Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.pmx.prepare_simulations

from typing import List, Union
from icolos.core.containers.compound import Compound
from icolos.core.containers.perturbation_map import Edge
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.pmx.base import StepPMXBase
from pydantic import BaseModel
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import (
from icolos.utils.execute_external.gromacs import GromacsExecutor
from icolos.utils.general.parallelization import SubtaskContainer
import os

_PSE = StepPMXEnum()

[docs]class StepPMXPrepareSimulations(StepPMXBase, BaseModel): """ Prepare the tpr file for either equilibration or production simulations """ def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._initialize_backend(executor=GromacsExecutor)
[docs] def execute(self): if self.run_type == _PSE.RBFE: edges = [e.get_edge_id() for e in self.get_edges()] elif self.run_type == _PSE.ABFE: edges = [c.get_index_string() for c in self.get_compounds()] self.execution.parallelization.max_length_sublists = 1 self._subtask_container = SubtaskContainer( max_tries=self.execution.failure_policy.n_tries ) self._subtask_container.load_data(edges) self._execute_pmx_step_parallel( run_func=self.prepare_simulation, step_id="pmx prepare_simulations", result_checker=self._check_result, )
[docs] def prepare_simulation(self, jobs: List[Union[Edge, Compound]]) -> None: # define some constants that depend on whether this is rbfe/abfe # for abfe, edge refers to the ligand index sim_type = self.settings.additional[_PSE.SIM_TYPE] # FIXME: how do we get the replicas for abfe jobs without requiring input every time? inspect the workdir? replicas = ( self.get_perturbation_map().replicas if self.get_perturbation_map() is not None else 1 ) for edge in jobs: for state in self.states: for r in range(1, replicas + 1): for wp in self.therm_cycle_branches: toppath = self._get_specific_path( workPath=self.work_dir, edge=edge, wp=wp ) # dir for the current sim type simpath = self._get_specific_path( workPath=self.work_dir, edge=edge, wp=wp, state=state, r=r, sim=sim_type, ) # dir for the previous sim type, from which we get confout.gro prev_type = self._get_previous_sim_type(sim_type) empath = self._get_specific_path( workPath=self.work_dir, edge=edge, wp=wp, state=state, r=r, sim=prev_type, ) self._prepare_single_tpr( simpath=simpath, toppath=toppath, state=state, sim_type=sim_type, empath=empath, executor=self._backend_executor, )
def _get_previous_sim_type(self, sim_type: str): """ Works out where to get starting structure from based on the current run and simulation type """ if self._get_additional_setting(_PSE.PREV_STEP) is not None: return self._get_additional_setting(_PSE.PREV_STEP) elif self.run_type == _PSE.RBFE: if sim_type == "nvt": return "em" elif sim_type == "eq": return "nvt" elif self.run_type == _PSE.ABFE: if sim_type in ("em", "nvt"): return "em" elif sim_type == "npt": return "nvt" elif sim_type == "eq": return "npt" def _check_result(self, batch: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[bool]]: """ Look in each hybridStrTop dir and check the output pdb files exist for the edges """ sim_type = self.settings.additional[_PSE.SIM_TYPE] replicas = self.get_perturbation_map().replicas output_files = [] for i in range(1, replicas + 1): output_files.append(f"unbound/stateA/run{i}/{sim_type}/tpr.tpr") output_files.append(f"unbound/stateB/run{i}/{sim_type}/tpr.tpr") output_files.append(f"bound/stateA/run{i}/{sim_type}/tpr.tpr") output_files.append(f"bound/stateB/run{i}/{sim_type}/tpr.tpr") results = [] for subjob in batch: subjob_results = [] for job in subjob: subjob_results.append( all( [ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.work_dir, job, f)) for f in output_files ] ) ) results.append(subjob_results) return results