Source code for maize.steps.mai.docking.glide

"""Schrodinger GLIDE docking interface"""

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, import-error

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated, Literal, Any

import pytest

from maize.core.interface import Input, Output, Parameter, Suffix
from maize.utilities.testing import TestRig
from maize.utilities.validation import SuccessValidator, FileValidator
from maize.steps.mai.common.schrodinger import Schrodinger, has_license
from maize.utilities.chem import (

GlideConfigType = dict[str, str | int | float | bool | Path]

def _write_glide_input(path: Path, data: GlideConfigType) -> None:
    """Writes a GLIDE ``.in`` input file"""
    with"w") as file:
        for key, value in data.items():
            match value:
                case Path():
                    file.write(f"{key.upper()}  {value.as_posix()}\n")
                case _:
                    file.write(f"{key.upper()}  {value}\n")

[docs] class Glide(Schrodinger): """ Calls Schrodinger's GLIDE to dock small molecules. Notes ----- Due to Schrodinger's licensing system, each call to a tool requires going through Schrodinger's job server. This is run separately for each job to avoid conflicts with a potentially running main server. See Also -------- :class:`~maize.steps.mai.docking.Vina` : A popular open-source docking program :class:`~maize.steps.mai.docking.AutoDockGPU` : Another popular open-source docking tool with GPU support """ N_LICENSES = 4 DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NAME = "glide" GLIDE_SCORE_TAG = "r_i_docking_score" required_callables = ["glide"] inp: Input[list[IsomerCollection]] = Input() """Molecules to dock""" inp_grid: Input[Annotated[Path, Suffix("zip")]] = Input() """Previously prepared GLIDE grid file""" ref_ligand: Input[Isomer] = Input(optional=True) """Optional reference ligand""" out: Output[list[IsomerCollection]] = Output() """Docked molecules with poses and energies included""" precision: Parameter[Literal["SP", "XP", "HTVS"]] = Parameter(default="SP") """GLIDE docking precision""" keywords: Parameter[GlideConfigType] = Parameter(default_factory=dict) """ Additional GLIDE keywords to use, see the `GLIDE documentation <>`_ for details. """ def run(self) -> None: mols = self.inp.receive() inp_file = Path("input.sdf") grid_obj = self.inp_grid.receive() config: GlideConfigType = { "GRIDFILE": grid_obj.as_posix(), "PRECISION": self.precision.value, "LIGANDFILE": inp_file, "POSE_OUTTYPE": "ligandlib_sd", "POSES_PER_LIG": 4, "COMPRESS_POSES": False, "NOSORT": True, } config.update(self.keywords.value) # Optional reference ligand if self.ref_ligand.is_set: ref_path = Path("ref.sdf") ref = self.ref_ligand.receive() ref.to_sdf(ref_path)"Using reference ligand '%s'", ref.to_smiles()) config["REF_LIGAND_FILE"] = ref_path config["USE_REF_LIGAND"] = True config["CORE_RESTRAIN"] = True config["CORE_DEFINITION"] = "mcssmarts" save_sdf_library(inp_file, mols, split_strategy="schrodinger") glide_inp_file = Path("") _write_glide_input(glide_inp_file, config) self.logger.debug("Prepared GLIDE input for %s molecules", len(mols)) # Wait for licenses"Waiting for %s licenses...", self.N_LICENSES * self.n_jobs.value) key = "GLIDE_XP_DOCKING" if self.precision.value == "XP" else "GLIDE_SP_DOCKING" self.guard.wait(key, number=self.N_LICENSES * self.n_jobs.value) # Run"Found licenses, docking...") output = Path(f"{self.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NAME}_raw.sdf") command = ( f"{self.runnable['glide']} -HOST {} -WAIT " f"-NJOBS {self.n_jobs.value} -JOBNAME {self.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_NAME} " f"{glide_inp_file.as_posix()}" ) self.run_command(command, validators=[SuccessValidator("JobId:"), FileValidator(output)])"Parsing output") docked = load_sdf_library(output, split_strategy="schrodinger") for mol in docked: for iso in mol.molecules: iso.score_tag = self.GLIDE_SCORE_TAG mols = merge_libraries(mols, docked) self.out.send(mols)
# From IcolosData @pytest.fixture def grid(shared_datadir: Any) -> Any: return shared_datadir / "" @pytest.mark.skipif(not has_license(), reason="No Schrodinger license found") class TestSuiteGlide: def test_Glide( self, temp_working_dir: Any, test_config: Any, example_smiles: Any, grid: Any ) -> None: rig = TestRig(Glide, config=test_config) inputs = [IsomerCollection.from_smiles(smi) for smi in example_smiles] for inp in inputs: inp.embed() res = rig.setup_run(inputs={"inp": [inputs]}, parameters={"inp_grid": grid}) mols = res["out"].get() assert mols is not None assert len(mols) == 5 assert mols[0].molecules[0].n_conformers == 4 assert -8 < mols[0].molecules[0].scores[0] < -5 assert mols[0].n_isomers == 1