Source code for icolos.core.step_utils.input_merger

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Dict
from pydantic import BaseModel

from icolos.core.containers.compound import Enumeration, Compound
from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepBaseEnum

_SBE = StepBaseEnum

[docs]class StepMerge(BaseModel): compounds: bool = True enumerations: bool = False merge_compounds_by: str = _SBE.INPUT_MERGE_BY_NAME merge_enumerations_by: str = _SBE.INPUT_MERGE_BY_ID
[docs]class InputMerger: def __init__(self, config: StepMerge): self.config = config def _group_enumerations( self, enumerations: List[Enumeration], by ) -> Dict[str, List[Enumeration]]: if by == _SBE.INPUT_MERGE_BY_SMILE: grouped = {enumeration.get_smile(): [] for enumeration in enumerations} for enum in enumerations: grouped[enum.get_smile()].append(enum) elif by == _SBE.INPUT_MERGE_BY_ID: grouped = { str(enumeration.get_enumeration_id()): [] for enumeration in enumerations } for enum in enumerations: grouped[str(enum.get_enumeration_id())].append(enum) else: raise NotImplementedError return grouped def _group_compounds( self, compounds: List[Compound], by ) -> Dict[str, List[Compound]]: if by == _SBE.INPUT_MERGE_BY_NAME: names = {compound.get_name(): [] for compound in compounds} for compound in compounds: names[compound.get_name()].append(compound) elif by == _SBE.INPUT_MERGE_BY_ID: names = {str(compound.get_compound_number()): [] for compound in compounds} for compound in compounds: names[str(compound.get_compound_number())].append(compound) else: raise NotImplementedError return names def _merge_enumerations( self, enumerations: List[Enumeration], by ) -> List[Enumeration]: list_result = [] # note that if it has been grouped by ID, the first (arbitrary) smile is used for _, enum_list in self._group_enumerations(enumerations, by).items(): enum_combined = deepcopy(enum_list[0]) enum_combined.clear_conformers() for enum in enum_list: enum_combined.add_conformers( deepcopy(enum.get_conformers()), auto_update=False ) list_result.append(enum_combined) return list_result
[docs] def unroll_compounds(self, compounds: list) -> List[Compound]: list_buffer = [] for ele in compounds: if isinstance(ele, list): list_buffer = list_buffer + self.unroll_compounds(ele) elif isinstance(ele, Compound): list_buffer.append(ele) return list_buffer
[docs] def merge(self, compounds: List[Compound]) -> List[Compound]: list_result = [] # if selected, combined compounds into one depending on the strategy if self.config.compounds: dict_grouped = self._group_compounds( compounds, self.config.merge_compounds_by ) number = 0 for name, compound_list in dict_grouped.items(): # add the enumerations of all compounds together but do NOT auto-update yet (because enumerations might # also be merged later on) comp_combined = Compound(name=name, compound_number=number) for comp in compound_list: comp_combined.add_enumerations( deepcopy(comp.get_enumerations()), auto_update=False ) # as merging of enumerations only makes sense when there was a compound merge, keep # it on that indentation level if self.config.enumerations: enumerations = self._merge_enumerations( deepcopy(comp_combined.get_enumerations()), self.config.merge_enumerations_by, ) comp_combined.clear_enumerations() comp_combined.add_enumerations(enumerations, auto_update=False) # now, rename the enumerations and conformers comp_combined.reset_all_ids() comp_combined.update_all_relations() list_result.append(comp_combined) number += 1 return list_result