Source code for

from typing import List, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel

from icolos.core.containers.compound import Compound, unroll_conformers
from icolos.core.step_utils.structcat_util import StructcatUtil
from icolos.core.step_utils.structconvert import StructConvert
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import (
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import (
from import StepIOBase
import os
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS

_SBE = StepBaseEnum
_SDM = StepDataManipulationEnum()
_SEE = SchrodingerExecutablesEnum()
_OE = OpenBabelEnum()
_SFE = StepFilterEnum()

[docs]class StepDataManipulation(StepIOBase, BaseModel): def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) # extend parameters if _SDM.ACTION not in self.settings.additional.keys(): self.settings.additional[ _SDM.ACTION ] = _SDM.ACTION_ATTACH_CONFORMERS_AS_EXTRA self._logger.log( f"Action not specified, defaulting to {_SDM.ACTION_ATTACH_CONFORMERS_AS_EXTRA}.", _LE.WARNING, ) def _attach_conformers_as_extra(self): # load data to match from previous step (note: no other input supported here, to avoid redudancy # with standard input preparation) match_compounds = ( self.get_workflow_object() .find_step_by_step_id(self.settings.additional[_SDM.MATCH_SOURCE]) .clone_compounds() ) # unroll for convenience, attach matches to input conformers as extra data match_conformers = unroll_conformers(match_compounds) for comp in self.get_compounds(): for enum in comp: for conf in enum: list_matched = [ c for c in match_conformers if conf.get_index_string() == c.get_index_string() ] conf.add_extra_data(key=_SDM.KEY_MATCHED, data=list_matched) self._logger.log( f"Added {len(list_matched)} conformers as extra data to conformer {conf.get_index_string()}.", _LE.DEBUG, ) def _convert_mae_to_pdb(self): converter = StructConvert(prefix_execution=_SEE.SCHRODINGER_MODULE) tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() # find the mae files from the input step and convert to pdb for file in"mae"): file.write(tmp_dir) output_file = file.get_file_name().split(".")[0] + ".pdb" converter.mae2pdb( os.path.join(tmp_dir, file.get_file_name()), os.path.join(tmp_dir, output_file), ) self._parse_output(tmp_dir) self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir) def _assemble_complexes(self): concatenator = StructcatUtil( prefix_execution=_SEE.SCHRODINGER_MODULE, backend=_OE.OBABEL ) assert os.path.isfile(self.settings.additional[_SDM.RECEPTOR]) # create a tmpdir to work in tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() # get compounds from previous step conformers = self._unroll_compounds(self.get_compounds(), level="conformers") for conf in conformers: path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{conf.get_index_string()}.sdf") conf.write(path) concatenator.concatenate( input_files=[ self.settings.additional[_SDM.RECEPTOR], path, ], output_file=os.path.join(tmp_dir, f"{conf.get_index_string()}.pdb"), ) self._parse_output(tmp_dir) self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir) def _filter_compounds(self): """modifies set of input compounds according to the specification provided in the config block""" # TODO: support ranking structures based on generic data top_n = self.settings.additional[_SFE.RETURN_N] reverse = self.settings.additional[_SFE.HIGHEST_IS_BEST] criteria = ( self.settings.additional[_SFE.CRITERIA] if _SFE.CRITERIA in self.settings.additional.keys() else None ) aggregation = ( self.settings.additional[_SFE.AGGREGATION] if _SFE.AGGREGATION in self.settings.additional.keys() else "sum" ) top_conformer_list = [] for compound in # filter by enumeration first - return a list of the top scoring conformers for that enumeration # this is the normal running mode, as opposed to sorting by compound, regardless of the enumeration it came from for enumeration in compound.get_enumerations(): enumeration.sort_conformers( by_tag=criteria, reverse=reverse, aggregation=aggregation ) top_confs = enumeration.get_conformers()[:top_n] enumeration.clear_conformers() enumeration.add_conformers(top_confs) # replace that enumeration's conformers with the sorted list. # if filtering at conformer level i.e. regardless of enumeration if self.settings.additional[_SFE.FILTER_LEVEL] == _SFE.COMPOUNDS: for conf in top_confs: top_conformer_list.append(conf) if self.settings.additional[_SFE.FILTER_LEVEL] == _SFE.COMPOUNDS: self._logger.log("Filtering to top conformers per compound", _LE.DEBUG) # sort the top conformers from each enumeration and attach the top n conformers to their respective enumeration, get rid of the rest # sorted_top_confs = sorted(top_conformer_list, # key=lambda x: x.get_molecule().GetProp(self.settings.additional[_SFE.CRITERIA]), # reverse=reverse)[:top_n] # sort conformers sorted_top_confs = self._sort_conformers( conformers=top_conformer_list, by_tag=criteria, reverse=reverse, aggregation=aggregation, ) for