Source code for icolos.core.step_utils.input_preparator

from copy import deepcopy
from icolos.core.containers.generic import GenericContainer, GenericData
import json
import pandas as pd
from rdkit import Chem
from icolos.core.containers.gmx_state import GromacsState

from icolos.loggers.base_logger import BaseLogger
from icolos.utils.enums.input_enums import InputEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.logging_enums import LoggingConfigEnum
from icolos.utils.enums.write_out_enums import WriteOutEnum
from icolos.utils.general.icolos_exceptions import StepFailed
from icolos.utils.smiles import to_smiles
from icolos.utils.general.files_paths import infer_input_type

from typing import List, Any
from pydantic import BaseModel

from icolos.core.step_utils.input_merger import InputMerger, StepMerge
from icolos.core.containers.compound import Enumeration, Compound, Conformer
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepBaseEnum, StepGromacsEnum
import os
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import requests

_SBE = StepBaseEnum
_LE = LoggingConfigEnum()
_WE = WriteOutEnum()
_SGE = StepGromacsEnum()
_IE = InputEnum()

[docs]class StringPath(str): def __new__(cls, content): return super().__new__(cls, content)
[docs]class StringFile(str): def __new__(cls, content): return super().__new__(cls, content)
[docs]class StepData(BaseModel):
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
compounds: List[Compound] = [] generic: GenericContainer = GenericContainer() gmx_state: GromacsState = GromacsState()
[docs]class StepCSVInputColumnParameters(BaseModel): smiles: str names: str = None
[docs]class StepInputEnforceIDs(BaseModel): compound_ids: List = None enumeration_ids: List = None
[docs]class StepInputSource(BaseModel): source: str source_type: str = None source_field: str = _IE.SOURCE_FIELD_COMPOUNDS target_field: str = _IE.SOURCE_FIELD_COMPOUNDS extension: str = None format: str = None delimiter: str = "," columns: StepCSVInputColumnParameters = None enforce_ids: StepInputEnforceIDs = None
[docs]class StepInputParameters(BaseModel): compounds: List[StepInputSource] = [] generic: List[StepInputSource] = [] gmx_state: StepInputSource = {} perturbation_map: List[StepInputSource] = None merge: StepMerge = StepMerge() work_dir: str = None
[docs]class InputPreparator(BaseModel): workflow: Any = None logger: BaseLogger = None
[docs] class Config: underscore_attrs_are_private = True arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data)
[docs] def generate_input(self, step_input: StepInputParameters, step_type): compounds = self._generate_compound_input(step_input) generic = ( self._generate_generic_input(step_input, step_type) if step_input.generic else GenericContainer() ) gmx_state = ( self._generate_gmx_state_input(step_input) if step_input.gmx_state else GromacsState() ) # Instruct the step to run in a specific workdir, e.g. from a previously failed job or to execute a few related steps in the same dir if step_input.work_dir is not None: if os.path.isdir(step_input.work_dir): work_dir = step_input.work_dir self.logger.log( f"Found specified work dir at {step_input.work_dir}", _LE.DEBUG ) # now check whether this needs attaching to the workflow for the rest of the steps if self.workflow.header.global_settings.single_directory: self.workflow.workflow_data.work_dir = work_dir self.logger.log( f"Setting workdir at {step_input.work_dir} to the workflow's workdir", _LE.DEBUG, ) else: # last resort, if a previous step_id has been passed, get the work_dir from there work_dir = self.workflow.find_step_by_step_id( step_input.work_dir ).work_dir elif ( self.workflow is not None and self.workflow.header.global_settings.single_directory ): # Entire workflow running in a single dir (pmx), either generate one for the first # step or use the already generated dir work_dir = self._get_workflow_workdir() else: work_dir = None return ( StepData(compounds=compounds, generic=generic, gmx_state=gmx_state), work_dir, )
