Source code for icolos.scripts.executor

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  coding=utf-8

import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from icolos.core.composite_agents.workflow import WorkFlow

from icolos.utils.enums.composite_agents_enums import WorkflowEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.entry_points import ExecutorEnum

from icolos.utils.entry_point_functions.logging_helper_functions import (
from icolos.utils.entry_point_functions.parsing_functions import (
from icolos.utils.general.citation_generator import print_citations
from icolos.utils.general.files_paths import attach_root_path

[docs]def main(): # enums _LE = LoggingConfigEnum() _WE = WorkflowEnum() # get the input parameters and parse them version = get_version_number() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Implements entry point for "Icolos" workflow execution.', epilog=f"Icolos version: {'unknown' if version is None else version}", ) parser.add_argument( "-conf", type=str, default=None, help="A path to an workflow's configuration file (JSON dictionary) that is to be executed.", ) parser.add_argument( "-debug", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to activate the inbuilt debug logging mode.", ) parser.add_argument( "--global_variables", nargs="+", default=None, type=str, help='List of strings, setting global variables with key and value, e.g. "root:/path/to/root".', ) parser.add_argument( "--global_settings", nargs="+", default=None, type=str, help='List of strings, setting global settings with key and value, e.g. "remove_temporary_files:False" "single_directory:True".', ) args, args_unk = parser.parse_known_args() if args.conf is None or not os.path.isfile(args.conf): raise Exception( 'Parameter "-conf" must be a relative or absolute path to a configuration (JSON) file.' ) # load configuration with open(args.conf) as file: conf ="\r", "").replace("\n", "") conf = json.loads(conf) # set the logging configuration according to parameters log_conf = attach_root_path(_LE.PATH_CONFIG_DEFAULT) if args.debug: log_conf = attach_root_path(_LE.PATH_CONFIG_DEBUG) logger = initialize_logging(log_conf_path=log_conf, workflow_conf=conf) # write the version of the installation used to the logfile and check match with configuration log_version_number(logger) if not version_match(conf): version_config, version_installation = get_versions_as_strings(conf) logger.log( f"Version of configuration file ({version_config}) and installation ({version_installation}) do not match or are not defined, proceed with caution.", _LE.WARNING, ) # update global variables and settings conf = parse_header( conf=conf, args=args, entry_point_path=os.path.realpath(__file__), logger=logger ) # generate workflow object workflow = WorkFlow(**conf[_WE.WORKFLOW]) workflow.initialize() # print the logo and ,depending on the backend software used, the citations for the workflow given print_citations(workflow._initialized_steps) # execute the whole workflow st_time = workflow.execute() exec_time = - st_time logger.log(f"Icolos workflow completed. Walltime: {exec_time}.", _LE.INFO)
if __name__ == "__main__": main() sys.exit(0)