Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.pmx.base

from asyncio import run_coroutine_threadsafe
import subprocess
from subprocess import CompletedProcess
import time
from typing import Callable, Deque, Dict, List
import warnings
from pydantic import BaseModel
from icolos.core.containers.compound import Compound, Conformer
from icolos.core.containers.perturbation_map import Node, PerturbationMap
from rdkit.Chem import rdmolops
from rdkit import Chem
from icolos.core.containers.compound import Compound, Conformer
from icolos.core.containers.perturbation_map import Node, PerturbationMap
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import StepBase
from icolos.utils.enums.parallelization import ParallelizationEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import GromacsEnum, SlurmEnum, StepPMXEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepGromacsEnum, StepPMXSetupEnum
from icolos.utils.execute_external.execute import Executor
from icolos.utils.execute_external.gromacs import GromacsExecutor
import os
from icolos.utils.general.parallelization import Parallelizer
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
import shutil
import glob

from icolos.utils.general.progress_bar import get_progress_bar_string

_GE = GromacsEnum()
_SGE = StepGromacsEnum()
_SPSE = StepPMXSetupEnum()
_SPE = StepPMXEnum()
_PE = ParallelizationEnum
_SE = SlurmEnum

[docs]class StepPMXBase(StepBase, BaseModel): """Base class containing shared methods for Non-equilibrium free energy calculations Additional settings (these apply to any step that inherits StepPMXBase) :str run_type: specify absolute or relative mode, default = rbfe :str boxshape: specify the boxshape to use in calculation setup, deafult = dodecahedron :float boxd: spefify solvent box buffer dimention, default = 1.5 :str water: specify water model, default = tip3p :float conc: specify salt concentration, default=0.15 """ _antechamber_executor: Executor = None _gromacs_executor: Executor = None sim_types: List = None states: List = None therm_cycle_branches: List = None run_type: str = None ff: str = None boxshape: str = None boxd: float = None water: str = None conc: float = None pname: str = None nname: str = None mdp_prefixes: Dict = None def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._antechamber_executor = Executor() self._gromacs_executor = GromacsExecutor( prefix_execution=self.execution.prefix_execution ) self.sim_types = ["em", "nvt", "eq", "transitions"] self.states = ["stateA", "stateB"] # for a normal pmx run this would be "water" and "protein" # unbound -> ligand, bound -> complex self.therm_cycle_branches = ["unbound", "bound"] # simulation setup self.run_type = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.RUN_TYPE, "rbfe") self.ff = "amber99sb-star-ildn-mut.ff" self.boxshape = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.BOXSHAPE, "dodecahedron") self.boxd = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.BOXD, 1.5) self.water = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.WATER, "tip3p") self.conc = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.CONC, 0.15) self.pname = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.PNAME, "NaJ") self.nname = self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.NNAME, "ClJ") self.mdp_prefixes = { "em": "em", "nvt": "nvt", "npt": "npt", "eq": "eq", "transitions": "ti", } def _get_specific_path( self, workPath=None, edge=None, bHybridStrTop=False, wp=None, state=None, r=None, sim=None, ): """ Utility function for getting the right paths from a pmx-type directory structure. Works for both rbfe and abfe runs """ if edge == None: return workPath edgepath = "{0}/{1}".format(workPath, edge) if bHybridStrTop == True: hybridStrPath = "{0}/hybridStrTop".format(edgepath) return hybridStrPath if wp == None: return edgepath wppath = "{0}/{1}".format(edgepath, wp) if state == None: