Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.gromacs.grompp

from icolos.core.containers.gmx_state import GromacsState
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepGromacsEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import GromacsEnum
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.gromacs.base import StepGromacsBase
from icolos.utils.execute_external.gromacs import GromacsExecutor
from pydantic import BaseModel
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE

_GE = GromacsEnum()
_SGE = StepGromacsEnum()

[docs]class StepGMXGrompp(StepGromacsBase, BaseModel): """ Wraps gromacs preprocessor, produces tpr file preceeding mdrun step Automatically handles coupling group updates """
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
topol: GromacsState = None def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._initialize_backend(executor=GromacsExecutor) self._check_backend_availability() def _auto_update_coupling_groups(self, tmp_dir): # this will handle most straightforward cases with protein+ligand, DNA, RNA, result = self._generate_index_groups(tmp_dir) add_other = False add_ions = False # check whether the ions and other index groups are present for line in result.stdout.split("\n"): parts = line.split() if len(parts) == 5: if parts[1] in _GE.PRIMARY_COMPONENTS: primary_component = parts[1] # identify Protein, DNA, RNA elif parts[1] == "Other": add_other = True elif parts[1] == _SGE.WATER_AND_IONS: add_ions = True update_dict = self._copy_fields_dict() pipe_input = "" tc_grps = "" if add_other: pipe_input += f"{primary_component} or Other" tc_grps += f"{primary_component}_Other" else: tc_grps += primary_component if add_ions: tc_grps += " " tc_grps += _SGE.WATER_AND_IONS else: tc_grps += " " tc_grps += "Water" update_dict[_SGE.TC_GRPS] = tc_grps if pipe_input: self._add_index_group(tmp_dir, pipe_input) # update the mdp file with the modified coupling groups self._modify_config_file( tmp_dir, _SGE.FIELD_KEY_MDP, rtn_file_object=True ), update_dict, )
[docs] def execute(self): """ Set up required mdp file and run gmx grompp Note that any issues with your parametrisation or system building will normally cause grompp to panic """ tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() topol = self.get_topol() # do this bit once # if make_ndx command has been specified in settings.additional, # add an index group here, commonly protein_ligand or protein_other if ( _SGE.MAKE_NDX_COMMAND in self.settings.additional.keys() and self.settings.additional[_SGE.MAKE_NDX_COMMAND] is not None ): # normally you want your two t-coupling groups to be something like Protein_Other Water_Ions # these can be added automatically with the "auto" keyword if self.settings.additional[_SGE.MAKE_NDX_COMMAND] == _SGE.AUTO: # automatically update the coupling groups, check for presence of 'ions' and 'other', # update default coupling groups in mdp file self._auto_update_coupling_groups(tmp_dir) else: # the mdp file will not be modified, coupling groups must be set correctly prior to job execution self._add_index_group( tmp_dir, self.settings.additional[_SGE.MAKE_NDX_COMMAND] ) mdp_file = _SGE.FIELD_KEY_MDP, rtn_file_object=True ) mdp_file.write(tmp_dir) replicas = self._get_additional_setting(_SGE.REPLICAS, default=1) # replicas = len(topol.tprs.values()) topol.write_topol(tmp_dir) init_struct = len(topol.structures) for i in range(replicas): index = 0 if init_struct == 1 else i # we are branching for the first time, just use this confout.gro as the starting point topol.write_structure(tmp_dir, index=index) args = ( ["-r", _SGE.STD_STRUCTURE] if self.settings.additional[_SGE.RESTRAINTS] else [] ) arguments = self._parse_arguments( flag_dict={ "-f": mdp_file.get_file_name(), "-c": _SGE.STD_STRUCTURE, "-p": _SGE.STD_TOPOL, "-o": _SGE.STD_TPR, }, args=args, ) result = self._backend_executor.execute( command=_GE.GROMPP, arguments=arguments, check=True, location=tmp_dir ) for line in result.stdout.split("\n"): self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.DEBUG) self._logger.log( f"Completed execution for {self.step_id} successfully for replica {i}", _LE.INFO, ) topol.set_tpr(tmp_dir, index=i) # topol.set_structure(tmp_dir, index=i) self._parse_output(tmp_dir) self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir)