(out_df) self.setSkippedTimepoint() return {}
[docs]def process_retraining_task(taskcode, dispatcher): _dispatcher = copy.deepcopy(dispatcher) return _dispatcher.processRetraining(taskcode)
[docs]def dispatcher_process(global_cfg, args, dispatcher): work = sorted(global_cfg.new_data[args.input_task_csv_column].unique()) if global_cfg.n_cores > 1: results = Parallel(n_jobs=global_cfg.n_cores * 2, backend="threading")( delayed(process_retraining_task)(w, dispatcher) for w in work ) else: # Process tasks sequentially results = [copy.deepcopy(dispatcher.processRetraining(w)) for w in work] return results
[docs]@pidfile(piddir="./") def meta(): """ Tracks temporal performance of QSARtuna models by writing the metadata to JSON files """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AutoML output performance of temporal models" ) # fmt: off requiredNamed = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') requiredNamed.add_argument("--pkl", type=str, help="Path to the output QSARtuna PKL file", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("--meta", type=str, help="Path to the output metadata file", required=True) # fmt: off args, leftovers = parser.parse_known_args() with open(args.pkl, "rb") as fid: prev_model = pickle.load(fid) metadata = prev_model.metadata with open(args.meta, "wt") as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4)
[docs]def validate_args(args): assert os.path.isfile( args.slurm_al_pool ), f"AL pool {args.slurm_al_pool} provide '--slurm-al-pool' with a valid file" assert os.path.isfile( args.input_initial_template ), f"Initial template {args.input_initial_template} provide '--initial-template' with a valid file" assert os.path.isfile( args.input_retrain_template ), f"Retraining template {args.input_retrain_template} provide '--retrain-template' with a valid file" assert args.quorum >= 25, f"Quorum should be >=25, got {args.quorum}"
[docs]def prepare_dispatcher(global_cfg, args, log_conf): dispatcher = ModelDispatcher( cfg=global_cfg, quorum=args.quorum, slurm_job_prefix=args.slurm_job_prefix, last_timepoint=global_cfg.last_timepoint, initial_template=args.input_initial_template, retrain_template=args.input_retrain_template, slurm_template=args.input_slurm_template, slurm_req_mem=args.slurm_req_mem, slurm_req_partition=args.slurm_req_partition, slurm_req_cores=args.slurm_req_cores, slurm_al_pool=args.slurm_al_pool, slurm_al_smiles=args.slurm_al_smiles_csv_column, save_previous_models=args.save_previous_models, log_conf=log_conf, ) return dispatcher
[docs]@pidfile(piddir="./") def main(): start = time.time() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AutoML scheduling for temporal automatic retraining of QSARtuna models" ) # fmt: off requiredNamed = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') requiredNamed.add_argument("--output-path", type=str, help="Path to the output AutoML directory", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("--email", type=str, help="Email for SLURM job notifications", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("--user_name", type=str, help="HPC 'username' for the AutoML user", required=True) # Input file variables requiredNamed.add_argument("--input-data", type=str, help="Name of the input file[s]. For multiple files use '*' in wildcard expression", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("--input-smiles-csv-column", type=str, help="Column name of SMILES column in csv file", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("--input-activity-csv-column", type=str, help="Column name of activity column in data file", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("--input-task-csv-column", type=str, help="Column name of task column in data file", required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument('--input-initial-template', type=str, required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument('--input-retrain-template', type=str, required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument('--input-slurm-template', type=str, required=True) # Non-required AutoML variables parser.add_argument("--quorum", type=int, default=25) parser.add_argument("--n-cores", type=int, default=-1) # No. cores for this pipeline, not SLURM parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", default=None) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0) # SLURM global variables requiredNamed.add_argument('--slurm-job-prefix', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--slurm-req-cores', type=int, default=12) parser.add_argument('--slurm-req-mem', type=int, default=None) # By default, None = dynamic mem resource allocation requiredNamed.add_argument('--slurm-req-partition', type=str, required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument('--slurm-al-pool', type=str, required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument('--slurm-al-smiles-csv-column', type=str, required=True) # dispatcher variables parser.add_argument('--slurm-failure-cores-increment', type=int, default=4) parser.add_argument('--slurm-failure-mem-increment', type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument('--slurm-failure-mins-increment', type=int, default=720) parser.add_argument('--slurm-failure-max-retries', type=int, default=5) parser.add_argument('--slurm-failure-max-mem', type=int, default=200) parser.add_argument('--slurm-failure-max-cpu', type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument('--save-previous-models', action="store_true") # fmt: on args, leftovers = parser.parse_known_args() log_conf = LOG_CONFIG match args.verbose: case 0: stdout = logging.WARNING stderr = logging.CRITICAL case 1: stdout = logging.INFO stderr = logging.WARNING case _: stdout = logging.DEBUG stderr = logging.WARNING log_conf["handlers"]["stdout_handler"]["level"] = stdout log_conf["handlers"]["stderr_handler"]["level"] = stderr logging.config.dictConfig(log_conf) validate_args(args) global_cfg = ModelAutoML( output_path=args.output_path, input_data=args.input_data,, user_name=args.user_name, n_cores=args.n_cores, dry_run=args.dry_run, smiles_col=args.input_smiles_csv_column, activity_col=args.input_activity_csv_column, task_col=args.input_task_csv_column, ) while True: try: global_cfg.setRetrainingData() except NoNewRetrainingData: logging.debug("NoNewRetrainingData, so exiting") return except RetrainingHeadersIssue as e: logging.warning( f"Work not possible for timepoint {e.args[0]} due missing header[s] {e.args[1]}" ) global_cfg.setProcessedTimepoints(problem=e.args[0]) continue logging.debug(f"Processing timepoint {global_cfg.retrain_timepoint}") dispatcher = prepare_dispatcher(global_cfg, args, log_conf) if global_cfg.first_run: global_cfg.initProcessedTimepoints() results = pd.DataFrame(dispatcher_process(global_cfg, args, dispatcher)) if "Working" in results.columns:"Exiting at this timepoint since there is work to do") logging.debug(f"Work: {results.Working.dropna().tolist()}") end = time.time()"AutoML script took [{end - start:.08}] seconds.") return if "Locked" in results.columns: dispatcher = prepare_dispatcher(global_cfg, args, log_conf) dispatcher.resubmitAnyFailedJobs( results.Locked.dropna().tolist(), mem=args.slurm_failure_mem_increment, minutes=args.slurm_failure_mins_increment, cpu=args.slurm_failure_cores_increment, max_retries=args.slurm_failure_max_retries, max_mem=args.slurm_failure_max_mem, max_cpu=args.slurm_failure_max_cpu, ) f"Exiting: {global_cfg.retrain_timepoint} lock(s) indicate(s) work ongoing" ) end = time.time()"AutoML script took [{end - start:.08}] seconds.") return else: f"Work appears complete for timepoint {global_cfg.retrain_timepoint}" ) global_cfg.setProcessedTimepoints()