return wppath statepath = "{0}/{1}".format(wppath, state) if r == None: return statepath runpath = "{0}/run{1}".format(statepath, r) if sim == None: return runpath simpath = "{0}/{1}".format(runpath, sim) return simpath def _parametrise_protein( self, protein: str = "protein.pdb", path: str = "input/protein", output="protein.pdb", ): # run pdb2gmx on the protein pdb2gmx_args = [ "-f", os.path.join(self.work_dir, path, protein), "-ignh", "-water", self.settings.additional["water"], "-ff", self.settings.additional["forcefield"], "-o", os.path.join(self.work_dir, path, output), ] self._backend_executor.execute( command=_GE.PDB2GMX, arguments=pdb2gmx_args, check=True, location=os.path.join(self.work_dir, path), ) def _prepare_single_tpr( self, simpath, toppath, state, sim_type, executor, empath=None, ) -> CompletedProcess: mdp_path = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "input/mdp") mdp_prefix = self.mdp_prefixes[sim_type] # TODO: is this a liability? would we ever have more than a single topol file? top = "{0}/*.top".format(toppath) tpr = "{0}/tpr.tpr".format(simpath) mdout = "{0}/mdout.mdp".format(simpath) # mdp if state == "stateA": mdp = "{0}/{1}_l0.mdp".format(mdp_path, mdp_prefix) else: mdp = "{0}/{1}_l1.mdp".format(mdp_path, mdp_prefix) # TODO: deal with nvt/npt for abfe # str if not sim_type == "transitions": if sim_type == "em": if self.run_type == "rbfe": inStr = f"{toppath}/ions.pdb" elif self.run_type == "abfe": inStr = f"{toppath}/genion.gro" elif sim_type in ("eq", "nvt", "npt"): inStr = "{0}/confout.gro".format(empath) grompp_args = [ "-f", mdp, "-c", inStr, "-r", inStr, "-p", top, "-o", tpr, "-maxwarn", 4, "-po", mdout, ] if not os.path.isfile(tpr): result = executor.execute( command=_GE.GROMPP, arguments=grompp_args, check=True, location=simpath, ) else: self._logger.log(f"tpr file {tpr} already exists, skipping", _LE.DEBUG) elif sim_type == "transitions": grompp_full_cmd = [] # 80 frames = 0 - 79 num_frames = len([f for f in os.listdir(simpath) if f.startswith("frame")]) self._logger.log( f"Generating transition tpr files for {num_frames} frames", _LE.DEBUG ) for frame in range(num_frames): inStr = f"{simpath}/frame{frame}.gro" tpr = f"{simpath}/ti{frame}.tpr".format(simpath, frame) grompp_args = [ "gmx grompp", "-f", mdp, "-c", inStr, "-r", inStr, "-p", top, "-o", tpr, "-maxwarn", "4", "-po", mdout, ";", ] if not os.path.isfile(tpr): grompp_full_cmd += grompp_args else: self._logger.log( f"tpr file {tpr} already exists, skipping", _LE.DEBUG ) grompp_full_cmd = " ".join(grompp_full_cmd[:-1]) # check all transitions have not been skipped if grompp_full_cmd: result = executor.execute( command=grompp_full_cmd, arguments=[], check=True, location=simpath ) self._clean_backup_files(simpath) def _clean_pdb_structure(self, tmp_dir: str) -> None: files = [file for file in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if file.endswith("pdb")] for file in files: cleaned_lines = [] with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, file), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if "ATOM" in line or "HETATM" in line: cleaned_lines.append(line) with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, file), "w") as f: f.writelines(cleaned_lines) def _parametrisation_pipeline( self, tmp_dir, conf: Conformer, include_top=False, include_gro=False ): # main pipeline for producing GAFF parameters for a ligand charge_method = self._get_additional_setting( key=_SPSE.CHARGE_METHOD, default="bcc" ) formal_charge = ( rdmolops.GetFormalCharge(conf.get_molecule()) if conf is not None else 0 ) arguments_acpype = [ "-di", "MOL.sdf", "-c", charge_method, "-a", "gaff2", "-n", formal_charge, ] self._logger.log("Generating ligand parameters...", _LE.DEBUG) self._backend_executor.execute( command=_GE.ACPYPE_BINARY, arguments=arguments_acpype, location=tmp_dir, check=True, ) # search the output dir for the itp