Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.gromacs.base

from icolos.core.containers.generic import GenericData
from icolos.core.containers.gmx_state import GromacsState
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepGromacsEnum
from pydantic import BaseModel
import os
from typing import List
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import StepBase
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import GromacsEnum
import dill

_SGE = StepGromacsEnum()
_GE = GromacsEnum()

[docs]class StepGromacsBase(StepBase, BaseModel): def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data)
[docs] def write_input_files(self, tmp_dir: str, topol: GromacsState = None): """ Defaults to writing all available data from the workflow's topology object, unless that file has been specified in generic data, which will be prioritised """ # Normally this should be handled by setting GMXLIB env variable, but for some programs (gmx_MMPBSA), this doesn't work and non-standard forcefields # need to be in the working directory if _SGE.FORCEFIELD in self.settings.additional: copy_tree( self.settings.additional[_SGE.FORCEFIELD], os.path.join( tmp_dir, self.settings.additional[_SGE.FORCEFIELD].split("/")[-1] ), ) self._logger.log( f"Copied forcefield at {self.settings.additional[_SGE.FORCEFIELD]} to the working " f"directory at {tmp_dir}", _LE.INFO, ) self._logger.log( f"Writing input files to working directory at {tmp_dir}", _LE.DEBUG ) # if we have specified a topol object, write out these files unless overwritten by an argument from the config if topol is not None: # handle structure files if not"gro"): if topol.structures: topol.write_structure(tmp_dir) if not"top"): if topol.top_lines: topol.write_topol(tmp_dir) if not"tpr"): if topol.tprs: topol.write_tpr(tmp_dir) if not"xtc"): if topol.trajectories: topol.write_trajectory(tmp_dir) if not"ndx"): if topol.ndx: topol.write_ndx(tmp_dir) for file in file.write(tmp_dir)
[docs] def pickle_topol(self, topol: GromacsState, tmp_dir: str): """ Write the Icolos internal state to a pickled file in the tmpdir """ with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "icolos_topol_state.pkl"), "wb") as f: dill.dump(topol, f)
[docs] def load_topol(self, file: GenericData) -> GromacsState: data = file.get_data() return dill.load(data)
def _parse_arguments(self, flag_dict: dict, args: list = None) -> List: arguments = args if args is not None else [] # first add the settings from the command line for key in self.settings.arguments.parameters.keys(): arguments.append(key) arguments.append(str(self.settings.arguments.parameters[key])) for flag in self.settings.arguments.flags: arguments.append(str(flag)) for key, value in flag_dict.items(): # only add defaults if they have not been specified in the json if key not in arguments: arguments.append(key) arguments.append(value) return arguments def _copy_fields_dict(self): try: update_dictionary = deepcopy(self.settings.additional[_SGE.FIELDS]) return update_dictionary except KeyError: self._logger.log( "Update dictionary not present, will use provided mdp file without further modification", _LE.WARNING, ) return {}
[docs] def generate_output_file(self, in_file): parts = in_file.split(".") return parts[0] + "_out" + "." + parts[1]
def _modify_config_file( self, tmp_dir: str, config_file: GenericData, update_dict: dict ): file_data = config_file.get_data() for key, value in update_dict.items(): pattern = rf"({key})(\s*=\s*)[a-zA-Z0-9\s\_]*(\s*;)" pattern = re.compile(pattern) matches = re.findall(pattern, file_data) if len(matches) == 0: self._logger.log( f"Specified key {key} was not found in the mdp file, value was not changed!", _LE.WARNING, ) else: file_data = re.sub(pattern, rf"\1\2 {value} \3", file_data) self._logger.log( f"Replaced field {key} of mdp file with value {value}", _LE.DEBUG ) self._logger.log(f"Final MDP file for step {self.step_id} is: ", _LE.DEBUG) for line in file_data.split("\n"): self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.DEBUG) config_file.set_data(file_data) config_file.write(tmp_dir) def _generate_index_groups(self, tmp_dir: str): # dump the first structure file to the tmpdir structure = self.get_topol().structures[0] structure.write(tmp_dir) args = ["-f", structure.get_file_name()] ndx_list = [f for f in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if f.endswith(_SGE.FIELD_KEY_NDX)] if len(ndx_list) == 1: args.extend(["-n", ndx_list[0]]) result = self._backend_executor.execute( command=_GE.MAKE_NDX, arguments=args, location=tmp_dir, check=True, pipe_input='echo -e "q"', ) self.get_topol().set_ndx(tmp_dir) return result
[docs] def construct_pipe_arguments(self, tmp_dir, params) -> str: """ Constructs the pipe arguments to be passed to gromacs interactive programs """ # look up the groups that have been passed, try to identify the group number in the corresponding index file result = self._generate_index_groups(tmp_dir) output = ['echo -e "'] for param in params.split(): if param == "or": output.append("|") elif param == "and": output.append("&") elif param == "not": output.append("!") elif param == ";": output.append("\n") else: added_one = False for line in result.stdout.split("\n"): parts = line.split() if param in parts and param == parts[1]: idx = parts[0] # print("found index", idx, f"for {param}") added_one = True output.append(idx) break if not added_one: output.append(param) output.append('\nq"') self._logger.log(f"Constructed pipe input {' '.join(output)}", _LE.DEBUG) return " ".join(output)
def _add_index_group(self, tmp_dir, pipe_input): ndx_args = [ "-f", os.path.join(tmp_dir, _SGE.STD_STRUCTURE), "-o", os.path.join(tmp_dir, _SGE.STD_INDEX), ] self._logger.log( f"Added group to index file using command {pipe_input}", _LE.DEBUG, ) result = self._backend_executor.execute( command=_GE.MAKE_NDX, arguments=ndx_args, location=tmp_dir, check=True, pipe_input=self.construct_pipe_arguments(tmp_dir, pipe_input), ) for line in result.stdout.split("\n"): self._logger_blank.log(line, _LE.INFO) self.get_topol().set_ndx(tmp_dir)