Source code for icolos.utils.execute_external.execute

import os
import abc
import subprocess
from shlex import quote

from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum
from icolos.loggers.steplogger import StepLogger

_LE = LoggingConfigEnum()

[docs]class ExecutorBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Virtual base class for the general and program-specific executors.""" def __init__(self, prefix_execution=None, binary_location=None): # if something needs to be attached to the execution string each time, store it here; if not, value is "None" self._prefix_execution = prefix_execution self._binary_location = binary_location # initialise from the step with self.execution.resource dict
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def execute( self, command: str, arguments: list, check=True, location=None, pipe_input=None ): # to avoid security issues, escape the arguments arguments = [quote(str(arg)) for arg in arguments] # allow for piped input to be passed to binaries if pipe_input is not None: # pipe_input = self._parse_pipe_input(pipe_input) command = pipe_input + " | " + command # check, if command (binary) is to be found at a specific location (rather than in $PATH) if self._binary_location is not None: command = os.path.join(self._binary_location, command) # check, if the something needs to be added before the execution of the "rDock" command if self._prefix_execution is not None: command = self._prefix_execution + " && " + command # execute; if "location" is set, change to this directory and execute there complete_command = command + " " + " ".join(str(e) for e in arguments) if "_asl" not in complete_command: complete_command = [complete_command.replace("'", "")] old_cwd = os.getcwd() if location is not None: os.chdir(location) # determine whether this is to be run using local resources or as a batch job result = complete_command, check=False, # use the manual check to provide better debugginf information than subprocess # convert output to string (instead of byte array) universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) # for line in result.stdout.split("\n"): # print(line) if check: if result.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.SubprocessError( f"Subprocess returned non-zero exit status:\n{complete_command}\nReturn code:\n{result.returncode}\nSTDERR:\n{result.stderr}\nSTDOUT:\n{result.stdout}" ) os.chdir(old_cwd) return result
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_available(self): raise NotImplementedError("Overwrite this method in the child class.")
[docs]class Executor(ExecutorBase): """For execution of command-line programs that do not have any specific executor themselves.""" def __init__(self, prefix_execution=None, binary_location=None): super().__init__( prefix_execution=prefix_execution, binary_location=binary_location, )
[docs] def execute( self, command: str, arguments: list, check=True, location=None, pipe_input=None ): return super().execute( command=command, arguments=arguments, check=check, location=location, pipe_input=pipe_input, )
[docs] def is_available(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot reliably check, whether a random program executes properly - do not use." )
[docs]def execution_successful(output: str, success_str: str) -> bool: return True if success_str in output else False