Source code for icolos.scripts.validator

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  coding=utf-8

import os
import sys
import json
import jsonschema
import argparse

from jsonschema import RefResolver

from icolos.config.schemas.schemas import construct_workflow_schema
from icolos.utils.enums.composite_agents_enums import WorkflowEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.entry_points import ExecutorEnum

from icolos.utils.entry_point_functions.parsing_functions import (
from icolos.utils.general.citation_generator import ConsoleColours

# enums
_LE = LoggingConfigEnum()
_EE = ExecutorEnum()
_WE = WorkflowEnum()

_CC = ConsoleColours()

[docs]def main(): reports = {_LE.INFO: 0, _LE.WARNING: 0, _LE.DEBUG: 0, _LE.ERROR: 0} def _report(message: str, level: str = _LE.INFO): levels_prefix = { _LE.INFO: f"{ConsoleColours.GREEN}INFO:{ConsoleColours.ENDC}", _LE.WARNING: f"{ConsoleColours.ORANGE}WARNING:{ConsoleColours.ENDC}", _LE.ERROR: f"{ConsoleColours.FAIL}{ConsoleColours.BOLD}ERROR:{ConsoleColours.ENDC}", _LE.DEBUG: f"{ConsoleColours.HEADER}DEBUG:{ConsoleColours.ENDC}", } reports[level] += 1 print(levels_prefix[level], message, "\n") def _summary(): print("------------------------\nValidation summary\n------------------------") print(f"# errors:", reports[_LE.ERROR]) print(f"# warnings:", reports[_LE.WARNING]) print("------------------------") # if an error occurred, return a failure code (otherwise, even if warnings happened, return 0) if reports[_LE.ERROR] > 0: print( f"\nJSON status: {ConsoleColours.FAIL}{ConsoleColours.BOLD}INVALID{ConsoleColours.ENDC}" ) return 1 else: print( f"\nJSON status: {ConsoleColours.GREEN}{ConsoleColours.BOLD}VALID{ConsoleColours.ENDC}" ) return 0 # get the input parameters and parse them version = get_version_number() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Implements entry point for the "Icolos validator", checking a JSON configuration file for issues.', epilog=f"Icolos version: {'unknown' if version is None else version}", ) parser.add_argument( "-conf", type=str, default=None, help="A path to an workflow's configuration file (JSON dictionary) that is to be validated.", ) args, args_unk = parser.parse_known_args() if args.conf is None or not os.path.isfile(args.conf): raise Exception( 'Parameter "-conf" must be a relative or absolute path to a configuration (JSON) file.' ) # load configuration with open(args.conf) as file: conf ="\r", "").replace("\n", "") try: conf = json.loads(conf) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: _report( f"Formatting error (missing quotation marks, invalid values, ...) in JSON, error message:\n{str(e)}. Aborting.", _LE.ERROR, ) return _summary() # check version matching version_config = get_config_version_number(conf) if version_config is None: _report( f'Version number of configuration not specified, add to "header" block.', _LE.WARNING, ) if not version_match(conf): version_config, version_installation = get_versions_as_strings(conf) _report( f"Versions of installation ({version_installation}) and configuration ({version_config}) do not match or are not specified.", _LE.WARNING, ) # load the sub-schemas (e.g. for the header region and the steps etc.), construct a schema for the entire workflow # and validate the input JSON against it workflow_schema, schema_dir = construct_workflow_schema() schema_path = "file:///{0}/".format(schema_dir.replace("\\", "/")) resolver = RefResolver(schema_path, workflow_schema) validator = jsonschema.Draft7Validator(workflow_schema, resolver) for e in validator.iter_errors(conf): _report(str(e), level=_LE.ERROR) # TODO: add checks on specified paths (if not matched, give warning) # TODO: check global variables and settings (if not provided, give warning) return _summary()
if __name__ == "__main__": ret = main() sys.exit(ret)