Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.schrodinger.fep_plus_execution

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List

from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepBaseEnum, StepFepPlusEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import FepPlusEnum
from icolos.utils.execute_external.fep_plus import FepPlusExecutor

from pydantic import BaseModel, PrivateAttr
import os
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
import time
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.schrodinger.fep_base import StepFEPBase

from icolos.utils.general.icolos_exceptions import StepFailed

_FE = FepPlusEnum()
_SFE = StepFepPlusEnum()
_SBE = StepBaseEnum

[docs]class StepFepPlusExec(StepFEPBase, BaseModel): """ Execute the FEP+ workflow, interfaced with AWS """
[docs] class Config: underscore_attrs_are_private = True
_job_id = PrivateAttr() def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._initialize_backend(executor=FepPlusExecutor) self._check_backend_availability() self._job_id = None def _parse_arguments(self, tmp_dir: str): parameters = deepcopy(self.settings.arguments.parameters) arguments = [] if parameters: for key in parameters.keys(): # treat this specially, needs escaped quotations arguments.append(key) if key == "-solvent_asl": arguments.append(f"'{parameters[key]}'") else: arguments.append(str(parameters[key])) # for our AWS config, need to set processors per job =1 if "-ppj" not in arguments: arguments.extend(["-ppj", "1"]) self._logger.log( "Set -ppj 1 for AWS execution, since no override was specified", _LE.DEBUG, ) if _SFE.RETRIES not in arguments: arguments.extend([_SFE.RETRIES, "3"]) if len(self.settings.arguments.flags) > 0: for flag in self.settings.arguments.flags: arguments.append(str(flag)) # only do this for small-molecule FEP if "-protein" in arguments: arguments.append( os.path.join( tmp_dir,"maegz") ) ) else: arguments.append(_SFE.FMP_OUTPUT_FILE) # remove "-WAIT" if it has been set, as this will interfere with the implementation (and might cause issues # due to file system write buffering) if _SFE.WAIT_FLAG in arguments: self._logger.log( "Ignoring -WAIT flag for FEP+ execution (this would interfere with the implementation).", _LE.WARNING, ) arguments = [arg for arg in arguments if arg != _SFE.WAIT_FLAG] return arguments def _unit_test_simulate_output(self, fmp_data, log_data): # call this method from the unit instead of the execute method to write out the expected output tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() with open( os.path.join( tmp_dir, f"{self.settings.arguments.parameters[_SFE.JOBNAME_FLAG]}_{_SFE.FMP_OUTPUT_FILE}", ), "w", ) as f: f.write(fmp_data) with open( os.path.join( tmp_dir, f"{self.settings.arguments.parameters[_SFE.JOBNAME_FLAG]}_{_SFE.LOGFILE}", ), "w", ) as f: f.write(fmp_data) self._parse_output(tmp_dir) self._extract_log_file_data(tmp_dir) self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir) def _get_job_id(self, result): parts = str(result.stdout).split("\n") for part in parts: if _SFE.JOBID_STRING in part: # full_job_id looks something like 549a938d-d2ca-11eb-b9f2-0a6713e9bd3a but only the first part of the # hash is needed to access the right job afterwards full_job_id = part.split(" ")[1] self._job_id = full_job_id.split("-")[0] self._logger.log(f"JobId of FEP+ run is {self._job_id}.", _LE.DEBUG) if self._job_id is None: self._logger.log( "Could not obtain JobId after execution - abort.", _LE.ERROR ) raise StepFailed def _get_log_file(self) -> List[str]: arguments = [ self._job_id, _SFE.FILE_NAME, f'{self.settings.arguments.parameters[_SFE.JOBNAME_FLAG]}_{_SFE.LOGFILE}"', ] logging_result = None trials = 0 while trials < 30000: logging_result = self._backend_executor.execute( command=_FE.JSC_TAIL_FILE, arguments=arguments, check=False ) if logging_result.returncode != 0: time.sleep(30) trials += 1 continue else: break if logging_result is None: raise StepFailed("Could not obtain log file from server within time limit.") log_lines = str(logging_result.stdout).split("\n") return log_lines def _get_new_lines(self, old_file) -> List[str]: new_lines = self._get_log_file() # take the first n lines off the new log file where n is the length of the old log file diff = new_lines[len(old_file) - 1 :] return diff def _wait_for_job_completion(self): # get the log file at this state log_file = self._get_log_file() for line in log_file: self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.INFO) # TODO: set maximum (or at least allow to set a maximum) while (_SFE.FEP_EXEC_COMPLETE not in log_file) and ( _SFE.FEP_EXEC_PARTIAL_COMPLETE not in log_file ): time.sleep(30) new_lines = self._get_new_lines(log_file) if len(new_lines) > 0: for line in new_lines: self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.INFO) log_file.append(line) def _clean_up(self, tmp_dir: str): self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir) self._job_id = None
[docs] def execute(self): # generate the temporary directory and populate it with the required files tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() # check compounds loaded in properly if not self._logger.log( f"No compounds were loaded for step {self.step_id}! If this was intentional you can ignore this warning.", _LE.WARNING, ) # obtain the arguments as a list of strings arguments = self._parse_arguments(tmp_dir) self._logger.log(f"Executing FEP+ calculation in {tmp_dir}.", _LE.INFO) # execute fep_plus self._apply_token_guard() result = self._backend_executor.execute( command=_FE.FEP_EXECUTOR, arguments=arguments, location=tmp_dir, check=True ) # get job ID from the job server self._get_job_id(result) # wait for job completion self._wait_for_job_completion() # extract the edge information from the log file (rather than the annotated map, as this is easier) self._parse_output(tmp_dir) self._extract_log_file_data(tmp_dir) self._logger.log(f"Completed FEP+ execution.", _LE.INFO) # clean-up and reset self._clean_up(tmp_dir)