Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.pmx.run_simulations

from typing import List
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.pmx.base import StepPMXBase
from pydantic import BaseModel
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
import numpy as np
from icolos.utils.enums.execution_enums import ExecutionPlatformEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import (
from icolos.utils.execute_external.slurm_executor import SlurmExecutor
from icolos.utils.general.parallelization import Subtask, SubtaskContainer
import os

_PSE = StepPMXEnum()
_EPE = ExecutionPlatformEnum

[docs]class StepPMXRunSimulations(StepPMXBase, BaseModel): """ Runs md simulations, unwraps into pool of individual jobs, parallelized over available GPUs """ sim_type: str = "" def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) # Note: if youre running the job on, for example, a workstation, without slurm, this will simply execute the scripts directly (the slurm header is simply ignored in this case) self._initialize_backend(executor=SlurmExecutor)
[docs] def execute(self): if self.run_type == "rbfe": edges = [e.get_edge_id() for e in self.get_edges()] elif self.run_type == "abfe": edges = [c.get_index_string() for c in self.get_compounds()] self.sim_type = self._get_additional_setting(_PSE.SIM_TYPE) assert ( self.sim_type in self.mdp_prefixes.keys() ), f"sim type {self.sim_type} not recognised!" # prepare and pool jobscripts, unroll replicas, etc job_pool = self._prepare_job_pool(edges) self._logger.log( f"Prepared {len(job_pool)} jobs for {self.sim_type} simulations", _LE.DEBUG, ) self._subtask_container = SubtaskContainer( max_tries=self.execution.failure_policy.n_tries ) self._subtask_container.load_data(job_pool) result_checker = ( self._inspect_dhdl_files if self.sim_type == "transitions" else self._inspect_log_files ) # simulations are run without the normal parallelizer # this relies upon job IDs from Slurm if ( self.execution.platform == _EPE.SLURM and self._backend_executor.is_available() ): self._run_job_pool(run_func=self._run_single_job) else: # simulations are run locally self._execute_pmx_step_parallel( run_func=self._execute_command, step_id="pmx_run_simulations", # for run_simulations, because batch efficiency is crucial, we do this prior to batching prune_completed=False, result_checker=result_checker, )
# clean up large files from completed transition jobs only # if self.sim_type == "transitions": # self._logger.log("Cleaning up transition output files", _LE.DEBUG) # to_clean_list = [] # for job in job_pool: # # search branch, state, run # to_clean_list.append( # glob(f"{self.work_dir}/{job}/*/*/*/transitions/frame*.gro") # ) # for file in to_clean_list: # os.remove(file)
[docs] def get_mdrun_command( self, tpr=None, ener=None, confout=None, mdlog=None, trr=None, ): mdrun_binary = self._get_additional_setting( _PSE.MDRUN_EXECUTABLE, default="gmx mdrun" ) if self.sim_type in ("em", "eq", "npt", "nvt"): # add some logic to each commands to handle restarts mdrun_call = [ mdrun_binary, "-s", tpr, "-e", ener, "-c", confout, "-o", trr, "-g", mdlog, ] for flag in self.settings.arguments.flags: mdrun_call.append(str(flag)) for key, value in self.settings.arguments.parameters.items(): mdrun_call.append(str(key)) mdrun_call.append(str(value)) job_command = ( [f"FILE={os.path.dirname(tpr)}/state.cpt\nif [ -f $FILE ]; then\n"] + mdrun_call + ["-cpi state.cpt\nelse\n"] + mdrun_call + ["\nfi\n"] ) elif self.sim_type == "transitions": # need to add many job commands to the slurm file, one for each transition sim_path = os.path.dirname(tpr) tpr_files = [f for f in os.listdir(sim_path) if f.endswith("tpr")] job_command = [] # note, these will not be returned in numerical order! for file in tpr_files: # grab the index in the tpr file tpr_idx = file.split(".tpr")[0][2:] dhdl_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mdlog), f"dhdl{tpr_idx}.xvg") if not os.path.isfile(dhdl_file): # handles aws spot restarts single_command = [ f"FILE={sim_path}/dhdl{tpr_idx}.xvg\nif [ ! -f $FILE ]; then\n" ] single_command += [ mdrun_binary, "-s", file, "-e", ener, "-c", confout, "-dhdl", f"dhdl{tpr_idx}.xvg", "-o", trr, "-g", mdlog, ] for flag in self.settings.arguments.flags: single_command.append(str(flag)) for key, value in self.settings.arguments.parameters.items(): single_command.append(str(key)) single_command.append(str(value)) single_command.append("\nfi\n") single_command.append(f"\nrm {os.path.dirname(ener)}/*#\n") job_command += single_command else: self._logger.log( f"dhdl file for transition {tpr_idx} in {os.path.dirname(mdlog)} already exists, skipping", _LE.DEBUG, ) return job_command
