Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.step

from subprocess import CompletedProcess
import time

from icolos.core.containers.generic import GenericContainer, GenericData
import multiprocessing
import shutil
import tempfile
from typing import Callable, List, Dict, Optional, Tuple

from pydantic import BaseModel, PrivateAttr
from rdkit import Chem
from copy import deepcopy
import os
from icolos.core.containers.gmx_state import GromacsState
from icolos.core.containers.perturbation_map import PerturbationMap

from icolos.core.step_utils.input_preparator import (
from icolos.loggers.steplogger import StepLogger
from icolos.loggers.blank_logger import BlankLogger
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepGromacsEnum
from icolos.core.containers.compound import Compound, Conformer
from icolos.core.step_utils.step_writeout import (
from icolos.utils.enums.execution_enums import (
from icolos.utils.execute_external.execute import Executor
from icolos.utils.execute_external.slurm_executor import SlurmExecutor
from icolos.utils.general.icolos_exceptions import StepFailed

from icolos.utils.enums.compound_enums import CompoundTagsEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.write_out_enums import WriteOutEnum
from icolos.utils.general.files_paths import gen_tmp_file, any_in_file
from icolos.utils.general.parallelization import SubtaskContainer, Subtask
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from icolos.core.containers.compound import unroll_enumerations, unroll_conformers
from icolos.utils.general.progress_bar import get_progress_bar_string

_LE = LoggingConfigEnum()
_WE = WriteOutEnum()
_EPE = ExecutionPlatformEnum
_SGE = StepGromacsEnum()
_CTE = CompoundTagsEnum()