def _get_workflow_workdir(self): # check whether the workflow already has one attached, otherwise create one if self.workflow.workflow_data.work_dir is not None and os.path.isdir( self.workflow.workflow_data.work_dir ): return self.workflow.workflow_data.work_dir else: tmp_dir = mkdtemp() self.workflow.workflow_data.work_dir = tmp_dir self.logger.log(f"Set workflow's tmpdir to {tmp_dir}", _LE.DEBUG) return tmp_dir def _generate_compound_input(self, step_input: StepInputParameters) -> List: compounds = [] for inp in step_input.compounds: if inp.target_field == _IE.TARGET_FIELD_COMPOUNDS: buffer = [] if inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_FILE: buffer.append(self._read_compound_input_from_file(inp)) elif inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_STEP: buffer.append(self._read_compound_input_from_step(inp)) elif inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_STRING: buffer.append(self._read_input_from_string(inp)) else: raise ValueError( f"Source type {inp.source_type} for compound input unsupported - abort." ) if inp.target_field == _IE.SOURCE_FIELD_COMPOUNDS: # note: no unrolling here! compounds = compounds + buffer elif inp.target_field == _IE.TARGET_FIELD_CONFORMERS: if inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_FILE: compounds = compounds + self._read_conformers_input_from_file(inp) if len(compounds) > 0: compounds = self._apply_compound_merger(step_input, compounds) return compounds def _generate_gmx_state_input( self, step_input: StepInputParameters ) -> GromacsState: input_step = self.workflow.find_step_by_step_id(step_input.gmx_state.source) return deepcopy( def _generate_generic_input( self, step_input: StepInputParameters, step_type ) -> GenericContainer: generic = GenericContainer() for inp in step_input.generic: files = self._read_data_to_generic(inp) generic.add_files(files) return generic def _read_data_to_generic(self, inp: StepInputSource): ext = inp.extension if inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_FILE or os.path.isfile(inp.source): assert os.path.isfile(inp.source) try: with open(inp.source, "r") as f: data = except UnicodeDecodeError: with open(inp.source, "rb") as f: data = file = GenericData(inp.source.split("/")[-1], data) return [file] elif inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_URL or inp.source.startswith( "http" ): data = self._get_pdb_file_from_api(inp.source) file_name = inp.source.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + "." + inp.extension file = GenericData(file_name=file_name, file_data=data) return [file] elif inp.source_type == _SBE.INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE_DIR or os.path.isdir(inp.source): assert os.path.isdir(inp.source) file = GenericData( file_data=inp.source, file_name=inp.source.split("/")[-1], extension=inp.extension, ) return [file] else: # fall back on step source type input_step = self.workflow.find_step_by_step_id(inp.source) files = # special case for itp and ndx files, these are included in the topol file so are never arguments if ext in ["itp", "ndx"]: return files if len(files) == 1: file = files[0] return [file] # else use the argument method else: # this introduces a manual check on which file the user wants if there are multiple file = ext, rtn_file_object=True ) return [file] def _get_pdb_file_from_api(self, pdb_url: str): response = self._get_request(pdb_url) if response is None or not response.ok: return None return response.text def _get_request(self, url, max_tries=5): trials = 0 while trials < max_tries: response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: return response def _apply_compound_merger( self, step_input: StepInputParameters, compounds: List[Compound] ) -> List[Compound]: merger = InputMerger(step_input.merge) compounds = merger.unroll_compounds(compounds) if not any( [ True for compound in step_input.compounds if compound.enforce_ids is not None ] ): compounds = merger.merge(compounds=compounds) if len(compounds) == 0 and self.logger is not None: self.logger.log( "Input list of compounds is empty, this is likely an error.", _LE.WARNING, ) return compounds def _read_compound_input_from_step(self, inp: StepInputSource): input_step = self.workflow.find_step_by_step_id(inp.source) return input_step.clone_compounds() def _read_conformers_input_from_file(self, inp: StepInputSource): # set up path to input file and extract the input format input_format = inp.format if input_format is None and self.logger