def _prepare_single_job(self, edge: str, wp: str, state: str, r: int): """ Construct a slurm job file in that job's directory, return the path to the batch script """ simpath = self._get_specific_path( workPath=self.work_dir, edge=edge, wp=wp, state=state, r=r, sim=self.sim_type, ) tpr = "{0}/tpr.tpr".format(simpath) ener = "{0}/ener.edr".format(simpath) confout = "{0}/confout.gro".format(simpath) mdlog = "{0}/md.log".format(simpath) trr = "{0}/traj.trr".format(simpath) if self.sim_type != "transitions": try: with open(os.path.join(simpath, "md.log"), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() sim_complete = any(["Finished mdrun" in l for l in lines]) except FileNotFoundError: sim_complete = False # handle transitions else: # cannot reliably check that all sims for all edges have completed here, this will be checked in get_mdrun_command which will skip completed perturbations if dhdl exists sim_complete = False if not sim_complete: self._logger.log( f"Preparing: {wp} {edge} {state} run{r}, simType {self.sim_type}", _LE.DEBUG, ) job_command = self.get_mdrun_command( tpr=tpr, trr=trr, ener=ener, confout=confout, mdlog=mdlog, ) # empty list indicates all transitions completed if job_command: job_command = " ".join(job_command) batch_file = self._backend_executor.prepare_batch_script( job_command, arguments=[], location=simpath ) return os.path.join(simpath, batch_file) return def _prepare_job_pool(self, edges: List[str]): replicas = ( self.get_perturbation_map().replicas if self.get_perturbation_map() is not None else 1 ) batch_script_paths = [] # load in the protein jobs first, queue is FIFO for branch in self.therm_cycle_branches: for edge in edges: for r in range(1, replicas + 1): for state in self.states: path = self._prepare_single_job( edge=edge, wp=branch, state=state, r=r ) if path is not None: batch_script_paths.append(path) return batch_script_paths def _run_single_job(self, job: str): """ Execute the simulation for a single batch script """ self._logger.log( f"Starting execution of job {job.split('/')[-1]}.", _LE.DEBUG, ) location = os.path.dirname(job) job_id = self._backend_executor.execute( tmpfile=job, location=location, check=False, wait=False ) return job_id def _execute_command(self, jobs: List[Subtask]): for idx, job in enumerate(jobs): self._logger.log( f"Starting execution of job {job.split('/')[-1]}. ", _LE.DEBUG, ) self._logger.log(f"Batch progress: {idx+1}/{len(jobs)}", _LE.DEBUG) location = os.path.dirname(job) result = self._backend_executor.execute( tmpfile=job, location=location, check=False ) self._logger.log( f"Execution for job {job} completed with status: {result}", _LE.DEBUG ) def _inspect_log_files(self, jobs: List[str]) -> List[List[bool]]: """ Check the md.log files in the edge's job dir, return :param jobs: list of paths to the batch scripts """ results = [] for subtask in jobs: subtask_results = [] for sim in subtask: location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sim), "md.log") if os.path.isfile(location): with open(location, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() subtask_results.append( any(["Finished mdrun" in l for l in lines[-20:]]) ) else: subtask_results.append(False) results.append(subtask_results) return results def _inspect_dhdl_files(self, jobs: List[str]) -> List[List[bool]]: # check there is a dhdl file for each tpr file results = [] for subtask in jobs: subtask_results = [] for sim in subtask: location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sim)) n_snapshots = len( [f for f in os.listdir(location) if f.endswith("tpr")] ) dhdl_files = [f"dhdl{i}.xvg" for i in range(1, n_snapshots + 1)] if not all( [os.path.isfile(os.path.join(location, f)) for f in dhdl_files] ): subtask_results.append(False) else: subtask_results.append(True) results.append(subtask_results) return results