Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.gromacs.mdrun

import tempfile
from typing import Callable, List
from icolos.core.containers.generic import GenericData
from icolos.core.containers.gmx_state import GromacsState
from icolos.utils.enums.execution_enums import ExecutionPlatformEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepGromacsEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import GromacsEnum
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.gromacs.base import StepGromacsBase
from pydantic import BaseModel
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
import os

from icolos.utils.execute_external.gromacs import GromacsExecutor
from icolos.utils.general.parallelization import Parallelizer, SubtaskContainer

_GE = GromacsEnum()
_SGE = StepGromacsEnum()
_ERE = ExecutionPlatformEnum

[docs]class StepGMXMDrun(StepGromacsBase, BaseModel): """ Launch gmx mdrun """ topol: GromacsState = None def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._initialize_backend(executor=GromacsExecutor) self._check_backend_availability() def _get_log_file(self, tmp_dir): """ Find and parse the log file """ log_file = [f for f in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if f.endswith(".log")] assert len(log_file) == 1 with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, log_file[0]), "r") as f: data = f.readlines() return data def _tail_log_file(self, tmp_dir): """ Log the last 50 lines of the log file to capture performance metrics from the run """ log_file = self._get_log_file(tmp_dir) for line in log_file[-50:]: self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.INFO)
[docs] def execute_mdrun(self, path: str, index: int): """ Make a single call to mdrun """ flag_dict = ( { "-s": _SGE.STD_TPR, "-c": _SGE.STD_STRUCTURE, "-e": _SGE.STD_EDR, "-cpo": _SGE.STD_CPT, "-x": _SGE.STD_XTC, } if not"cpt") else {"-cpi", os.path.join(path, "state.cpt")} ) arguments = self._parse_arguments(flag_dict) self._backend_executor.execute( command=_GE.MDRUN, arguments=arguments, location=path, check=True )
[docs] def execute_parallel_simulations(self, work_dirs, run_func: Callable): # attach the index of the workdir work_dirs = [(idx, wkdir) for idx, wkdir in enumerate(work_dirs)] self._subtask_container = SubtaskContainer( max_tries=self.execution.failure_policy.n_tries ) self._subtask_container.load_data(work_dirs) parallelizer = Parallelizer(func=run_func) n = 1 while self._subtask_container.done() is False: next_batch = self._get_sublists(get_first_n_lists=self._get_number_cores()) _ = [sub.increment_tries() for element in next_batch for sub in element] _ = [sub.set_status_failed() for element in next_batch for sub in element] paths, indices = self.prepare_jobs(next_batch) parallelizer.execute_parallel(path=paths, index=indices) n += 1
[docs] def prepare_jobs(self, batch) -> List[tuple]: paths, indices = [], [] for task in batch: for element in task: # tuple of (idx, dirpath) paths.append([1]) indices.append([0]) return paths, indices
[docs] def run_single_tpr(self, tmp_dir: str): """ Normal gmx mdrun call, if multiple structures are loaded into the topology, run them in parallel according to the parallelizer settings """ # if we have multiple structures, run the simulations externally, in parallel work_dirs = [tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_dir) for _ in range(len(self.topol.tprs))] # prepare tmpdirs with tpr files for path, tpr in zip(work_dirs, self.topol.tprs.values()): tpr.write(path) # if > 1, instantiate a parallelizer, load the paths in and execute in parallel, user should be using the slurm/SGE interface to request extern resources if len(work_dirs) > 1: self.execute_parallel_simulations(work_dirs, run_func=self.execute_mdrun) else: tmp_dir = work_dirs[0] self.execute_mdrun(tmp_dir, index=0) # now parse the outputs for index, path in enumerate(work_dirs): # set a structure other than confout.gro e.g. if a pdb output has been set struct = ( self.settings.arguments.parameters["-c"] if "-c" in self.settings.arguments.parameters.keys() else _SGE.STD_STRUCTURE ) self.topol.set_structure(path, file=struct, index=index) self.topol.set_trajectory(path, index=index) self.topol.set_log(path, index=index) self.topol.set_edr(path, index=index) try: self.topol.set_cpt(path, index=index) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.log("No checkpoint file generated", _LE.DEBUG)
[docs] def run_multidir_sim(self, tmp_dir: str): """ Runs a multidir simulation, allowing for replex simulations. Several conditions are required for this running mode 1) the previous step in the workflow should have been an iterator to produce n tpr files. This must have been run with single_dir mode ON and remove_temprorary_files OFF, so we can extract files from those workflows' tmpdirs """ if not self.execution.platform == _ERE.SLURM: self._logger.log( "WARNING: Running HREX simulation without external resources! Normally this should be run as a separate batch job", _LE.WARNING, ) # extract the tprs from the topol object, write to separate tmpdirs work_dirs = [tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_dir) for _ in range(len(self.topol.tprs))] self._logger.log( f"Initiating gmx multidir run in directories {', '.join(work_dirs)}", _LE.DEBUG, ) for path, tpr in zip(work_dirs, self.topol.tprs.values()): tpr.write(path) # note, this must be a multiple of the number of simulations tasks = self.execution.resources.tasks # map the PP and PME tasks to the GPUs command = f"mpirun -np {tasks} gmx_mpi mdrun -multidir {' '.join(work_dirs)}" arguments = self._parse_arguments(flag_dict={"-x": _SGE.STD_XTC}) self._backend_executor.execute( command=command, arguments=arguments, location=tmp_dir, check=True ) # udpate the structures to the new coordinates for i, work_dir in enumerate(work_dirs): self.topol.set_structure(work_dir, index=i) self.topol.set_trajectory(work_dir, index=i) self.topol.set_tpr(work_dir, index=i) self.topol.set_log(work_dir, index=i) self.topol.set_edr(path, index=i) try: self.topol.set_cpt(path, index=i) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.log("No checkpoint file generated", _LE.DEBUG)
[docs] def execute(self): tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() self.topol = self.get_topol() if"cpt"): # a cpt file has been passed, simply restart print("gpt")) self._run_checkpoint_files("cpt")) self.execution.parallelization.max_length_sublists = 1 # pickle the topol to the mdrun dir, if something goes wrong/the job dies, the workflow can be picked up where we left off by unpickling the topology object self.pickle_topol(self.topol, tmp_dir) multidir = self._get_additional_setting(_SGE.MULTIDIR, default=False) if multidir: self.run_multidir_sim(tmp_dir) else: self.run_single_tpr(tmp_dir) self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir)