Source code for maize.core.node

Nodes are the individual atomic components of workflow graphs and encapsulate arbitrary
computational behaviour. They communicate with other nodes and the environment
only through ports, and expose parameters to the user. Custom behaviour is
implemented by subclassing and defining the `` method.


from abc import abstractmethod
from import Generator, Sequence
import importlib
import logging
import os
import random
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
from typing import Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from maize.core.component import Component
from maize.core.interface import (
from maize.core.runtime import (
from maize.utilities.execution import CommandRunner, JobResourceConfig, run_single_process
from maize.utilities.resources import cpu_count
from import ScriptSpecType, expand_shell_vars, remove_dir_contents
from maize.utilities.utilities import (
from maize.utilities.validation import Validator

    from maize.core.graph import Graph

log = logging.getLogger("build")

[docs] class NodeBuildException(Exception): """Exception raised for faulty `build` methods."""
[docs] class Node(Component, Runnable, register=False): """ Base class for all atomic (non-subgraph) nodes of a graph. Create a subclass to implement your own custom tasks. Parameters ---------- parent Parent component, typically the graph in context name The name of the component description An optional additional description fail_ok If True, the failure in the component will not trigger the whole network to shutdown n_attempts Number of attempts at executing the `run()` method level Logging level, if not given or ``None`` will use the parent logging level cleanup_temp Whether to remove any temporary directories after completion resume Whether to resume from a previous checkpoint logfile File to output all log messages to, defaults to STDOUT max_cpus Maximum number of CPUs to use, defaults to the number of available cores in the system max_gpus Maximum number of GPUs to use, defaults to the number of available GPUs in the system loop Whether to run the `run` method in a loop, as opposed to a single time initial_status The initial status of the node, will be ``NOT_READY`` by default, but can be set otherwise to indicate that the node should not be run. This would be useful when starting from a partially completed graph. max_loops Run the internal `loop` method a maximum number of `max_loops` times Attributes ---------- cpus Resource semaphore allowing the reservation of multiple CPUs gpus Resource semaphore allowing the reservation of multiple GPUs Examples -------- Subclassing can be done the following way: >>> class Foo(Node): ... out: Output[int] = Output() ... ... def run(self): ... self.out.send(42) """ python: FileParameter[Path] = FileParameter(default=Path(sys.executable)) """The path to the python executable to use for this node, allows custom environments""" modules: Parameter[list[str]] = Parameter(default_factory=list) """Modules to load in addition to ones defined in the configuration""" scripts: Parameter[ScriptSpecType] = Parameter(default_factory=dict) """ Additional script specifications require to run. Examples -------- >>> node.scripts.set({"interpreter": /path/to/python, "script": /path/to/script}) """ commands: Parameter[dict[str, Path]] = Parameter(default_factory=dict) """Custom paths to any commands""" batch_options: Parameter[JobResourceConfig | None] = Parameter(default=None, optional=True) """If given, will run commands on the batch system instead of locally""" # Making status a descriptor allows us to log status updates and # keep track of the timers when waiting on other nodes or resources status = StatusHandler()
[docs] def __init__( self, parent: Optional["Graph"] = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, fail_ok: bool = False, n_attempts: int = 1, level: int | str | None = None, cleanup_temp: bool = True, resume: bool = False, logfile: Path | None = None, max_cpus: int | None = None, max_gpus: int | None = None, loop: bool | None = None, max_loops: int = -1, initial_status: Status = Status.NOT_READY, ) -> None: super().__init__( parent=parent, name=name, description=description, fail_ok=fail_ok, n_attempts=n_attempts, level=level, cleanup_temp=cleanup_temp, resume=resume, logfile=logfile, max_cpus=max_cpus, max_gpus=max_gpus, loop=loop, ) self.status = initial_status # Run loops a maximum number of times, mostly to simplify testing self.max_loops = max_loops # For the signal handler self.n_signals = 0 # Construct the node I/O and check it makes sense self.check() # The full timer should measure the full execution time # no matter if there's a block or not self.run_timer = Timer() self.full_timer = Timer()
[docs] def setup_directories(self, parent_path: Path | None = None) -> None: """Sets up the required directories.""" if parent_path is None: parent_path = Path("./") self.work_dir = Path(parent_path / f"node-{}") self.work_dir.mkdir()
[docs] def build(self) -> None: """ Builds the node by instantiating all interfaces from descriptions. Examples -------- >>> class Foo(Node): ... def build(self): ... self.inp = self.add_input( ... "inp", datatype="pdb", description="Example input") ... self.param = self.add_parameter("param", default=42) """ docs = extract_attribute_docs(self.__class__) for name in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, name) if isinstance(attr, Interface): interface =, parent=self) interface.doc = docs.get(name, None) setattr(self, name, interface)
[docs] def check(self) -> None: """ Checks if the node was built correctly. Raises ------ NodeBuildException If the node didn't declare at least one port """ if len(self.inputs) == 0 and len(self.outputs) == 0: raise NodeBuildException(f"Node {} requires at least one port") if self.status == Status.NOT_READY: self.status = Status.READY
[docs] def check_dependencies(self) -> None: """ Check if all node dependencies are met by running the `prepare` method Raises ------ NodeBuildException If required callables were not found ImportError If required python packages were not found """ log.debug("Checking if required dependencies are available for '%s'...", run_single_process(self.prepare,, executable=self.python.filepath)
[docs] def check_parameters(self) -> None: """ Check if all required node parameters are set Raises ------ NodeBuildException If parameters were not set """ for name, param in self.parameters.items(): if not param.is_set and not param.optional: raise NodeBuildException( f"Parameter '{name}' of node '{}' needs to be set explicitly" )
[docs] def run_command( self, command: str | list[str], validators: Sequence[Validator] | None = None, verbose: bool = False, raise_on_failure: bool = True, command_input: str | None = None, pre_execution: str | list[str] | None = None, batch_options: JobResourceConfig | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, ) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]: """ Runs an external command. Parameters ---------- command Command to run as a single string, or a list of strings validators One or more `Validator` instances that will be called on the result of the command. verbose If ``True`` will also log any STDOUT or STDERR output raise_on_failure Whether to raise an exception when encountering a failure command_input Text string used as input for command pre_execution Command to run directly before the main one batch_options Job options for the batch system, if given, will attempt run on the batch system timeout Maximum runtime for the command in seconds, or unlimited if ``None`` Returns ------- subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes] Result of the execution, including STDOUT and STDERR Raises ------ ProcessError If any of the validators failed or the returncode was not zero Examples -------- To run a single command: >>> self.run_command("echo foo", validators=[SuccessValidator("foo")]) To run on a batch system, if configured: >>> self.run_command("echo foo", batch_options=JobResourceConfig(nodes=1)) """ self.status = Status.WAITING_FOR_COMMAND cmd = CommandRunner( working_dir=self.work_dir, validators=validators, raise_on_failure=raise_on_failure, prefer_batch=self.batch_options.is_set or batch_options is not None, rm_config=self.config.batch_config, ) if batch_options is None and self.batch_options.is_set: batch_options = self.batch_options.value res = cmd.run_validate( command=command, verbose=verbose, command_input=command_input, config=batch_options, pre_execution=pre_execution, timeout=timeout, ) self.status = Status.RUNNING return res
[docs] def run_multi( self, commands: Sequence[str | list[str]], working_dirs: Sequence[Path] | None = None, command_inputs: Sequence[str | None] | None = None, validators: Sequence[Validator] | None = None, verbose: bool = False, raise_on_failure: bool = True, n_jobs: int = 1, pre_execution: str | list[str] | None = None, batch_options: JobResourceConfig | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, ) -> list[subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]]: """ Runs multiple commands in parallel. Parameters ---------- commands Commands to run as a list of strings, or a nested list of strings working_dirs Working directories for each command command_inputs Text string used as input for each command validators One or more `Validator` instances that will be called on the result of the command. verbose If ``True`` will also log any STDOUT or STDERR output raise_on_failure Whether to raise an exception when encountering a failure n_jobs Number of processes to spawn at once, should generally be compatible with the number of available CPUs pre_execution Command to run directly before the main one batch_options Job options for the batch system, if given, will attempt run on the batch system timeout Maximum runtime for the command in seconds, or unlimited if ``None`` Returns ------- list[subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]] Result