file acpype_dir = [p for p in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if p.endswith(".acpype")][0] itp_file = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir)) if f.endswith("GMX.itp") ][0] pdb_file = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir)) if f.endswith("NEW.pdb") ][0] shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir, itp_file), # standardized name must be enforced here to make argument # parsing easier in subsequent pmx steps os.path.join(tmp_dir, "MOL.itp"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir, pdb_file), # standardized name must be enforced here to make argument # parsing easier in subsequent pmx steps os.path.join(tmp_dir, "MOL.pdb"), ) # for abfe calculations we need the + .gro files as well if include_top: top_file = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir)) if f.endswith("") ][0] shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir, top_file), os.path.join(tmp_dir, top_file), ) if include_gro: gro_file = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir)) if f.endswith("GMX.gro") ][0] shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(tmp_dir, acpype_dir, gro_file), os.path.join(tmp_dir, gro_file), ) def _run_job_pool(self, run_func: Callable): # get the loaded tasks from the subtask container # while self._subtask_container.done() is False: job_generator = (j for j in self._subtask_container.get_todo_tasks()) n_jobs = len(self._subtask_container.get_todo_tasks()) current_jobs = [] # initially fill the queue with N jobs while len(current_jobs) < try: current_jobs.append(next(job_generator)) except StopIteration: break _ = [job.increment_tries() for job in current_jobs] # submit the initial job pool queue_exhausted = False previous_metrics = [0, 0, 0] done_count = 0 while done_count < n_jobs: # loop through the jobs: done_count = len(self._subtask_container.get_done_tasks()) running_count = len(self._subtask_container.get_running_tasks()) ready_count = len(self._subtask_container.get_todo_tasks()) current_metrics = [done_count, running_count, ready_count] if current_metrics != previous_metrics: self._logger.log( f" Execution Summary: PENDING: {ready_count}\tRUNNING: {running_count}\tDONE: {done_count}", _LE.INFO, ) prog_string = get_progress_bar_string( done_count, done_count + running_count + ready_count ) self._logger.log(prog_string, _LE.INFO) previous_metrics = current_metrics for job in current_jobs: # job is ready to go, dispatch it to Slurm if job.status == _PE.STATUS_READY: job_id = run_func( job.set_job_id(job_id) job.set_status(_PE.STATUS_RUNNING) # check the job status elif job.status == _PE.STATUS_RUNNING: # check to see whether it's finished status = self._backend_executor._check_job_status(job.job_id) if status == _SE.COMPLETED: self._logger.log(f"Job {job.job_id} COMPLETED", _LE.DEBUG) job.set_status_success() elif status == _SE.FAILED: self._logger.log(f"Job {job.job_id} FAILED!", _LE.WARNING) job.set_status_failed() elif status == _SE.CANCELLED: self._logger.log( f"Job {job.job_id} was CANCELLED!", _LE.WARNING ) job.set_status_failed() elif status == _SE.NODE_FAIL: # aws revoked the spot instance. Resubmit the job self._logger.log( f"Job {job.job_id} was revoked, resubmitting...", _LE.DEBUG ) job.set_status(_PE.STATUS_READY) elif status not in (_SE.RUNNING, _SE.PENDING): self._logger.log( f"Unhandled job state {status} for job {job.job_id}", _LE.WARNING, ) job.set_status_failed() # if complete, succesfully or not, remove the job from the queue, prepare another elif job.status in (_PE.STATUS_SUCCESS, _PE.STATUS_FAILED): current_jobs.remove(job) if queue_exhausted is False: try: new_job = next(job_generator) self._logger.log(f"Preparing new job {}", _LE.DEBUG) new_job.increment_tries() current_jobs.append(new_job) except StopIteration: self._logger.log("Reached end of job queue", _LE.DEBUG) queue_exhausted = True time.sleep(10) def _execute_pmx_step_parallel( self, run_func: Callable, step_id: str, result_checker: Callable, prune_completed: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Instantiates Icolos's parallelizer object, runs the step's execute method, passes any kwargs straight to the run_func If result_checker is provided, """ parallelizer = Parallelizer(func=run_func) n = 1 while self._subtask_container.done() is False: next_batch = self._get_sublists( get_first_n_lists=self._get_number_cores() ) # return n lists of length max_sublist_length _ = [sub.increment_tries() for element in next_batch for sub in element] _ = [sub.set_status_failed() for element in next_batch for sub in element] jobs = self._prepare_edges(next_batch) n_removed = 0 if prune_completed: pre_exec_results = result_checker(jobs) for job_sublist, exec_success_sublist, sublist in zip( jobs, pre_exec_results, next_batch ): # we test on the subtask level, not the individual job level, but since jobs are run through with max_len_sublists=1, in practice this doesn't matter for job, result, task in zip( job_sublist, exec_success_sublist, sublist ): if result is True: # remove the entire sublist (one fewer cores running) job_sublist.remove(job) task.set_status_success() self._logger.log( f"Removed job {job} from execution batch, good output found", _LE.DEBUG, ) n_removed += 1 # if we have emptied entire job queues, remove the queue self._logger.log( f"Executing {step_id} for batch {n}, containing {len(jobs)} * {self.execution.parallelization.max_length_sublists} jobs", _LE.INFO, ) jobs = [j for j in jobs if j] parallelizer.execute_parallel(jobs=jobs, **kwargs) self._logger.log("Checking execution results...", _LE.DEBUG) batch_results = result_checker(jobs) good_results = 0 for task, result in zip(next_batch, batch_results): # returns boolean arrays: False => failed job for subtask, sub_result in zip(task, result): if sub_result == False: subtask.set_status_failed() self._logger.log(f"Warning: job {subtask} failed!", _LE.WARNING) if ( self.get_perturbation_map() is not None and self.get_perturbation_map().strict_execution and isinstance(, str) ): edge = self.get_perturbation_map().get_edge_by_id( ) if edge is not None: edge._set_status(_PE.STATUS_FAILED) else: subtask.set_status_success() good_results += 1 self._logger.log( f"EXECUTION SUMMARY: Completed {good_results} jobs successfully (out of {len(next_batch) * len(next_batch[0])} jobs for step {step_id}. Removed {n_removed} already completed jobs", _LE.INFO, ) self._log_execution_progress() n += 1
[docs] def get_edges(self): """ Inspect the map object passed to the step and extract the edge info """ return self.get_workflow_object().workflow_data.perturbation_map.edges
[docs] def get_nodes(self): """ return the nodes attached to the perturbation map """ return self.get_workflow_object().workflow_data.perturbation_map.nodes
def _get_line_idx(self, data: list, id_str: str) -> int: line = [e for e in data if id_str in e] assert len(line) == 1 line = line[0] return data.index(line) def _clean_protein(self): existing_itp_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "input/protein")) if f.endswith("itp") and "Protein" in f ] if ( not existing_itp_files ): # no protein itp files, we have a single chain that needs extacting from the top file with open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "input/protein/"), "r") as f: top_lines = f.readlines() moltype_line = self._get_line_idx(top_lines, _GE.MOLECULETYPES) end_itp_line = self._get_line_idx(top_lines, "; Include water topology") moltype = top_lines[moltype_line + 2].split()[0] cleaned_top = ( top_lines[:moltype_line] + [f'#include "topol_{moltype}.itp'] + top_lines[end_itp_line:] ) itp_lines = top_lines[moltype_line:end_itp_line] with open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "input/protein/"), "w") as f: f.writelines(cleaned_top) with open( os.path.join(self.work_dir, f"input/protein/topol_{moltype}.itp"), "w" ) as f: f.writelines(itp_lines)