is not None: self.logger.log( "No input format specified, will try to infer type (not recommended).", _LE.WARNING, ) input_format = infer_input_type(inp.source) input_format = input_format.upper() # call the respective loading function if input_format == _SBE.FORMAT_SDF: compound = Compound(compound_number=0) enumeration = Enumeration() for mol_id, mol in enumerate( Chem.SDMolSupplier(inp.source, removeHs=False) ): conformer = Conformer(conformer=mol, enumeration_object=enumeration) enumeration.add_conformer(conformer=conformer, auto_update=True) compound.add_enumeration(enumeration, auto_update=True) return [compound] else: raise ValueError( f"At the moment, input format {input_format} is not supported." ) def _read_compound_input_from_file(self, inp: StepInputSource): # set up path to input file and extract the input format input_format = inp.format if input_format is None and self.logger is not None: self.logger.log( "No input format specified, will try to infer type (not recommended).", _LE.WARNING, ) input_format = infer_input_type(inp.source) input_format = input_format.upper() # call the respective loading function if input_format == _SBE.FORMAT_SDF: result = self._read_in_SDF_file(inp) elif input_format == _SBE.FORMAT_CSV: result = self._read_in_CSV_file(inp) elif input_format == _SBE.FORMAT_SMI: result = self._read_in_SMI_file(inp) elif input_format == _SBE.FORMAT_JSON: result = self._read_in_JSON_file(inp) else: raise ValueError( f"At the moment, input format {input_format} is not supported." ) # apply ID enforcement, if specified return self._enforce_ids(result, inp) def _read_input_from_string(self, inp: StepInputSource) -> List[Compound]: # the strings must be separated by a semi-colon (';'); they may have names in front separated by a colon (':') elements = inp.source.split(";") list_compounds = [] for line_id, line in enumerate(elements): # it could be, that names are part of the elements; otherwise use the number # remove trailing or preceding white spaces parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split(":")] if len(parts) == 2: compound = Compound(name=parts[0], compound_number=line_id) smile = parts[1] else: compound = Compound(name=str(line_id), compound_number=line_id) smile = parts[0] enumeration = Enumeration(smile=smile, original_smile=smile) compound.add_enumeration(enumeration, auto_update=True) list_compounds.append(compound) # apply ID enforcement, if specified return self._enforce_ids(list_compounds, inp) def _read_in_SDF_file(self, inp: StepInputSource) -> List[Compound]: """Loads compounds from an SDF file. Icolos naming conventions will be parsed, if provided, such that compound structures can be reconstructed directly from a previously written sdf :param StepInputSource inp: input block from the config file :return List[Compound]: List of initialized compounds. If Icolos-type naming was used, enumerations and conformers will be generated and attached automatically """ def _get_existing_enumeration(comp_id, enum_id): comp = _get_existing_compound(comp_id) for enum in comp.get_enumerations(): if enum.get_enumeration_id() == int(enum_id): return enum raise ValueError def _get_existing_compound(idx): for comp in list_compounds: if int(idx) == comp.get_compound_number(): return comp raise ValueError list_compounds = [] compound_number = 0 icolos_naming = True # Parses compounds following the Icolos naming convention of Compound:Enumeration:Conformer to reconstruct the compound object for mol in Chem.SDMolSupplier(inp.source, removeHs=False): new_compound = False new_enumeration = False mol_name = mol.GetProp(_WE.RDKIT_NAME) # assuming the mol name follows Icolos conventions try: id_parts = mol_name.split(":") comp_id = id_parts[0] enum_id = id_parts[1] except IndexError: icolos_naming = False comp_id = mol_name enum_id = 0 if icolos_naming: # reconstruct compound objects try: # try to find an existing compound with the correct name compound = _get_existing_compound(idx=comp_id) except ValueError: # the compound does not yet exist, create the object new_compound = True try: # if we have standard icolos compound naming comp_num = int(comp_id) except ValueError: # some other naming scheme comp_num = compound_number compound = Compound(name=comp_id, compound_number=comp_num) try: # check whether the enumeration exists enumeration = _get_existing_enumeration(comp_id, enum_id) except ValueError: new_enumeration = True enumeration = Enumeration( smile=to_smiles(mol), molecule=mol, original_smile=to_smiles(mol), ) if len(id_parts) == 3: # i.e. 0:0:0, we have a conformer conf = Conformer( conformer=mol, enumeration_object=enumeration, conformer_id=int(id_parts[2]), ) enumeration.add_conformer(conf, auto_update=True) if new_enumeration: compound.add_enumeration(enumeration, auto_update=True) if new_compound: list_compounds.append(compound) else: # if non-standard naming conventions, simply load each mol into a new compound object, with single enum/conf compound = Compound(name=comp_id, compound_number=compound_number) enum = Enumeration( smile=to_smiles(mol), molecule=mol, original_smile=to_smiles(mol), enumeration_id=0, ) enum.add_conformer( Conformer(conformer=mol, enumeration_object=mol, conformer_id=0), auto_update=True, ) compound.add_enumeration(enumeration=enum) list_compounds.append(compound) compound_number += 1 return list_compounds def _read_in_SMI_file(self, inp: StepInputSource) -> List[Compound]: list_compounds = [] with open(inp.source, "r") as f: # while the SMI file definition requires a name (separated by blanks) for each line # as well, assume that this might not be present lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()] for line_id, line in enumerate(lines): if line == "": continue parts = line.split() if len(parts) == 2: compound = Compound(name=parts[1], compound_number=line_id) else: compound = Compound(name=str(line_id), compound_number=line_id) enumeration = Enumeration(smile=parts[0], original_smile=parts[0]) compound.add_enumeration(enumeration, auto_update=True) list_compounds.append(compound) return list_compounds def _read_in_JSON_file(self, inp: StepInputSource) -> List[Compound]: list_compounds = [] # load input with open(inp.source, "r") as f: inp_json ="\r", "").replace("\n", "") inp_dict = json.loads(inp_json) comp_id = 0 for name, smile in zip(inp_dict[_IE.JSON_NAMES], inp_dict[_IE.JSON_SMILES]): compound = Compound(name=name, compound_number=comp_id) enumeration = Enumeration(smile=smile, original_smile=smile) compound.add_enumeration(enumeration, auto_update=True) list_compounds.append(compound) comp_id += 1 return list_compounds def _read_in_CSV_file(self, inp: StepInputSource) -> List[Compound]: list_compounds = [] delimiter = inp.delimiter data = pd.read_csv(inp.source, delimiter=delimiter) smiles_column = inp.columns.smiles if smiles_column not in list(data.columns): raise StepFailed( f"Column name for the smiles either not set or not found in input CSV." ) # deal with names (if specified) names_column = inp.columns.names if names_column is None: names_compounds = None else: if names_column not in list(data.columns): raise StepFailed( f"Specified column name ({names_column}) for the names either not found in input CSV." ) else: names_compounds = [ str(name).strip() for name in data[names_column].tolist() ] # build the compounds smiles = [str(line).strip() for line in data[smiles_column].tolist()] for number in range(len(smiles)): if names_compounds is not None: compound = Compound( name=names_compounds[number], compound_number=number ) else: compound = Compound(name=str(number), compound_number=number) enumeration = Enumeration( smile=smiles[number], original_smile=smiles[number] ) compound.add_enumeration(enumeration, auto_update=True) list_compounds.append(compound) return list_compounds def _enforce_ids( self, compounds: List[Compound], inp: StepInputSource ) -> List[Compound]: if inp.enforce_ids is not None: if inp.enforce_ids.compound_ids is not None: for comp_idx, comp in enumerate(compounds): comp.set_compound_number( int(inp.enforce_ids.compound_ids[comp_idx]) ) # set enumeration ids enum_id_idx = 0 if inp.enforce_ids.enumeration_ids is not None: for comp in compounds: for enum in comp.get_enumerations(): enum.set_enumeration_id( int(inp.enforce_ids.enumeration_ids[enum_id_idx]) ) enum_id_idx += 1 if self.logger is not None: self.logger.log( "Enforced IDs for compounds and enumerations specified (merging disabled).", _LE.DEBUG, ) return compounds