compound in for enum in compound.get_enumerations(): enum.clear_conformers() for conf in sorted_top_confs: enum = conf.get_enumeration_object() # if that enum's compound object already has top_n attached, skip comp: Compound = enum.get_compound_object() total_confs = self.get_conformer_count(comp) if total_confs < top_n: enum.add_conformer(conf) else: self._logger.log( "Already reached max conformers, skipping", _LE.DEBUG ) # remove empty conformers def _compute_mcs(self): """Performs mcs calculation with a reference structure, attaches rmsd tag to conformers in place""" # modify compounds inplace suppl = Chem.SDMolSupplier(self.settings.additional["ref_lig"]) ref = list(suppl) assert len(ref) == 1 ref = ref[0] for comp in self.get_compounds(): for enum in comp.get_enumerations(): for conf in enum.get_conformers(): mol = conf.get_molecule() r = rdFMCS.FindMCS([mol, ref]) a = mol.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(r.smartsString)) b = ref.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts(r.smartsString)) atom_map = list(zip(a, b)) distances = [] for atomA, atomB in atom_map: pos_A = mol.GetConformer().GetAtomPosition(atomA) pos_B = ref.GetConformer().GetAtomPosition(atomB) coord_A = np.array((pos_A.x, pos_A.y, pos_A.z)) coord_B = np.array((pos_B.x, pos_B.y, pos_B.z)) dist = np.linalg.norm(coord_A - coord_B) distances.append(dist) rmsd = np.sqrt(1 / len(distances) * sum([i * i for i in distances])) mol.SetProp("rmsd", str(rmsd)) # these can be filtered in a second data manipulation step
[docs] def get_conformer_count(self, comp: Compound) -> int: """count attached conformers over all enumerations :param Compound comp: compound to inspect :return int: number of conformers over all enumerations """ total_confs = 0 for enum in comp.get_enumerations(): for conf in enum.get_conformers(): total_confs += 1 return total_confs
def _sort_conformers( self, conformers, by_tag: Union[str, List[str]], reverse: bool = True, aggregation="sum", ): if isinstance(by_tag, list) and len(by_tag) == 1: by_tag = by_tag[0] if isinstance(by_tag, str): # sorting according to a single tag conformers = sorted( conformers, key=lambda x: float(x.get_molecule().GetProp(by_tag)), reverse=reverse, ) return conformers # self._conformers = conformers # self.reset_conformer_ids() elif isinstance(by_tag, list): # need to normalise the values, calculate max and min of each tag for that series of conformers provided # this would allow us to compare across a series, i.e. scoring and ranking the output of all conformers in an enumeration from Glide def normalise_tag(value, tag): all_tag_values = [ float(conf.get_molecule().GetProp(tag)) for conf in conformers ] if len(all_tag_values) == 1: return value else: max_tag = np.max(all_tag_values) min_tag = np.min(all_tag_values) return (float(value) - min_tag) / (max_tag - min_tag) # if we specify multiple tags, aggregate according the the provided aggregation function if aggregation == "sum": # sort by the sum of the normalised tags, conformers = sorted( conformers, key=lambda x: np.sum( [ float(normalise_tag(x.get_molecule().GetProp(i), i)) for i in by_tag ] ), reverse=reverse, ) return conformers elif aggregation == "product": conformers = sorted( conformers, key=lambda x: np.product( [ float(normalise_tag(x.get_molecule().GetProp(i), i)) for i in by_tag ] ), reverse=reverse, ) return conformers else: raise AttributeError( "Only sum or product aggregation modes are currently supported - ABORT" )
[docs] def execute(self): if ( self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.ACTION_ATTACH_CONFORMERS_AS_EXTRA ): self._attach_conformers_as_extra() elif self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.ACTION_NO_ACTION: n_comp, n_enum, n_conf = self.get_compound_stats() self._logger.log( f'Data manipulation step type "no_action" for {n_comp} compounds with {n_enum} enumerations with {n_conf} conformers completed.', _LE.INFO, ) elif self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.CONVERT_MAE_TO_PDB: self._convert_mae_to_pdb() elif self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.ASSEMBLE_COMPLEXES: # take pose conformers (sd format) and concatenate with pdb file self._assemble_complexes() elif self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.COLLECT_ITERATOR_RESULTS: # average the results coming from all iterations of the step raise NotImplementedError elif self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.FILTER: self._filter_compounds() n_comp, n_enum, n_conf = self.get_compound_stats() self._logger.log( f"Filtered compounds, resulting in {n_comp} compounds with {n_enum} enumerations with {n_conf} conformers completed.", _LE.INFO, ) elif self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION] == _SDM.COMPUTE_MCS: self._compute_mcs() else: raise ValueError( f'Action "{self.settings.additional[_SDM.ACTION]}" not supported.' )