[docs]class StepFailurePolicyParameters(BaseModel): n_tries: int = 1 retry_wait_seconds: int = 10
[docs]class StepExecutionResourceParameters(BaseModel): partition: str = _EPE.CORE time: str = "12:00:00" gres: str = None tasks: str = None mem: str = None cores: int = None modules: List = [] other_args: dict = {} additional_lines: List = []
[docs]class StepExecutionParameters(BaseModel):
[docs] class StepExecutionParallelizationParameters(BaseModel): jobs: int = 1 max_length_sublists: int = None
prefix_execution: str = None binary_location: str = None pipe_input: str = None parallelization: StepExecutionParallelizationParameters = ( StepExecutionParallelizationParameters() ) failure_policy: StepFailurePolicyParameters = StepFailurePolicyParameters() check_backend_availability: bool = False resources: StepExecutionResourceParameters = StepExecutionResourceParameters() platform: _EPE = _EPE.LOCAL
[docs]class StepSettingsArgsParameters(BaseModel): flags: List = [] parameters: Dict = {}
[docs]class StepSettingsParameters(BaseModel): arguments: StepSettingsArgsParameters = StepSettingsArgsParameters() additional: Dict = {}
[docs]class StepBase(BaseModel): step_id: str work_dir: str = None type: str = None data: StepData = StepData() input: StepInputParameters = StepInputParameters() writeout: List[StepWriteoutParameters] = [] execution: StepExecutionParameters = StepExecutionParameters() settings: StepSettingsParameters = StepSettingsParameters()
[docs] class Config: underscore_attrs_are_private = True
_logger = PrivateAttr() _logger_blank = PrivateAttr() _old_wdir = PrivateAttr() _workflow_object = PrivateAttr() _backend_executor: Executor = PrivateAttr() _subtask_container: SubtaskContainer = PrivateAttr() def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._logger_blank = BlankLogger() self._old_wdir = os.getcwd() self._workflow_object = None self._backend_executor = None self._logger = StepLogger() self._logger_blank = BlankLogger() # @staticmethod def _make_tmpdir(self): if self.work_dir is not None: self._logger.log(f"Using specified work_dir {self.work_dir}", _LE.DEBUG) return self.work_dir else: self.work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self.work_dir def _remove_temporary(self, paths): if paths is not None: if not isinstance(paths, list): paths = [paths] if ( self.get_workflow_object() is None or self.get_workflow_object().header.global_settings.remove_temporary_files ): for path in paths: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) elif os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) else: self._logger.log( f"Path {path} is neither a valid folder nor file path.", _LE.WARNING, ) else: self._logger.log( f"Keeping {len(paths)} temporary file(s) / folder(s): {', '.join(paths)}", _LE.DEBUG, ) @staticmethod def _move_to_temp_dir() -> str: cur_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(cur_tmp_dir) return cur_tmp_dir @staticmethod def _move_to_dir(path: str): os.chdir(path) def _restore_working_dir(self): os.chdir(self._old_wdir)
[docs] def execute(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_compound_by_name(self, name: str) -> Optional[Compound]: for compound in if compound.get_name() == name: return compound
[docs] def get_compounds(self) -> List[Compound]: return
[docs] def get_generic(self) -> GenericContainer: return
[docs] def clone_compounds(self) -> List[Compound]: """Deepcopy each compound in :return List[Compound]: cloned list of Compounds """ return [deepcopy(comp) for comp in]
[docs] def process_write_out(self): """write out data specified in self.writeout. Run after step execution """ for writeout in self.writeout: writeout_handler = WriteOutHandler(config=writeout) writeout_handler.set_data( # attach workflow data at this point writeout_handler.set_workflow_data(self.get_workflow_object().workflow_data) writeout_handler.write()
[docs] def get_compound_stats(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: n_comp = len(self.get_compounds()) n_enum = len(unroll_enumerations(self.get_compounds())) n_conf = len(unroll_conformers(self.get_compounds())) return n_comp, n_enum, n_conf
[docs] def generate_input(self): """Parse the input block, fetch objects and read them into """ preparator = InputPreparator( workflow=self.get_workflow_object(), logger=self._logger ), self.work_dir = preparator.generate_input( step_input=self.input, step_type=self.type ) # check for a perturbation map for fep workflows self._logger.log( f"Loaded {len(} compounds and {len(} generic data fields for step {self.get_step_id()}.", _LE.DEBUG, )
[docs] def set_workflow_object(self, workflow_object): self._workflow_object = workflow_object
[docs] def get_workflow_object(self): return self._workflow_object
[docs] def get_perturbation_map(self) -> PerturbationMap: """return the perturbation map attached to the workflow :return PerturbationMap: the perturbation map in its current state """ return self._workflow_object.workflow_data.perturbation_map
[docs] def get_step_id(self) -> str: """Get the step's unique string identifier :return str: self.step_id, as specified in the step's config """ return self.step_id
