aizynthfinder.context.scoring package


aizynthfinder.context.scoring.collection module

Module containing classes used to score the reaction routes.

class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.collection.ScorerCollection(config)

Bases: ContextCollection

Store scorer objects for the aizynthfinder interface.

The scorers can be obtained by name with simple indexing

scorers = ScorerCollection()
scorer = scorers['state score']

Scorers defined in this module and that does not require any other argument to initialize than the config are auto-loaded.


config (Configuration) – the configuration of the tree search


Setup the scores that only need the config as their input.

Return type:


load(scorer, silent=False)

Add a pre-initialized scorer object to the collection

  • scorer (Scorer) – the item to add

  • silent (bool) – if True will not write out the name of the loaded scorer

Return type:



Load one or several scorers from a configuration dictionary

The keys are the name of scorer class. If a scorer is not defined in the aizynthfinder.context.scoring module, the module name can be appended, e.g. mypackage.scoring.AwesomeScore.

The values of the configuration is passed directly to the scorer class along with the config parameter.


ScorerException – if module or class could not be found


scorers_config (Any)

Return type:



Make a new scorer collection by taking a subset of this collection. The scorer instances will be shared between the collections


subset_names (List[str]) – the scorers to copy over


the newly formed collection

Return type:



Return a list of the names of all the loaded scorers

Return type:



Return a list of all the loaded scorer objects

Return type:



For the given item, score it with all selected scorers and return a vector


item (_Scoreable) – the item to be scored


the vector with the scores

Return type:


weighted_score(item, weights)

For the given item, score it with all selected scorers and return a weighted sum of all the scores.

If weights is not the same length as the number of scorers an exception is raised.

If no scorers are selected this will raise an exception

  • item (_Scoreable) – the item to be scored

  • weights (Sequence[float]) – the weights of the scorers


the weighted sum

Return type:


aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers module

Module containing classes used to score the reaction routes.

class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.SquashScaler(slope, xoffset, yoffset)

Bases: object

Squash function loosely adapted from a sigmoid function with parameters to modify and offset the shape

  • slope (float) – the slope of the midpoint

  • xoffset (float) – the offset of the midpoint along the x-axis

  • yoffset (float) – the offset of the curve along the y-axis

slope: float
xoffset: float
yoffset: float
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.MinMaxScaler(min_val, max_val, reverse, scale_factor=1)

Bases: object

Scaling function that normalises the value between 0 - 1, the reverse variable controls the direction of scaling, reverse should set to be true for rewards that need to be minimised the scale_factor could be used to adjust the scores when they are too small or too big

  • val – the value that is being scaled

  • min_val (float) – minimum val param val could take

  • max_val (float) – maximum val param val could take

  • scale_factor (float) – scaling factor applied to the minmax scaled output

  • reverse (bool)

min_val: float
max_val: float
reverse: bool
scale_factor: float = 1
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.Scorer(config=None, scaler_params=None)

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for classes that do scoring on MCTS-like nodes or reaction trees.

The actual scoring is done be calling an instance of a scorer class with a Node or ReactionTree object as only argument.

scorer = MyScorer()
score = scorer(node1)

You can also give a list of such objects to the scorer

scorer = MyScorer()
scores = scorer([node1, node2])
  • config (Optional[Configuration]) – the configuration the tree search

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict]) – the parameter settings of the scaler

scorer_name = 'base'

Sort nodes or reaction trees in descending order based on the score


items (_Scoreables) – the items to sort


the sorted items and their scores

Return type:

Tuple[_Scoreables, Sequence[float], Sequence[int]]

class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.StateScorer(config, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the state score

scorer_name = 'state score'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.MaxTransformScorerer(config=None, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the maximum transform

  • config (Optional[Configuration])

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict])

scorer_name = 'max transform'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.FractionInStockScorer(config, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the fraction in stock

scorer_name = 'fraction in stock'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.NumberOfReactionsScorer(config=None, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the number of reaction it took to get to a node

  • config (Optional[Configuration])

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict])

scorer_name = 'number of reactions'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.NumberOfPrecursorsScorer(config=None, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the number of pre-cursors in a node or route

  • config (Optional[Configuration])