[docs] def get_hub_conformer(self, hub_conf_path) -> Conformer: """ :return _type_: _description_ """ with Chem.SDMolSupplier(hub_conf_path) as supplier: hub_mol = supplier[0] return Conformer(conformer=hub_mol)
def _construct_perturbation_map(self, work_dir: str, replicas: int): if self.get_perturbation_map() is not None: self._logger.log("Perturbation map already constructed", _LE.DEBUG) self.get_perturbation_map().protein = ("pdb", rtn_file_object=True) ) self.get_perturbation_map().replicas = replicas return topology = self._get_additional_setting("topology", default="normal") # check whether a hub conformer has been supplied (as an sdf file) hub_conf_path = self._get_additional_setting("hub_conformer", default=None) if hub_conf_path is not None: assert hub_conf_path.endswith( ".sdf" ), "Hub conformer must be supplied as an SDF file!" perturbation_map = PerturbationMap(, "pdb", rtn_file_object=True ), replicas=replicas, strict_execution=self._get_additional_setting(_SPE.STRICT, default=True), hub_conformer=self.get_hub_conformer(hub_conf_path) if hub_conf_path is not None else None, ) if topology == "normal": # construct the perturbation map and load in the log file log_file = "log", rtn_file_object=True ) log_file.write(work_dir) perturbation_map.parse_map_file( os.path.join(self.work_dir, log_file.get_file_name()) ) elif topology == "star": # manually generate star top, no mapping tool required perturbation_map.generate_star_map() self._logger.log( f"Initialised perturbation map with {len(perturbation_map.get_nodes())} nodes and {len(perturbation_map.get_edges())} edges", _LE.INFO, ) self.get_workflow_object().set_perturbation_map(perturbation_map) def _prepare_edges(self, batch) -> List[List[str]]: edges = [] for task in batch: task_edges = [] for element in task: task_edges.append( edges.append(task_edges) return edges def _log_result(self, result: CompletedProcess): for line in result.stderr.split("\n"): self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.DEBUG) def _clean_backup_files(self, path): toclean = glob.glob("{0}/*#".format(path)) for clean in toclean: os.remove(clean) def _separate_atomtypes(self, lig_path: str) -> None: with open(os.path.join(lig_path, "MOL.itp"), "r") as f: itp_lines = f.readlines() start_idx = self._get_line_idx(itp_lines, _GE.ATOMTYPES) stop_index = self._get_line_idx(itp_lines, _GE.MOLECULETYPES) atomtype_lines = itp_lines[start_idx:stop_index] cleaned_itp_lines = itp_lines[stop_index:] with open(os.path.join(lig_path, "MOL.itp"), "w") as f: f.writelines(cleaned_itp_lines) # process the atomtype lines to remove the bondtype # col causes gmx to complain cleaned_atomtype_lines = [] for line in atomtype_lines: parts = line.split() if len(parts) > 5: cleaned_parts = [parts[0]] + parts[2:] + ["\n"] cleaned_atomtype_lines.append(" ".join(cleaned_parts)) with open(os.path.join(lig_path, "ffMOL.itp"), "w") as f: f.writelines(cleaned_atomtype_lines) def _parametrise_nodes(self, jobs): if isinstance(jobs, list): node = jobs[0] else: node = jobs if isinstance(node, Node): node_id = node.get_node_hash() conf = node.conformer elif isinstance(node, Compound): # in abfe we pass compounds here not edges node_id = node.get_index_string() conf = node.get_enumerations()[0].get_conformers()[0] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot parametrize object of type {type(node)}") lig_path = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "input", "ligands", node_id) os.makedirs(lig_path, exist_ok=True) conf.write(os.path.join(lig_path, "MOL.sdf")) # now run ACPYPE on the ligand to produce the topology file self._parametrisation_pipeline(lig_path, conf=conf) # produces MOL.itp, need to separate the atomtypes directive out into ffMOL.itp for pmx # to generate the forcefield later self._separate_atomtypes(lig_path)