Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.calculation.panther

from icolos.core.containers.generic import GenericData
import os
import tempfile
import re
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List

from icolos.core.workflow_steps.calculation.base import StepCalculationBase
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import PantherEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepPantherEnum
from icolos.utils.execute_external.execute import Executor
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.step import _LE
from pydantic import BaseModel
from icolos.utils.general.files_paths import attach_root_path

_SPE = (
)  # hold the constants to access the relevant value from initialised **data
_PE = PantherEnum()  # hold the program settings

[docs]class StepPanther(StepCalculationBase, BaseModel): negative_images: List = [] def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) self._initialize_backend(executor=Executor) def _write_panther_config_file(self, tmp_dir): if not self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_CONFIG_FILE]: self._logger.log("No config file specified, using default.", _LE.INFO) panther_config = attach_root_path( "/icolos/config/panther/" ) elif not os.path.isfile(self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_CONFIG_FILE]): self._logger.log( f"File not found for the provided panther config file path: {self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_CONFIG_FILE]}", _LE.ERROR, ) raise FileNotFoundError( f"The specified panther config file was not found {self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_CONFIG_FILE]}" ) else: panther_config = self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_CONFIG_FILE] with open(panther_config, "r") as f: panther_config = # add the parameter absolute paths to the angle, etc. file specifications update_dictionary = deepcopy(self.settings.additional[_SPE.FIELDS]) update_dictionary = self._add_ligand_centroid_coordinates(update_dictionary) update_dictionary = self._add_parameter_locations_to_replacement_fields( update_dictionary ) # update the configuration and write it to a file panther_config = self._modify_panther_config_file( panther_config, update_dictionary ) with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, ""), "w") as f: f.write(panther_config) def _add_parameter_locations_to_replacement_fields( self, update_dictionary: dict ) -> dict: # in case not specified (which is the main use case), use the default libraries for charges etc. that should # reside in the same folder as the python entry-point ""; setting absolute paths here, allows to # execute PANTHER for any input in any given folder for key, value in _SPE.FIELDS_PARAMETERS_LIB.items(): if key not in update_dictionary.keys(): update_dictionary[key] = os.path.join( self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_LOCATION], value ) return update_dictionary def _add_ligand_centroid_coordinates(self, update_dict: dict) -> dict: coordinates = self._calculate_ligand_centroid( self.settings.additional[_SPE.FIELDS][_SPE.FIELD_KEY_PDB_FILE] ) update_dict[_SPE.FIELD_KEY_COORDINATES] = coordinates return update_dict def _calculate_ligand_centroid(self, file: str) -> str: with open(file, "r") as f: file_lines = f.readlines() file_lines = [ line for line in file_lines if "X 0" in line and len(line.split()) > 5 ] if not file_lines: self._logger.log( "No lines corresponding to the ligand found! Centroid will not be correct", _LE.WARNING, ) a = np.genfromtxt(file_lines, usecols=[6, 7, 8], skip_header=1) avg = list(a.mean(axis=0)) avg = [str(i) for i in avg] return " ".join(avg) def _modify_panther_config_file( self, config_file: str, update_dictionary: dict ) -> str: for key, value in update_dictionary.items(): pattern = rf"({key}.*:: ).*" pattern = re.compile(pattern) config_file = re.sub(pattern, rf"\1 {value}", config_file) return config_file def _execute_backend(self, tmp_dir): arguments = [ os.path.join( self.settings.additional[_SPE.PANTHER_LOCATION], _PE.PANTHER_ENTRYPOINT ), os.path.join(tmp_dir, _PE.PANTHER_CONFIG), os.path.join(tmp_dir, _PE.PANTHER_OUTPUT_FILE), ] self._backend_executor.execute( command=_PE.PANTHER_PTYHON2, arguments=arguments, check=True ) def _parse_panther_output(self, tmp_dir): try: with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, _PE.PANTHER_OUTPUT_FILE), "r") as f: data = GenericData(file_name=_PE.PANTHER_OUTPUT_FILE, file_data=data) ) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.log( f"No panther output file was produced for step {self.step_id}, subsequent steps that depend on the negative image will fail.", _LE.WARNING, )
[docs] def execute(self): tmp_dir = self._make_tmpdir() self._write_panther_config_file(tmp_dir) self._execute_backend(tmp_dir) self._logger.log("Executed PANTHER and obtained negative image.", _LE.INFO) self._logger.log( f"Calculated negative image for configuration file in {tmp_dir}.", _LE.DEBUG ) self._parse_panther_output(tmp_dir) self._remove_temporary(tmp_dir)