of the execution, including STDOUT and STDERR Raises ------ ProcessError If any of the validators failed or a returncode was not zero Examples -------- To run multiple commands, but only two at a time: >>> self.run_multi(["echo foo", "echo bar", "echo baz"], n_jobs=2) To run on a batch system, if configured (note that batch settings are per-command): >>> self.run_command(["echo foo", "echo bar"], batch_options=JobResourceConfig(nodes=1)) """ self.status = Status.WAITING_FOR_COMMAND batch = batch_options is not None or self.batch_options.is_set if n_jobs > cpu_count() and not batch: self.logger.warning( "Requested number of jobs (%s) is higher than available cores (%s)", n_jobs, cpu_count(), ) cmd = CommandRunner( validators=validators, raise_on_failure=raise_on_failure, prefer_batch=batch, rm_config=self.config.batch_config, ) reserved = n_jobs if not batch else 0 with self.cpus(reserved): res = cmd.run_parallel( commands=commands, working_dirs=working_dirs, command_inputs=command_inputs, verbose=verbose, n_jobs=n_jobs, validate=True, config=(batch_options or self.batch_options.value) if batch else None, pre_execution=pre_execution, timeout=timeout, ) self.status = Status.RUNNING return res
[docs] def prepare(self) -> None: """ Prepares the execution environment for `run`. Performs the following: * Changing the python environment, if required * Setting of environment variables * Setting of parameters from the config * Loading LMOD modules * Importing python packages listed in `required_packages` * Checking if software in `required_callables` is available """ # Change environment based on python executable set by `RunPool` python = self.node_config.python if not self.python.is_default: python = self.python.value change_environment(expand_shell_vars(python)) # Environment variables set_environment(self.config.environment) # Custom preset parameters config_params = self.node_config.parameters for key, val in config_params.items(): if key in self.parameters and not (param := self.parameters[key]).changed: param.set(val) # Load any required modules if possible from the global config, # they don't neccessarily have to contain the executable, but # might be required for running it if has_module_system(): load_modules(*self.node_config.modules) # And then locally defined ones for mod in self.modules.value: load_modules(mod) # Check we can import any required modules, now # that we might be in a different environment for package in self.required_packages: importlib.import_module(package) for exe in self.required_callables: # Prepare any interpreter - script pairs, prioritize local if exe in (script_dic := self.node_config.scripts | self.scripts.value): self.runnable[exe] = " ".join( expand_shell_vars(p).as_posix() for p in script_dic[exe].values() ) # Prepare custom command locations elif exe in (com_dic := self.node_config.commands | self.commands.value): self.runnable[exe] = expand_shell_vars(Path(com_dic[exe])).as_posix() # It's already in our $PATH elif shutil.which(exe) is not None: self.runnable[exe] = exe else: raise NodeBuildException( f"Could not find a valid executable for '{exe}'. Add an appropriate entry " f"in your global configuration under '[{self.__class__.__name__.lower()}]', " f"e.g. 'commands.{exe} = \"path/to/executable\"', " f"'scripts.{exe}.interpreter = \"path/to/interpreter\"' and " f"'scripts.{exe}.location = \"path/to/script\"' or " f"load an appropriate module with 'modules = [\"module_with_{exe}\"]'" )
[docs] def execute(self) -> None: """ This is the main entrypoint for node execution. Raises ------ KeyboardInterrupt If the underlying process gets interrupted or receives ``SIGINT`` """ # Prepare environment self.prepare() # This will hold a traceback-exception for sending to the main process tbe = None # Signal handler for interrupts will make sure the process has a chance # to shutdown gracefully, by setting the shutdown signal init_signal(self) # This replaces the build-logger with the process-safe message based logger self.logger = setup_node_logging(, logging_queue=self.logging_queue, level=self.level ) self.logger.debug("Using executable at") self.logger.debug("'%s'", sys.executable) os.chdir(self.work_dir) self.logger.debug("Running in '%s'", self.work_dir.as_posix()) # Wait a short random time to make testing more reliable, # this shouldn't matter in production too much time.sleep(random.random()) # The `run_timer` is controlled by the `StatusHandler` # descriptor, so no need to start it here self.full_timer.start() self.logger.debug("Starting up") try: # Main execution tbe = self._attempt_loop() finally: # We exhausted all our attempts, we now set the shutdown signal # (if the task is not allowed to fail, otherwise we don't care) if self.status == Status.FAILED and not self.fail_ok: self.signal.set() if tbe is not None: self.message_queue.put(tbe) run_time, full_time = self.run_timer.stop(), self.full_timer.stop() self.logger.debug("Shutting down, runtime: %ss", run_time) self.logger.debug("Shutting down, total time: %ss", full_time) # It's very important we shutdown all ports, # so other processes can follow suit self.shutdown() # The final update will have a completion status, indicating to # the master process that this node has finished processing self.send_update()
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Shuts down the component gracefully. This should not be called by the user directly, as it is called at node shutdown by `execute()`. """ if self.status not in (Status.STOPPED, Status.FAILED): self.status = Status.COMPLETED # Shutdown all ports, it's important that we do this for # every port, not just the ones that appear active, as # some port closures can only be performed on one side # (e.g. file channels can only be closed after the receiver # has moved the file out of the channel directory). for name, port in self.ports.items(): port.close() self.logger.debug("Closed port %s", name)
[docs] def cleanup(self) -> None: if self.cleanup_temp and self.work_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(self.work_dir) for inp in self.inputs.values(): if is not None:
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self) -> None: """ This is the main high-level node execution point. It should be overridden by the user to provide custom node functionality, and should return normally at completion. Exception handling, log message passing, and channel management are handled by the wrapping `execute` method. Examples -------- >>> class Foo(Node): ... def run(self): ... val = self.inp.receive() ... new = val * self.param.value ... self.out.send(new) """
def _loop(self, step: float = 0.5) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """ Allows continuous looping of the main routine, it handles graceful shutdown of the node and checks for changes in the run conditions. Do not use this function directly, instead pass ``loop=True`` to the component constructor. Parameters ---------- step Timestep in seconds to take between iterations Returns ------- Generator[None, None, None] Generator allowing infinite looping """ i = 0 while not self.signal.is_set(): # Inactive but required ports should stop the process if not self.ports_active(): self.logger.debug("Shutting down due to inactive port") self.status = Status.STOPPED self.shutdown() return # In a testing setup we will only execute a limited number # of times, as we are testing the node in isolation if self.max_loops > 0 and i >= self.max_loops: self.logger.debug("Maximum loops reached (%s/%s)", i, self.max_loops) return i += 1 time.sleep(step) yield def _iter_run(self, cleanup: bool = False) -> None: """ Runs the node (in a loop if `self.looped` is set). Parameters ---------- cleanup Whether to remove working directory contents between iterations """ if self.looped: for _ in self._loop(): if cleanup: self.logger.debug("Removing all items in '%s'", self.work_dir.absolute()) remove_dir_contents(self.work_dir) else: def _attempt_loop(self) -> traceback.TracebackException | None: """ Attempt to execute the `run` method multiple times. Internal use only. Returns ------- TracebackException | None Object containing a traceback in case of an error encountered in `run` Raises ------ KeyboardInterrupt If the underlying process gets interrupted or receives ``SIGINT`` """ tbe = None for attempt in range(self.n_attempts): # Reset the status in case of failure self.status = Status.RUNNING try: self._iter_run(cleanup=True) # Raised to immediately quit a node in the case of a dead input, # as we want to avoid propagating ``None`` while the graph is # shutting down except PortInterrupt as inter: self.logger.debug("Port '%s' shutdown, exiting now...", self.status = Status.STOPPED break # This could come from the system or ctrl-C etc. and # should always abort any attempts except KeyboardInterrupt:"Received interrupt") self.status = Status.STOPPED # This should have been set if we're here, just making sure self.signal.set() raise # Error in run() except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.status = Status.FAILED msg = "Attempt %s of %s failed due to exception" self.logger.error(msg, attempt + 1, self.n_attempts, exc_info=err) # Save the traceback to send to the main process in the 'finally' # block, as we don't yet know whether to raise or fail silently # and (maybe) try again tbe = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(err) # Can we even start up again? Check if ports are still open if not self.ports_active(): self.logger.error("Cannot restart due to closed ports") self.signal.set() break # Success else: if self.n_attempts > 1:"Attempt %s of %s succeeded", attempt + 1, self.n_attempts) break return tbe
[docs] class LoopedNode(Node): """Node variant that loops its `run` method by default"""
[docs] def __init__( self, max_loops: int = -1, initial_status: Status = Status.NOT_READY, **kwargs: Any ): super().__init__(max_loops=max_loops, initial_status=initial_status, **kwargs, loop=True)