Source code for icolos.core.step_utils.obabel_structconvert

from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import OpenBabelEnum
from icolos.utils.execute_external.openbabel import OpenBabelExecutor
from icolos.loggers.steplogger import StepLogger
from icolos.utils.enums.program_parameters import SchrodingerExecutablesEnum
from icolos.utils.execute_external.schrodinger import SchrodingerExecutor
from icolos.utils.general.icolos_exceptions import StepFailed
from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum

_LE = LoggingConfigEnum()
_OE = OpenBabelEnum()

[docs]class OBabelStructConvert: """ Utility for converting structure files with Schrodinger's StructConvert """ def __init__( self, ) -> None: self._logger = StepLogger() self.executor = OpenBabelExecutor() if not self.executor.is_available(): # this shouldn't fail, obabel is in the env raise StepFailed("Cannot initialize sdconvert backend - abort.") self._logger.log(f"Checked obabel availability - valid.", _LE.DEBUG)
[docs] def execute(self, arguments: list): execution_result = self.executor.execute( command=_OE.OBABEL, arguments=arguments, check=True ) if execution_result.returncode != 0: self._logger.log( f"Could not execute sdconvert (returncode != 0) with error: {execution_result.stderr}.", _LE.ERROR, )
[docs] def convert(self, input_file: str, output_file: str): arguments = [ input_file, output_file, ] self.execute(arguments=arguments)
[docs] def sdf2pdb(self, sdf_file: str, pdb_file: str): assert sdf_file.endswith(".sdf") assert pdb_file.endswith(".pdb") arguments = ["-isdf", sdf_file, "-O", pdb_file] self.execute(arguments=arguments)