[docs] def set_step_id(self, step_id: str): """Set the step's unique ID :param str step_id: unique identifier for the step """ self.step_id = step_id
def _initialize_backend(self, executor: Callable): if self.execution.platform == _EPE.SLURM: self._backend_executor = SlurmExecutor( prefix_execution=self.execution.prefix_execution, binary_location=self.execution.binary_location, cores=self.execution.resources.cores, tasks=self.execution.resources.tasks, partition=self.execution.resources.partition, time=self.execution.resources.time, mem=self.execution.resources.mem, modules=self.execution.resources.modules, other_args=self.execution.resources.other_args, additional_lines=self.execution.resources.additional_lines, gres=self.execution.resources.gres, ) else: self._backend_executor = executor( prefix_execution=self.execution.prefix_execution, binary_location=self.execution.binary_location, ) def _unroll_compounds( self, compounds: List[Compound], level: str = _SBE.WRITEOUT_COMP_CATEGORY_CONFORMERS, ) -> List[Conformer]: all_conformers = [] for comp in compounds: for enum in comp.get_enumerations(): if level == _SBE.WRITEOUT_COMP_CATEGORY_ENUMERATIONS: all_conformers.append(enum) elif level == _SBE.WRITEOUT_COMP_CATEGORY_CONFORMERS: for conf in enum: all_conformers.append(conf) return all_conformers
[docs] def write_conformers(self, path: str): """Convenience function for frequent conformer coordinate write-out. Better to use the WriteOutHandler class.""" compounds_copy = self.clone_compounds() params = { _SBE.WRITEOUT_CONFIG: { _SBE.WRITEOUT_COMP: { _SBE.WRITEOUT_COMP_CATEGORY: _SBE.WRITEOUT_COMP_CATEGORY_CONFORMERS }, _SBE.WRITEOUT_DESTINATION: { _SBE.WRITEOUT_DESTINATION_RESOURCE: path, _SBE.WRITEOUT_DESTINATION_TYPE: _SBE.WRITEOUT_DESTINATION_TYPE_FILE, _SBE.WRITEOUT_DESTINATION_FORMAT: _SBE.FORMAT_SDF, }, } } writeout_handler = WriteOutHandler(**params) writeout_handler.set_data(StepData(compounds=compounds_copy)) writeout_handler.write()
[docs] def write_generic_by_extension(self, path: str, ext: str, join=True): """Write all generic data objects with a given extension :param str path: path to write object to, by default just a directory :param str ext: extension :param bool join: controls join behaviour, if True, joins existing filename to path, defaults to True """ for file in file.write(path, join=join)
[docs] def write_generic_by_name(self, path: str, name: str): """Write a generic file by name :param str path: directory to write to :param str name: name of file to be written out """ file = file.write(path)
def _check_backend_availability(self, strict=True): if self._backend_executor is None: raise Exception( "Cannot check backend availability before initialization is complete." ) if self.execution.check_backend_availability: if not self._backend_executor.is_available(): if strict: raise StepFailed( f"Cannot initialize backend for step {self.step_id} - abort." ) else: self._logger.log( f"Backend availability check failed, proceeding anyways.", _LE.WARNING, ) else: self._logger.log(f"Checked backend availability - valid.", _LE.DEBUG) def _input_object_valid(self, obj) -> bool: if obj.get_molecule() is None or not isinstance(obj.get_molecule(), Chem.Mol): self._logger.log( f"Object {obj.get_index_string()} skipped - no valid molecule.", _LE.WARNING, ) return False return True def _input_object_empty(self, obj) -> bool: if obj.empty(): self._logger.log( f"Object {obj.get_index_string()} is skipped (empty).", _LE.WARNING ) return True return False # TODO: REMOVE THIS FUNCTION (see: write_molecule_to_sdf()) def _prepare_temp_input(self, tmp_dir: str, molecule: Chem.Mol) -> str: _, tmp_sdf_path = gen_tmp_file(suffix=".sdf", dir=tmp_dir) if molecule is None or not isinstance(molecule, Chem.Mol): raise ValueError( "Function requires input attribute to be an RDkit molecule." ) writer = Chem.SDWriter(tmp_sdf_path) writer.write(molecule) writer.close() self._logger.log(f"Wrote input molecule to file {tmp_sdf_path}.", _LE.DEBUG) return tmp_sdf_path def _get_sublists(self, get_first_n_lists: int = None) -> List[List[Subtask]]: number_cores = self._get_number_cores() # decide how to slice the ligand list depending on whether a maximum length is defined or not if self.execution.parallelization.max_length_sublists is not None: slice_size = min( max(self.execution.parallelization.max_length_sublists, 1), len(self._subtask_container), ) return self._subtask_container.get_sublists( partitions=None, slice_size=slice_size, get_first_n_lists=get_first_n_lists, ) else: # split the ligands into as many cores as available partitions = min(number_cores, len(self._subtask_container)) return self._subtask_container.get_sublists( partitions=partitions, slice_size=None, get_first_n_lists=get_first_n_lists, ) def _get_number_cores(self): # prepare the parallelization and set the number of cores to be used cores = if cores == 0: cores = 1 elif cores < 0: # subtract the number of cores (neg. value, thus add up) from total number of cores, e.g. -1 will # use all available cores minus 1 cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + cores if cores > multiprocessing.cpu_count(): self._logger.log( f"WARNING: running {cores} processes on {multiprocessing.cpu_count()} logical cores!", _LE.WARNING, ) return cores
