Source code for icolos.core.containers.perturbation_map

from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import uuid
from IPython.lib.display import IFrame
import pandas as pd
from icolos.core.containers.compound import Compound, Conformer
from import Network
from icolos.core.containers.generic import GenericData
from icolos.utils.enums.parallelization import ParallelizationEnum

from icolos.utils.enums.step_enums import StepFepPlusEnum
import os
from pydantic import BaseModel

_SFE = StepFepPlusEnum()
_PE = ParallelizationEnum

[docs]class Node(BaseModel):
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
node_id: str = None node_hash: str = None conformer: Optional[Conformer] = None node_connectivity: List = [] def __init__(self, **data) -> None: super().__init__(**data)
[docs] def get_node_id(self) -> str: return self.node_id
[docs] def get_node_color(self): # TODO: Expand this so we have different colours for each connectivity number [1,10] # this is just a placeholder for now thresholds = {i: "c0affe" for i in range(10)} num_connections = len(self.node_connectivity) return thresholds[num_connections]
[docs] def set_node_id(self, node_id: str): self.node_id = node_id
[docs] def get_conformer(self) -> Conformer: return self.conformer
[docs] def set_conformer(self, conformer: Conformer) -> None: self.conformer = conformer
[docs] def get_node_hash(self) -> str: return self.node_hash
[docs]class Edge(BaseModel):
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
node_from: Node = Node() node_to: Node = Node() total: str = None mcs: str = None chg: str = None softbond: str = None min_no_atoms: str = None snapCoreRmsd: str = None bidirSnapCoreRmsd: str = None status: _PE = _PE.STATUS_SUCCESS ddG: float = 0.0 ddG_err: float = 0.0 def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) def _get_source_node_name(self): return self.node_from.get_node_hash() def _get_destination_node_name(self): return self.node_to.get_node_hash()
[docs] def get_edge_id(self) -> str: # construct the edge ID from the node hashes, separated by '_' return f"{self.node_from.get_node_hash()}_{self.node_to.get_node_hash()}"
def _set_status(self, status: str): assert status in [_PE.STATUS_SUCCESS, _PE.STATUS_FAILED] self.status = status
[docs]class PerturbationMap(BaseModel): """Hold a map construction parsed from a csv (probabably from a parsed schrodinger log file or something) and provide some utility methods for doing pmx calculations on the edges"""
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
nodes: List[Node] = [] edges: List[Edge] = [] hash_map: Dict = {} compounds: List[Compound] = [] protein: GenericData = None vmap_output: IFrame = None replicas: int = 3 node_df: pd.DataFrame = None # prune subsequent edge calculations on error strict_execution: str = False hub_conformer: Conformer = None def __init__(self, **data) -> None: super().__init__(**data) def _get_line_idx(self, data, id_str) -> int: line = [e for e in data if id_str in e] assert len(line) == 1 line = line[0] return data.index(line) def _get_conformer_by_id( self, comp_name: str = None, comp_idx: int = None ) -> Conformer: """Parses the compound names from the edges specified in the mapper log file, performs a lookup to extract the corresponding compound from the step's compounds :param str comp_id: id of the compound parsed from the map generation :return Conformer: return the conformer object from """ for compound in self.compounds: # compound could have any arbitrary name - check whether this the node ID from schrodinger, or check the index string if ( compound.get_name() == comp_name or compound.get_compound_number() == comp_idx ): # there will be one and only one conformer attached to one of the enumerations. Return the first. for enum in compound.get_enumerations(): if enum.get_conformers(): return enum.get_conformers()[0]
[docs] def generate_from_lomap_output(self, file: str): output_table = pd.read_csv(file, delimiter=" ,", index_col=False) output_table = output_table[output_table["Connect"].str.contains("Yes") == True] output_table.set_axis( [ "Index_1", "Index_2", "Filename_1", "Filename_2", "Str_sim", "Eff_sim", "Loose_sim", "Connect", ], axis=1, inplace=True, ) # generate a unique hash for each compound number, then we have mapping from compound number to node hash compound_df = pd.read_csv("out.txt", delimiter="\t", index_col="#ID") unique_hashes = [uuid.uuid4().hex for _ in compound_df.FileName] compound_df["NodeHash"] = unique_hashes # construct hash_ids for each edge hash_ids = [] for node_from, node_to in zip( output_table["Filename_1"], output_table["Filename_2"] ): node_from = node_from.strip() node_to = node_to.strip() hash_from = compound_df[ compound_df["FileName"] == node_from ].NodeHash.values[0] hash_to = compound_df[compound_df["FileName"] == node_to].NodeHash.values[0] hash_ids.append(f"{hash_from}_{hash_to}") output_table["EdgeHash"] = hash_ids for _, row in compound_df.iterrows(): compound_id = row.FileName.split(".")[0].split(":")[0] self.nodes.append( Node( node_id=compound_id, node_hash=row.NodeHash, conformer=self._get_conformer_by_id(comp_idx=int(compound_id)), ) ) for _, edge in output_table.iterrows(): edge = Edge( node_from=self._get_node_by_hash_id(edge.EdgeHash.split("_")[0]), node_to=self._get_node_by_hash_id(edge.EdgeHash.split("_")[1]), mcs=float(edge.Str_sim), ) self.edges.append(edge) for node in self.nodes: self._attach_node_connectivity(node)
