Source code for icolos.utils.execute_external.slurm_executor

import os
from shlex import quote
from icolos.loggers.steplogger import StepLogger
from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum
from icolos.utils.execute_external.execute import ExecutorBase
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import SlurmEnum
import subprocess
from typing import List
import time
from tempfile import mkstemp
import numpy as np

_SE = SlurmEnum()
logger = StepLogger()
_LE = LoggingConfigEnum()

[docs]class SlurmExecutor(ExecutorBase): """For execution of batch jobs to a Slurm cluster.""" def __init__( self, cores: int, partition: str, time: str, mem: str, tasks: str, modules: List, other_args: dict, gres: str, additional_lines: List, prefix_execution=None, binary_location=None, ): super().__init__(prefix_execution=None, binary_location=None) self.cores = cores self.partition = partition self.time = time self.mem = mem self.tasks = tasks self.modules = modules self.other_args = other_args self.gres = gres self.additional_lines = additional_lines self._script_prefix_execution = prefix_execution self._script_binary_location = binary_location # check if the machine can reach slurm self.slurm_available = self.is_available() if not self.slurm_available: logger.log( "Warning - Slurm was not found, jobs will be run locally!", _LE.WARNING, )
[docs] def execute( self, command: str = None, arguments: list = None, check: bool = True, location=None, pipe_input=None, tmpfile: str = None, wait: bool = True, ): """ Creates and executes the batch script using the provided resource requirements If a path to an existing batch script has not been passed via tmpfile, it is created Attempts to sbatch the jobscript, falling back on bash to provide compatibility with workstations (in this case #SLURM lines are ignored, and the execution becomes blocking) """ if tmpfile is None: tmpfile = self.prepare_batch_script( command, arguments, pipe_input, location ) if self.slurm_available: launch_command = f"sbatch {tmpfile} --no-requeue" else: launch_command = f"bash {tmpfile}" # execute the batch script result = super().execute( # do not enforce checking here, command=launch_command, arguments=[], location=location, check=False, ) if result.returncode != 0: # something has gone wrong with submitting the slurm script logger.log( f"Batch script submission failed with exit code {result.returncode}, error was {result.stderr}", _LE.WARNING, ) # either monitor the job id, or resort to parsing the log file if self.is_available(): job_id = result.stdout.split()[-1] if wait is False: return job_id state = self._wait_for_job_completion(job_id=job_id) # if using local resources, bash call is blocking, no need to monitor, just wait for result to return else: state = _SE.COMPLETED if result.returncode == 0 else _SE.FAILED # check the result from slurm if check == True: if state != _SE.COMPLETED: raise subprocess.SubprocessError( f"Subprocess returned non-zero exit status:\n{launch_command}\n Status:\n{state}" ) return state
[docs] def prepare_batch_script( self, command: str, arguments: List, pipe_input: str = None, location: str = None, ) -> str: """Generate the batch script for a specific job and write to disk :param str command: command to be executed :param List arguments: List of arguments to be appended to the command :param str pipe_input: string to be piped to the program being executed, defaults to None :param str location: directory where batch script will be written, defaults to None :return str : path to the batch script """ batch_script = self._construct_slurm_header() command = self._prepare_command(command, arguments, pipe_input) if isinstance(command, str): command = [command] for cmd in command: batch_script.append(cmd) _, tmpfile = mkstemp(dir=location, suffix=".sh") with open(tmpfile, "w") as f: for line in batch_script: f.write(line) f.write("\n") return tmpfile
[docs] def is_available(self): command = "sbatch -h" result = super().execute(command=command, arguments=[], check=False) if any(["Usage: sbatch" in l for l in result.stdout.split("\n")]): return True return False
def _prepare_command( self, command: str, arguments: List, pipe_input: str = None ) -> str: arguments = [quote(str(arg)) for arg in arguments] # allow for piped input to be passed to binaries if pipe_input is not None: # pipe_input = self._parse_pipe_input(pipe_input) command = pipe_input + " | " + command # check, if command (binary) is to be found at a specific location (rather than in $PATH) if self._script_binary_location is not None: command = os.path.join(self._script_binary_location, command) # check, if the something needs to be added before the execution of the "rDock" command if self._prefix_execution is not None: command = self._script_prefix_execution + " && " + command # execute; if "location" is set, change to this directory and execute there complete_command = command + " " + " ".join(str(e) for e in arguments) complete_command = [complete_command.replace("'", "")] return " ".join(complete_command) def _wait_for_job_completion(self, job_id: str): completed = False state = None logger.log(f"Monitoring slurm job {job_id}", _LE.DEBUG) while completed is False: state = self._check_job_status(job_id) if state in [_SE.PENDING, _SE.RUNNING, None]: time.sleep(60) continue elif state in (_SE.COMPLETED, _SE.FAILED, _SE.CANCELLED): completed = True return state def _tail_log_file( self, location: str, completed_line: str = "Finished mdrun", failed_line: str = "Fatal error", ): # TODO, this is not very robust at the moment! completed = False state = None while not completed: try: with open(os.path.join(location, "md.log"), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() completed = any([completed_line in l for l in lines]) state = _SE.COMPLETED failed = any([failed_line in l for l in lines]) if failed: state = _SE.FAILED for line in lines[-40:]: print(line) completed = True except FileNotFoundError: logger.log("log file not found, sleeping", _LE.DEBUG) time.sleep(10) return state def _check_job_status(self, job_id): """ Monitor the status of a previously submitted job, return the result """ # use the entrypoint included in the Icolos install command = f"sacct -j {job_id} --parsable --noheader -a" result = command, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if result.stdout: state = result.stdout.split("\n")[0].split("|")[5].split(" ")[0] else: state = None return state def _construct_slurm_header(self): header = [ "#!/bin/bash", f"#SBATCH --partition={self.partition}", f"#SBATCH --time={self.time}", ] if self.mem is not None: header.append(f"#SBATCH --mem={self.mem}") if self.cores is not None: header.append(f"#SBATCH -c{self.cores}") if self.tasks is not None: header.append(f"#SBATCH --tasks={self.tasks}") if self.gres is not None: header.append(f"#SBATCH --gres={self.gres}") for key, value in self.other_args.items(): if len(str(value)) > 0: header.append(f"#SBATCH {key}={value}") else: header.append(f"#SBATCH {key}") for module in self.modules: header.append(f"module load {module}") # add any other specified lines for line in self.additional_lines: header.append(line) return header