Source code for icolos.core.workflow_steps.calculation.boltzmann_weighting

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel

from icolos.core.containers.compound import Enumeration, Conformer

from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepBoltzmannWeightingEnum
from icolos.core.workflow_steps.calculation.base import StepCalculationBase

from icolos.utils.general.convenience_functions import *
from icolos.utils.constants import *

_SBWE = StepBoltzmannWeightingEnum()

[docs]class StepBoltzmannWeighting(StepCalculationBase, BaseModel): def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) def _get_relative_energy_values( self, conformers: List[Conformer], property_name: str ) -> List[float]: values = [float(c.get_molecule().GetProp(property_name)) for c in conformers] min_val = min(values) relative_values = [value - min_val for value in values] return relative_values def _obtain_factors(self, relative_values: List[float]) -> List[float]: # calculate individual Boltzmann factors individual_factors = [ np.exp((-1 * val / (CONSTANT_KB * CONSTANT_T))) for val in relative_values ] # calculate and return Boltzmann factors sum_factors = sum(individual_factors) factors = [val / sum_factors for val in individual_factors] return factors def _calculate_Boltzmann_factors( self, enumeration: Enumeration, parameters: dict ) -> List[str]: list_properties = parameters[_SBWE.PROPERTIES] list_output_names = [] for prop in list_properties: # (1) get the relative values for this property (e.g. solvent) for all conformers in respect to the one # with the minimal energy relative_prop_values = self._get_relative_energy_values( conformers=enumeration.get_conformers(), property_name=prop[_SBWE.PROPERTIES_INPUT], ) # (2) calculate the Boltzmann factors for this property boltzmann_factors = self._obtain_factors( relative_values=relative_prop_values ) # (3) add the Boltzmann factors to the conformers as a tag for c, bm_factor in zip(enumeration.get_conformers(), boltzmann_factors): c.get_molecule().SetProp(prop[_SBWE.PROPERTIES_OUTPUT], str(bm_factor)) list_output_names.append(prop[_SBWE.PROPERTIES_OUTPUT]) return list_output_names def _do_Boltzmann_weighting(self, conformers: List[Conformer], weightings: dict): input_tags = weightings[_SBWE.WEIGHT_INPUT] output_prefix = nested_get( weightings, _SBWE.WEIGHT_OUTPUT_PREFIX, default="bf_weighted" ) properties = weightings[_SBWE.WEIGHT_PROPERTIES] for prop in properties: for inp_tag in input_tags: new_tag_name = "_".join([output_prefix, inp_tag, prop]) products = [] for conformer in conformers: conf = conformer.get_molecule() products.append( float(conf.GetProp(prop)) * float(conf.GetProp(inp_tag)) ) for conformer in conformers: conformer.get_molecule().SetProp(new_tag_name, str(sum(products)))
[docs] def execute(self): parameters = deepcopy(self.settings.arguments.parameters) for compound in self.get_compounds(): for enumeration in compound.get_enumerations(): if self._input_object_empty(enumeration): continue # get the name of the Boltzmann properties / solvents and annotate the factors _ = self._calculate_Boltzmann_factors(enumeration, parameters) # for each property and each weighting, add the respective tags self._do_Boltzmann_weighting( conformers=enumeration.get_conformers(), weightings=parameters[_SBWE.WEIGHT], )