[docs] def generate_star_map(self) -> None: """Generates a star topology using a single hub compound""" hub_node = Node( node_id=self.hub_compound.get_index_string(), node_hash=uuid.uuid4().hex, conformer=self.hub_compound.get_molecule(), ) for compound in self.compounds: end_node = Node( node_id=compound.get_index_string(), node_hash=uuid.uuid4().hex, conformer=compound.get_enumerations()[0] .get_conformers()[0] .get_molecule(), ) edge = Edge( node_from=hub_node, node_to=end_node, ) self.edges.append(edge) for node in self.nodes: self._attach_node_connectivity(node)
[docs] def parse_map_file(self, file_path: str) -> None: """Parse map from Schrodinger's fep_mapper log file, build internal graph representation + attach properties from fmp_stats, if provided :param str file_path: path to the fep_mapper.log file to extract the perturbation map from """ # we need to do some format enforcement here (schrodinger or otherwise) with open(file_path, "r") as f: data = f.readlines() start_node = self._get_line_idx(data, _SFE.NODE_HEADER_LINE) stop_node = self._get_line_idx(data, _SFE.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL) edge_info_start = self._get_line_idx(data, _SFE.SIMILARITY) # TODO: refactor that # clean up the data from schrodinger split_data = [] for line in data: split_line = line.split(" ") stripped_line = [] for element in split_line: if not element.isspace() and element: stripped_line.append(element.strip()) split_data.append(stripped_line) data = split_data self.node_df = pd.DataFrame( data[start_node + 3 : stop_node - 1], index=None, columns=[ "hash_id", "node_id", "Predicted dG", "Experimental dG", "Predicted Solvation dG", "Experimental Solvation dG", ], ) edge_info = pd.DataFrame( data[edge_info_start + 3 : -1], columns=[ "Short ID", "Total", "Mcs", "Charge", "SoftBond", "MinimumNumberOfAtom", "SnapCoreRmsd", "BidirectionSnapCore", ], ).dropna() for hash_id, node_id in zip(self.node_df["hash_id"], self.node_df["node_id"]): # map the hashes to the compound IDs self.hash_map[hash_id] = node_id node = Node( node_id=node_id, node_hash=hash_id, conformer=self._get_conformer_by_id(node_id), ) # generate the Node object to wrap the compound self.nodes.append(node) for _, edge in edge_info.iterrows(): edge = Edge( node_from=self._get_node_by_hash_id(edge[0].split("_")[0]), node_to=self._get_node_by_hash_id(edge[0].split("_")[1]), total=edge[1], mcs=edge[2], chg=edge[3], softbond=edge[4], min_no_atoms=edge[5], snapCoreRmsd=edge[6], bidirSnapCoreRmsd=edge[7], ) self.edges.append(edge) # process the node info, generate the hash map for node in self.nodes: self._attach_node_connectivity(node)
def _attach_node_connectivity(self, node: Node): # looks through the constructed edges, returns ids of any edges that have the specified node as one component connected_edges = [] for edge in self.edges: if ( edge.node_from.get_node_hash() == node.node_hash or edge.node_to.get_node_hash() == node.node_hash ): connected_edges.append(edge.get_edge_id()) node.node_connectivity = connected_edges def _get_node_by_node_id(self, node_id: str) -> Node: for node in self.nodes: if node.node_id == node_id: return node def _get_node_by_hash_id(self, hash_id: str) -> Node: for node in self.nodes: if node.node_hash == hash_id: return node
[docs] def get_edges(self, alive_only=True) -> List[Edge]: if alive_only: return [e for e in self.edges if e.status == _PE.STATUS_SUCCESS] else: return self.edges
[docs] def get_nodes(self) -> List[Node]: return self.nodes
[docs] def add_edge(self, edge: Edge) -> None: self.edges.append(edge)
[docs] def add_node(self, node: Node) -> None: self.nodes.append(node)
[docs] def visualise_perturbation_map(self, write_out_path: str) -> None: """Generate NetworkX graph for the parsed perturbation map :param str write_out_path: directory to write output file """ vmap = Network(directed=True) vmap.barnes_hut() # this is not an iterable for edge in self.edges: vmap.add_node( edge._get_source_node_name(), color=edge.node_from.get_node_color() ) vmap.add_node( edge._get_destination_node_name(), color=edge.node_to.get_node_color() ) vmap.add_edge( source=edge._get_source_node_name(), to=edge._get_destination_node_name(),, label="total: " + str(, title="Mcs: " + str(edge.mcs) + ", SnapCoreRMSD: ", ) self.vmap_output =, "vmap.html"))
# return self.vmap_output
[docs] def get_protein(self) -> GenericData: return self.protein
[docs] def get_edge_by_id(self, id: str) -> Optional[Edge]: """Lookup edge by identifier :param str id: edge hash to retrieve :return Optional[Edge]: Return the edge if found, else None """ # handle case where the task is actually a path to a batch script if not isinstance(id, Edge): parts = id.split("/") for part in parts: for e in self.edges: if part == e: id = e match = [e for e in self.edges if e.get_edge_id() == id] if not match: return else: return match[0]
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Icolos Perturbation Map object containing {len(self.edges)} edges and {len(self.nodes)} nodes" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__()