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict])

scorer_name = 'number of pre-cursors'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.NumberOfPrecursorsInStockScorer(config, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the number of pre-cursors in stock a node or route

scorer_name = 'number of pre-cursors in stock'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.AverageTemplateOccurrenceScorer(config=None, scaler_params=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring the nodes based on the average occurrence of the templates used to get to a node

  • config (Optional[Configuration])

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict])

scorer_name = 'average template occurrence'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.PriceSumScorer(config, scaler_params=None, default_cost=1.0, not_in_stock_multiplier=10)

Bases: Scorer

Scorer that sums the prices of all pre-cursors

  • config (Configuration)

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict])

  • default_cost (float)

  • not_in_stock_multiplier (int)

scorer_name = 'sum of prices'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.RouteCostScorer(config, scaler_params=None, reaction_cost=1, average_yield=0.8, default_cost=1, not_in_stock_multiplier=10)

Bases: PriceSumScorer

Score based on the cost of molecules and reactions. From Badowski et al. Chem Sci. 2019, 10, 4640

  • config (Configuration)

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict])

  • reaction_cost (int)

  • average_yield (float)

  • default_cost (int)

  • not_in_stock_multiplier (int)

scorer_name = 'route cost'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.ReactionClassMembershipScorer(config, reaction_class_set, in_set_score=1.0, not_in_set_score=0.1)

Bases: Scorer

Scorer that checks if the reaction classes are in a specified set

The score is calculated as product over each reaction. For each reaction the reaction classification is checked if it is in a given list of classes.

  • config (Configuration)

  • reaction_class_set (Sequence[str])

  • in_set_score (float)

  • not_in_set_score (float)

class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.StockAvailabilityScorer(config, source_score, default_score=0.1, other_source_score=None)

Bases: Scorer

Scorer that computes score based on the stock availability of the starting material

The score is calculated as a product of a stock score per starting material. The stock score for each molecule is based on the source of the stock, or a default value if the molecule is not in stock. The other_source_score parameter can be used to distinguish between “not in stock” and “not in the specificed sources” cases.

  • config (Configuration)

  • source_score (StrDict)

  • default_score (float)

  • other_source_score (Optional[float])

class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.BrokenBondsScorer(config)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes and reaction trees based on the breaking of atom bonds

The score is a summation of the depths in the tree where the focussed bonds are found to break in the reaction. If a focussed bond is found to be unbroken in the entire tree, the total length of the tree will be added to the score.


config (Configuration)

scorer_name = 'broken bonds'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.RouteSimilarityScorer(config, routes_path, model_path, scaler_params=None, agg_func='min', similarity=False)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring based on an LSTM model for computing Tree Edit Distance to a set of reference routes.

  • config (Configuration) – the configuration of the tree search

  • routes_path (str) – the filename of a JSON file with reference routes

  • model_path (str) – the filename of a checkpoint file with the LSTM model

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict]) – the parameter settings of the scaler

  • agg_func (str) – the name of numpy function used to aggregate the distances to the reference routes

  • similarity (bool) – if True, will compute similarity score else distance scores

scorer_name = 'route similarity'
class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.DeltaSyntheticComplexityScorer(config, sc_score_model, scaler_params=None, horizon=3)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes based on the delta-synthetic-complexity of the node and its parent ‘horizon’ steps up in the tree.

  • config (Configuration) – the configuration the tree search

  • sc_score_model (str) – the path to the SCScore model

  • scaler_params (Optional[StrDict]) – the parameter settings of the scaler, defaults to max-min between -1.5 and 4

  • horizon (int) – the number of steps backwards to look for parent molecule

scorer_name: str = 'delta-SC score'
sc_deltas(mols, parents)

Calculate delta SC-score among the list of mol-parent pairs.

Params mols:

the leaves of the tree

  • parents (_Molecules) – the parent of the leaves

  • mols (_Molecules)


the pair-wise difference in SCScore

Return type:


class aizynthfinder.context.scoring.scorers.CombinedScorer(config, scorers, weights=None)

Bases: Scorer

Class for scoring nodes and reaction trees by combining weighted scores from a list of scorers

If no weights are provided as input, the scorer provides default weights that are equal for all input scorers.

The CombinedScorer cannot be instantiated from the config file as it requires the names of the scorers to combine as input.

  • config (Configuration)

  • scorers (Sequence[str])

  • weights (Optional[Sequence[float]])

Module contents

Sub-package containing scoring routines