[docs] def get_arguments(self, defaults: dict = None) -> List[str]: """Construct pmx-specific arguments from the step defaults, overridden by arguments specified in the config file :param dict defaults: optional set of key-value pairs for default arguments, defaults to None :return List[str]: formatted list of strings """ arguments = [] # add flags for flag in self.settings.arguments.flags: arguments.append(flag) # flatten the dictionary into a list for command-line execution for key in self.settings.arguments.parameters.keys(): arguments.append(key) arguments.append(self.settings.arguments.parameters[key]) # add defaults, if not already present if defaults is not None: for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in arguments: arguments.append(key) arguments.append(value) return arguments
def _print_log_file(self, path: str): if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, "r") as log_file: log_file_raw = log_file.readlines() self._logger.log(f"Printing log file {path}:\n", _LE.DEBUG) for line in log_file_raw: self._logger_blank.log(line.rstrip("\n"), _LE.DEBUG) self._logger_blank.log("", _LE.DEBUG) self._logger.log("--- End file", _LE.DEBUG) def _add_data_to_generic(self, file, data, extension=None): """Write data from arbitrary file to generic container class""" file_name = file.split("/")[-1] # file types where they can be passed as arguments in a subsequent step # TODO: this is not maintainable! file_tag = ( True if file.endswith((".gro", "", "tpr", "fmp", "edge")) else False ) file = GenericData( file_name=file_name, file_data=data, argument=file_tag, extension=extension ) def _parse_output( self, tmp_dir, exclusion_list=( "#", "AC", "AC0", "INF", "hashed", "metadata", "timekeys", "000000", ), ): """Generic method for parsing generic writeout, can be overwritten in child classes""" file_list = [os.path.join(tmp_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(tmp_dir)] for file in file_list: if os.path.isfile(file) and not file.endswith(exclusion_list): try: with open(file, "r") as f: data = binary = False except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(file, "rb") as f: data = binary = True # work out if we handle the data or just the path to it on disk file_size = os.stat(file).st_size if file_size > float(_SBE.FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD.value): # do not write to the dict - file is too large to store in memory _, tmp_path = gen_tmp_file(suffix="." + str(file).split(".")[-1]) self._logger.log( f"Large file detected, storing at {tmp_path}", _LE.INFO ) if binary: with open(tmp_path, "wb") as f: f.write(data) else: with open(tmp_path, "w") as f: f.write(data) data = tmp_path self._add_data_to_generic(file, data) self._logger.log(f"Stored data for file {file}", _LE.DEBUG) elif os.path.isdir(file): tmp_dir = mkdtemp() copy_tree(file, tmp_dir) self._add_data_to_generic(file=file, data=tmp_dir, extension="dir") # we have picked up a directory, we want the entire contents copied somewhere def _wait_until_file_generation( self, path, path_log=None, interval_sec=1, maximum_sec=None, success_strings: set = set(), fail_strings: set = set(), ) -> bool: # TODO: Refactor that without breaking the Glide dependency. counter = 0 while not os.path.exists(path): # wait for an interval time.sleep(interval_sec) counter = counter + 1 # if a Glide logfile path has been specified, check, whether critical messages indicating an abort are there # note, that we return "True" to indicate that the "file generation" has nevertheless been completed if path_log is not None: if any_in_file(path_log, fail_strings): self._logger.log( f"A critical error occurred in sublist execution.", _LE.WARNING ) self._print_log_file(path_log) return True if any_in_file(path_log, success_strings): # log file indicates job is done; give a bit of leeway to ensure the writing is done time.sleep(3) break # if there's time left, proceed if maximum_sec is not None and counter * interval_sec >= maximum_sec: break if os.path.exists(path): return True else: return False def _log_execution_progress(self): number_tasks_done = len(self._subtask_container.get_done_tasks()) number_tasks_total = len(self._subtask_container.subtasks) self._logger.log( get_progress_bar_string(number_tasks_done, number_tasks_total, length=65), _LE.INFO, ) def _log_result(self, result: CompletedProcess): """ logs stdout from completed process to file """ for line in result.stdout.split("\n"): self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.DEBUG) def _get_additional_setting(self, key: str, default: str = None): """ Query settings.additional with the key, if not set use the default """ return ( self.settings.additional[key] if key in self.settings.additional.keys() else default )
[docs] def get_topol(self) -> GromacsState: """Get the gromacs state attached to the step :return GromacsState: Current state of the GromacsState object """ if not"pkl"): return else: return self.load_topol("pkl", rtn_file_object=True) )